View allAll Photos Tagged family

Soul Glow Activator loves Nikon's Wireless flash system. Or I do, at any rate.


For this composition, I really to do a strong diagonal between Soul Glow and the drum kit. Thank goodness for the 14-24mm.


The way Wookie was resting his arm on Mojo just cracked me up.

"For nothing is fixed, forever and forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have. The sea rises, the light fails, lovers cling to each other, and children cling to us. The moment we cease to hold each other, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out."

~James Baldwin


Palm Sunday today; but also April Fools. That doesn't happen very often.


My family, my home, my goong = Palace

Day 163: My Big Family


Về nhà nội :) hôm nay nhà nội đông đủ anh chị em quá ^^ Chú Út mới từ US về, pé Moon và anh Tí cũng mới về từ AUS :X


Đông dzuiiiiii. Trong hình là đại gia đình của mình ^^, mà chỉ mới có 1/2 thôi đó :)) vào đủ chắc ống wide cũng chụp ko nổi =]]


P/s: Tin ngoài lể: [tấm số 3 :))]

I love to be with my family back in Denmark.

The warm glow says welcome home.

My son Alec ready to go in at the Boy Scouts swimming party.

30 Days of Gratitude 30/30: I am grateful for my family. Time with them builds fond memories, brings laughter and, sometimes tears...and it nourishes my soul.

Found in an abandoned house

Just the one cup, saucer and plate given to me by my great grandmother when I was born. I like how the saucer is deep enough to use for drinking, which apparently people did when the tea was too hot to drink it from the cup.

Today the Hereios of the We're Here group are visiting the

Crockery group.

My computer is i thought i'd post some LOVE....


Artwork and photo by

Keely Murphy © 2006


2171 42b No local family so looked about the house for some family time during this pandemic..... My Matryoshka dolls seemed to fit the bill. #flickrfriday #FamilyTime

“You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.” -Bishop Desmond Tutu


The image was made from the ashes expelled from the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines. A token given to us by our newest family friend :-)

I made a chalk drawing of my family before going to church, I hope it doesn't rain before anyone gets to see it.


At the top are my Grandma and Grandpa and my Grandmere.

Underneath is mummy and daddy, By mummy is her sisters and my aunts Linda and Heidi. Over the other side is the Bishop and her son B'jorn. at the bottom are my sisters Juliette, Dorlota and Sarki and then ME!!!

A family sunset, De Koog, Texel, Netherlands, 2019

Mother Duck,watching over her new Family.

It was a long time coming and a lot of hard work preping the foundation but my modular home made its way here up north back in the fall all 1800sq. ft. of it.


From a photoshoot this past weekend

Taken at Burnham On Sea in Somerset, UK. :)

A friend, Bozena, whom we'd met through social media accompanied us to Boyce Thompson Arboretum yesterday and took this photo of Jean, Jasper and me. In this part of the state, leaves start to turn and drop in December (or a little earlier at Boyce Thompson because it's a bit higher elevation). But some nice color and a wonderful time spent with a friend, sharing a love for photography, the great outdoors and dogs. (photo credit to Bozena Pilat -

A wonderful day with my son.

Enjoying a good meal and especially his company. I love this son so much..... ♥♥♥


Using a hairbase from : - Mister Razzor


A family crossing the road to another part of the forest.


Given an oil painting treatment.

My previous post was u 27 years ago, so I thought I'd post a more current photo for reference 😎

In the South, family reunions are a wonderful time to come together and enjoy talking about whatever. It's a happy time, with laughter, smiles and simple games, as you can see in this picture. I've learned not to take these special occasions for granted anymore. After all, it's not our possessions that make us happy. It's our loved ones and our relationships that make our lives worthwhile.

Portrait shoot with family friends

Make sure to click on my BLOG to see lots more of Miss Lucy and her family.

Melaka, Malaysia


Free to download under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs copyright. Thank you for following me on my photographic journey.

Can't look,

Can't not look

Sneznik, Slovenia (5892 ft / 1796 m)


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