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Unfortunately, our old and only dog died few days ago ... :'(


We was so sad that we decided to take a new one, to fill in the gap left behind him ...


So we're going to adopt this cute little yorkshire dog :) She's 1month and a half old now and I'm going to take her on february ^^ Her name is Amy.


*not my pic*

A street dog walk in the streets of San Cristobal de Las Casas, Mexico.

Wide angle low down photograph of a panting dog lying on grass with a fluorescent green ball between its front legs, taken for the Flickr Friday theme Point of View (POV).

...of a little "beast"

he's my new puppy

yup a liver spotted Dalmatian

I think his name is Biscuit, but I'm not convinced

Saxon has been a good big brother of course


Contentment and confidence - a dog that can hunt and love...

Riley had her fringe cut the other day because it was growing over her eyes. Cutting her hair is difficult because she wiggles and evades the scissors, so her fringe always looks funny afterwards.

[SOOC, f/1.4, ISO 100, shutter speed 1/400]

It's my daughter's dog Yuki, very friendly and funny chap :-)

Thank you all for visits, faves and comments!

Comments and favs are always welcome!


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Have a nice day :)

From our 2nd Annual Adopt A Bowl Pet Portrait Extravaganza for Animal Network Las Vegas last weekend.


Adopt Spaz Here:



430EXII CL SoftBox

430EXII CR SoftBox

Mitros "On Axis" ala Dave Hobby Style W/ Fotodiox Diffuser

2 speedlights LR 1/8 either side of backdrop to simulate stadium lights.

Fired with Phottix Odins


Half Belgian Shepherd and half Golden Retriever

Goodbye trusty Canon G7X, your journey ends with a cute shot of Lily, the piggy puppy. The camera didn't die, but was accidentally left in the US last summer when I returned to Asia. I then pouted for six months while using the other cameras in the house - my husband's ancient Canon Rebel and a new waterproof Olympus Tough. The G7X is finally back in my possession and I find that I'm not so enamored with it anymore.


So I have replaced my little point & shoot with a slightly bigger and fancier point & shoot, a Fuji X70. Yes it's already discontinued for several years, but it's the one that I wanted, and lucky for me Indonesian camera shops are full of out-of-date tech.

Topaz Impressions Liquid Lines lll - Digital Art.

Processed with VSCO with c6 preset

there is always a dog happy to see you ... wherever you go

ready to play ... ready to eat

and of course ... ready for a cute picture


siempre hay algun perro feliz de verte .. donde quiera que vayas

listo para jugar ... listo para comer

y obviamente ... listo para una foto tiernita

Man and dog, Toronto.


Camera: Olympus PEN-F

Lens: Panasonic Lumix G 20mm f/1.7 II

Exposure: Manual Exp.-Auto ISO, ISO250, f/4, 1/500 sec




As a departure from my usual landscapes and travel, I'll be posting some of my street documentary photos for a while. Most will be B&W, but there'll also be some color.


And, a mix of film and digital as well.


Also, I share my street photos directly from Flickr to a different Instagram account where I go by "VIEW [ + ] FINDER", so that's why the different watermark.


Please don't use my images for any purpose, including on websites or blogs, without my explicit permission.


S.V.P ne pas utiliser cette photo sur un site web, blog ou tout autre média sans ma permission explicite.


© Tom Freda / All rights reserved - Tous droits réservés


Website I 500px l Twitter l Facebook l Instagram

I haven't been using my camera as much as I should, and haven't been keeping up to date with everyones pics, and this is bad.


So I've decided to do another 365, a year after stating i'd never do it again. Lets kick things off with a dog picture, and I think we can safely say it won't be the last one (Charlie's face is still covered in mud from todays walk, tomorrow is wash day.)


So here we go again - happy New Year everyone!

pics from the chilly dog walk this morning

Here is a Picture from my dog "Plitsch"

If you have any questions Pleas send them to

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