View allAll Photos Tagged dog

This is Monty a golden labrador who was part of the menagerie at one of the B&B's we stayed in whilst in Normandy.

She is my frist dog ever, my biggest dream that came true and changed my life. I started photographing because of her. She is best model ever, and It's something I want to show you in this album... <3 She is perfect for cute portraits, funny shots, black&white mood, perfect for studio shooting. Always happy to pose. Always professional and beautiful. Thank you Kiara for those 12 years and Happy Birthday <3 If you have some favorite photo of her post it in the comments, I am very curious and I want to post more albums with her photos soon because of that anniversary! <3


BTW - most of those shots were unpublished before so enjoy!

spectator gaypride parade

[SOOC, f/1.4, ISO 320, shutter speed 1/640, -2/3 EV]

It was time to look for somewhere (dog-friendly) to eat lunch, so we headed back to the shops. On our way back we spotted a Corgi-like dog laying on the side of the road. As we passed by and talked gently to it, and elderly woman tried to call it back. It slowly got up and ambled up to Lina.


The woman stopped talking to her neighbours and came over and we had a lovely conversation with her. She told us her two dogs weren't Corgis but Swedish Vallhunds. This one was one of twins, but when the twin died, she rescued another to keep him company. Both dogs let us pet them and they were gorgeous.


This boy is the dog we spotted first and we couldn't walk past without petting him! Talking to the old woman is one of the highlights of my trip!

Rock hard neve at an angle .. my boots couldn't make an impression in it but the dogs were quite carefree .. mind you I'd be thinking twice about letting them do this if there wasn't a safe runout

pentax k30 hdr nympheo tamron 15 50 merk dim life trees nature winter fog dog cute pet

Today's Walk


Taken with Fujifilm X-T20 + XF18-55mm F2.8-4 R LM OIS

...and Trigger has one of the best boys!!!

This is my youngest grandson, Austin who's 19 months and his oldest brother Trigger, who's 8... he loves this dog so much, always going over to hug him.... surprisingly, Austin's big brother Zachary (4) doesn't feel the same... he has a thing for cats and loves mine!!!

The important thing is that they grow up and continue to show a love for all animals and nature!!

Title says it all ... but this was pretty hard to capture with him flying towards me. The AF was working hard then :))

The pillow rests on the sofa.


The paw rests on the pillow.


The chin rests on the paw.


Our Daily Challenge - February 25, 2018 - "Footrest"


What's the secret to...


Daily Dog Challenge 2308. "Happily Ever After" ?


Eat. Play. Nap.


Lather. Rinse. Repeat.


It seems to be working for Henry.


118 Pictures in 2018 - #18. "Dog Days"


Stop on by Zachary and Henry's blog: - The Secret Life of the Suburban Dog

Intriguing to find a dog with differently coloured eyes! One brown, the other blue

Bob's best friend. Bob a contractor doing work on our land.

Jon a Welsh sheepdog --Bob's shadow. The most beautiful and responsive dog.

Seen along the way at one of the dog shows. This guy was part of the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Team, taking care of any emergency that came along.


One thing about horse people, they're also dog people and when I'm not taking pics of the horses in the arena I'm looking for an interesting pup, I usually don't have to look too far.

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