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Every evening gather several thousand visitors in Oia, to enjoy the famous Santorini sunset. However, the best atmosphere comes when most visitors have left the place and the blue hour begins.


Jeden Abend versammeln sich einige tausend Besucher in Oia, um den berühmtesten Sonnenuntergang auf Santorini zu geniessen. Die beste Stimmung kommt allerdings erst, wenn die meisten Besucher den Ort verlassen haben und die blaue Stunde beginnt.


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Church of the Transfiguration of Our Savior on Ilyina Street, 1374 y.

November morning at the Moselle near Trier-Ehrang.

Before a weather change, there are often spectacular colors just before sunrise.


Novembermorgen an der Mosel nahe Trier-Ehrang.

Vor einer Wetteränderung gibt es häufig spektakuläre Farben kurz vor Sonnenaufgang.


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Enjoying a good scratch in the late afternoon sun.


Taken at Myakka River State Park, Florida.

Last Rays of Wintersun and dancing Fog

We had an early snow fall on the Grand Mesa a couple of nights ago. It was beautiful.

"Fai vedere al tuo sogno che veramente ci tieni a incontrarlo, senza pretendere che lui faccia tutta la strada da solo per arrivare fino a te, poi le cose accadono. I sogni hanno bisogno di sapere che siamo coraggiosi"


Fabio Volo

dal libro "Un posto nel mondo"


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What do you think when you say Death Valley? For me is something like this, or close to this. A place where everything is far from alive or close to Death. But, when the night falls, not everything is dead.

Le Moulin Gustot : moulin à vent d’Opprebais


Les origines du moulin à vent d’Opprebais remontent à 1826. A cette époque

fut construit, par un certain Rosy, un moulin en bois.


C’est en 1854 que le moulin à vent fut reconstruit en briques par des

meuniers, les frères Gustot (d’où également l’appellation de moulin

Gustot). Il est resté en activité jusqu’en 1927.


Ce fut ensuite le déclin, le moulin subit de nombreuses dégradations au fil

du temps.


En 1960, le moulin fut racheté et le nouveau propriétaire procéda à sa

restauration complète.

Maynooth, County Kildare, Ireland.

On my way to rifugio Puez with, in the far distance, the Sella group (top left), Sassolungo and the Alpe di Siusi. More on the Dolomites at

En este mundo

que parece inmutable

agua y roca hechas uno,

se que esas gotas volverán a correr

para unirse de nuevo.

Hücker Moor on a frosty evening in early January, Ostwestfalen, Germany

Autumn at the lake Uklei

Small port at the Dümmer See, Lower Saxony, Germany

Christmas is less than a fortnight away and nature here in Ostwestfalen is like early Spring. We used Sunday afternoon for an extended hiking tour around home waters of the river Werre in the Löhne area.

(3 image HDR) Just an evening landscape capture..


HBM.. Have a great week ahead.. thanks for any comments left..

Schloss Muskau (Muskau palace) is a schloss in the Görlitz district in Saxony, Germany. It is known for its extended park, the Muskau Park, a World Heritage Site from 2 July 2004. Muskau Park is the largest and one of the most famous English gardens in Central Europe. -


Schloss Muskau ist eine bedeutende Schlossanlage im Norden des sächsischen Landkreises Görlitz. Weltweit bekannt ist das Schlossensemble durch seine Lage im Fürst-Pückler-Park in Bad Muskau. Die Parkanlage gehört seit dem 2. Juli 2004 zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe.


Ringköbing Fjord near Nymindegab in Spring, Jylland, Denmark

++++++++++Thank you again for your kind support of my Wordsworth inspired image++++++++++++

Vivid reflections ? on the River Tyne - by the Millenium Bridge, Newcastle

The Fünffingerspitze and Grohmannspitze - View from the Passo Sella

Between hoarfrost, mist and sun on the river Lieser near Wittlich in the area Neumühle.

Panorama of 6 vertical shots, overall size 12387 x 6968 pixels, 80 MB jpg.


Zwischen Raureif, Nebel und Sonne an dem Flüsschen Lieser nahe Wittlich im Bereich Neumühle.

Panorama aus 6 vertikalen Fotos, Gesamtgröße Original 12387 x 6968 Pixel, 80 MB JPG.


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A Night View of Leh, in Ladakh. Doesn't seem exactly a remote outpost in the Hymalaian mountain range, but it is.

The Sutro Baths in San Francisco opened in 1896 as the world’s largest indoor swimming pool complex with 6 saltwater pools, 1 freshwater pool, a 2700-seat amphitheater, and an ice skating rink. However, due to high operating costs and a fire in 1966 when the building was already in the process of being torn down, the only structures that remain are now in ruins. Today the Sutro Baths is maintained by the US National Park Service and is a scenic hiking area for locals and tourists alike.


I visited the Sutro Baths on a cool windy September day. Unfortunately, I arrived just before sunset and spent the remaining time taking pictures that I didn’t really have much time to explore the surrounding areas. I hear to the right of the picture near the rocks that there’s a tunnel leading to the other side of the rocks. There’s also a great deal of hiking trails behind my view that lead all the way to the Golden Gate Bridge. The most surprising part to me was the baths were only torn down 50 years ago as the ruins appeared much older and reminded me of some Roman baths in the UK and Italy.

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Berwick-upon-Tweed is a town in the county of Northumberland. It is the northernmost town in England. It is located 2 1⁄2 miles (4 km) south of the Scottish border, at the mouth of the River Tweed on the east coast.


Submitted: 06/06/2016

Accepted: 14/06/2016



- Associated Newspapers Online (United Kingdom (Great Britain)) 27-Oct-2016

- Immediate Media Company London (United Kingdom (Great Britain)) 06-Jan-2022

An old settlers cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, USA. Early autumn

Blauwe bos, Haulerwijk, The Netherlands

Surrounded by trees ...


The Rochdale canal in the Calder valley nearing Mytholmroyd

I am sure you all know by now that I like shots with trees, mist and reflections, hence the title. I liked this view as the mist was even softening the trees on the oppostie bank which were only a short distance away.

Great late Summer here in East-Westphalia. Fine sunset at the Hücker Moor near Spenge, Ostwestfalen, Germany.

The Hücker Moor is a nice little lake in the Herford area (Northwest Germany). Peat was cut here more than a century ago and created this lovely landscape. Today the place is a great place for wildlife and worth a trip for the local population in all seasons.

Church Rock, Broadhaven,Pembrokeshire, Wales

Back in Scotland for today's photos. This was taken yesterday at Loch Ard. Its starting to get very autumnul here.

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