View allAll Photos Tagged dog









*Leica M-P *Noctilux 50mm f/1.0

A street dog walk in the streets of San Cristobal de Las Casas, Mexico.

...of a little "beast"

beside the agility tournament

Sitting with the backpack, alert and watching. Nearly eleven years old.

he's my new puppy

yup a liver spotted Dalmatian

I think his name is Biscuit, but I'm not convinced

Saxon has been a good big brother of course


Contentment and confidence - a dog that can hunt and love...

[SOOC, f/1.4, ISO 100, shutter speed 1/400]

Dave 7/10/2003 - 29/10/2017

I can't stop licking one spot so I have to wear this cone while the medicine work.

Tuvaaq the Alaskan Malamute

Obviously, it's been another hard day.


Decided to leave the fuzzy stuff on the right side in the picture. Courtesy of the cat.

No mods at all to this pic.

Oh, and the year is actually 2014.


That's as far as I could back up without opening the front door and let in a blast of cold air or changing lenses and ruining the moment.

Processed with VSCO with c6 preset

there is always a dog happy to see you ... wherever you go

ready to play ... ready to eat

and of course ... ready for a cute picture


siempre hay algun perro feliz de verte .. donde quiera que vayas

listo para jugar ... listo para comer

y obviamente ... listo para una foto tiernita

Just because s/he's gorgeous - a canal boat dog we saw today while walking along the Regents Canal in London!

Unfortunately, our old and only dog died few days ago ... :'(


We was so sad that we decided to take a new one, to fill in the gap left behind him ...


So we're going to adopt this cute little yorkshire dog :) She's 1month and a half old now and I'm going to take her on february ^^ Her name is Amy.


*not my pic*

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