View allAll Photos Tagged family

Emma at 9months with her big cousin Michele

Santa Monica Pier Arcade, Santa Monica, California


Ezra 1:5

Then the family heads of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests and Levites—everyone whose heart God had moved—prepared to go up and build the house of the Lord in Jerusalem.

Kumizhi, Tamilnadu

With this shot we have wished the Christmas day to our family and friends. I love this shot! I love my family

Columbia Road Flower Market

Not "my" family, but one of my favorite families!


Merry Christmas to all.



To meet old friends was realy fun for me. This picture is one of severals i did at this weekend.


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Fourth floor at hospital

Looking towards the horizon…

Caught sight of my sweetheart

I couldn’t help to think: What goes through your mind…when diagnosis is not what you expected?

He’s the love of my life; always has always will be~


Good morning beautiful


"Good Morning Beautiful"

Good morning, beautiful, how was your night?

Mine was wonderful with you by my side

And when I open my eyes to see your sweet face

It's a good morning, beautiful day


I couldn't see the light, I didn't know day from night

I had no reason to care

Well, since you've came along, I can face the dawn

'Cause I know, you'll be there


Good morning, beautiful, how was your night?

Mine was wonderful with you by my side

And when I open my eyes to see your sweet face

It's a good morning, beautiful day


I never worry if it's raining outside

'Cause in here with you, girl, the sun always shines


Good morning, beautiful, how was your night?

Mine was wonderful with you by my side

And when I open my eyes to see your sweet face

It's a good morning, beautiful day


Hmm, good morning, beautiful day

Hmm, it's a beautiful day

(Good morning beautiful, good morning beautiful)

Good morning, what a beautiful day

(Good morning beautiful, good morning beautiful)


That is all you need during some hard times. Find out where to get these adorable items from Tiny Trinkets in my new blog post:

left tow is CP, right two is Brother

Hopefully the older folk did not have a pain in the neck afterwards

For me the best with holidays is "family". Like the Hawaiian meaning of ohana, for me family is people blood related, adoptive or intentional. Represented here by this family of bone china turtles. (Macro Monday theme the best with holidays.)

We're Here! : mirror mirror on the pic


Running out of ideas for your 365 project? Join We're Here!


Strobist: AB1600 with gridded 60X30 softbox camera right. Triggered by Cybersync

Farewell Brianna we will miss you .

Family time at Fresh Basket.

A friend, Bozena, whom we'd met through social media accompanied us to Boyce Thompson Arboretum yesterday and took this photo of Jean, Jasper and me. In this part of the state, leaves start to turn and drop in December (or a little earlier at Boyce Thompson because it's a bit higher elevation). But some nice color and a wonderful time spent with a friend, sharing a love for photography, the great outdoors and dogs. (photo credit to Bozena Pilat -

The Kennedys meet the Corleones. I'm guessing 1968.

This heartwarming family portrait was taken on a recent visit to Apex Park, Burnham. Great Crested Grebes,Podiceps cristatus. Had a few family commitments of my own of late,so not been posting. Kind regards everyone.............Len,

Pastel drawing by Alfred Neumann. Photograph by Conrad Gallant.

.. ou la fierté de la famille. Normandie, vers 1920

presumed Citroën B2 , French family -


scan from original 9x12 glass plate. not retouched.

Family skiing at Angel Fire Resort | New Mexico

Just a little sunday morning tv time with the fam

David Pinkerton Photography | Facebook


I've done this shot several times before but we've added a new member of the family since last time so I thought we were due for an update. First portrait with the new D800.


Strobist: SB-800 in Lumiquest Softbox LTp, camera right; SB-800 in Lumiquest Softbox III above for hair light. All fired by pop-up flash through CLS.

Heemtuin Capelle a/d IJssel (NL), 23 oktober 2011


Pholiota squarrosa

NL: Schubbige bundelzwam

E: Shaggy scalycap, the shaggy Pholiota, or the scaly Pholiota

D: Sparriger Schüppling

F: Pholiote écailleuse

family at Glenbrook Pool; cousins, Rachie and Henrietta, with Grandpa.

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