View allAll Photos Tagged dog

Smile of a dog called Tassu

Vas'ka wanted to play with Mot'ka and jumped on the dog from the chair he was sitting. Mot'ka was so frightened that couldn't lie down on his bed fearing a new cat attack... Mot'ka is 9 y.o. - and Vas'ka is young (will be 2 in May) and playful :-)

Thank you all for visits, faves and comments!


Dog enjoying a roll on the ground.


As Eleanor points out - extra points for licking its nose at the same time as rolling.


My friend photographed this dog and he would like to share.

The dog was playing somewhere in the jungle so he became a "Dottie”.


Tom, taking a break after a woodland walkie!

Mi adorada mascota Lucy.

Atticus has a great playmate for the week. Mojave is now 7 months and is almost as big as my boy.

Nordic dog team at Speed Dog Race, Plateau de Retord, Cuvéry, Ain, France


A race organized by the FFST, the federation that brings together mushers with all kinds of dogs, purebred, Nordic type, hunting dogs or cross dogs such as Alaskans.

The main one is their ability to run fast.



Crazy Tuesday. Frozen in Time

Some kinda magic dog lol

Taken at the Worthing Light Festival at the weekend.

Look at me, just been to the hairdresser and now catching a ball in the sun...

It's hard to believe how fast he's grown.

My Whispa as a young puppy not long after we got her.

She is a Labradoodle.

Willen - Milton Keynes - Buckinghamshire.

Nessuno sa con precisione dove si trovano gli angeli, se nell'aria, nel vuoto, o nei pianeti: Dio non ha voluto che ne fossimo edotti


Nobody knows precisely where the angels are,

whether in the air, in the void, or in the planets:

God did not want us to be educated..


Whole Hella Herda Flatcoats...

A wire-haired Jack Russell Terrier with a beard in a brown hat and khaki jacket stands in the forest

"All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking."

-Friedrich Nietzsche


Thank you very much for your visit and comments on my photos.

"The Dude" at 2 1/2 months old. He use to love to lay in this old concrete birdbath until he outgrew it.

one man and his dog

75 pound Labrador lap dog

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