View allAll Photos Tagged family

At the coast - Micheal,Vic Jr,Cheryle,Carmen,Chris,Thalia

My brother Chris, age 4, and me, age 5. Probably shot in Montgomery, Ala. Yes, that's a coonskin cap he's wearing, not a protopunk hairstyle. It was the 1950s, and Davy Crockett was all the rage.


(From a batch of old family photos I received in the mail recently from a cousin who found me on the Internet. )

Here's some we made earlier - finger puppets (C)2011 Mike Johnson Mikeseye Photographic

Easter 2009


Easter 2009 vangs

Families joined us for four nights of science fun!

silhouett of happy family at sunset.

Welcome to Mexico Family Camp's Flickr Photo Album

Christmas Eve with Everyone

What do you guys think, do they make a good little family? :)

Our Family get together...

The family gets together during the summer for a big picnic.

Ditte made a good investment when she bought that grill.

Went to a family reunion on my mom's side of the famiy. so many people I never met before.

This is how "crazy" Uncle Dave got his nickname.

Legacy Luncheon

Photo by Liberty Parks

family photo of Margaret Crockett provided by daughter for use in memorial service

The Family (1960, bronze) by Charles Umlauf: this piece is a 1/3rd study for a larger statue, located outside of the Rec McCoombs Business School at the University of Texas at Austin.


The Umlauf Sculpture Garden and Museum in Zilker Park houses 130 drawings, sculptures and designs by sculptor Charles Umlauf. Born in Michigan, Umlauf moved to Austin in 1941 and became a professor at the University of Texas. He donated his studio and many of his works to the city. There are more Umlauf sculptures on public display in Texas than by any other artist.

Summer vacation at the lake during 3rd year of medical school.

Marie & Fauve my Middie Blythe

1975. Toki playing with Suzy II in our back yard in Ipswich,

England. Used Canonflex RM and Supercanomatic 100mm

f/2.0 lens handheld.

Hunter at St. John's school in Mattoon, Illinois on Febuary 15, 2012. (Jay Grabiec)

Compliments of

These full size images can be downloaded for personal use or Conbust and Steampunk Family promotion.

This was taken from a dock on Big Ole Lake in northern Minnesota. It is a very pretty spot and I am fortunate to have a family cabin on the lake.

Мany lao families have at least one motobike, there go to school, make shooping, move all i can imagine.


Многие лаосские семьи имеют как минимум один мотобайк, на котором они кажется проводят половину своей жизни: ездят в школу, совершают покупки и перевозят все, что вы себе даже не можете представить.

Max rushes back to the giant slide at the Gaithersburg pool, June 17th, 2005

Here's another photoshoot that I haven't publicly shared before. I loved this photoshoot so much and the lil toddler that was a part of the family. Such a happy lil kid!

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