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In the adjacent image he looks expectantly at me because I have put his lead on him and put my camera by the door. He is wondering if I am ready to go. In this one he has decided "Obviously not!"

Unknown to her, Mylo's tattoo provides clues to her troubled past.

He's sneaky. I bet when he is alone he wears sneakers.


Also, he is very cunning.



Leica M-E + SUMMILUX-M f1.4/50mm


Captured on St. Kilda Beach, Victoria

Processed with VSCO with nc preset

Dog Eyes watching

This was taken moments after we got him, when he was just little Sammy, and before he grew into the terror that he became... or as Mikey would later call him "the nutter." He looked so sweet.... yet within days, he was a force to be reckoned with. He would race up and down 5 flights of stairs and "managing" the entire household, barking orders to each and every one of us.

Olive on the picnic table.

Waldo Pepper turns 12's been a bumpy month. He developed a heart condition, and I think we finally have the right combo of meds. He is healthy enough to be a brat again!

rescued from a gas station in kentucky. she likes to chew up rented CD's from the library, lick her paws, and occationally snack on terds out of the litter box.

[SOOC, f/2.0, ISO 100, shutter speed 1/1250]

All photos are owned fully and copyrighted by NikonGuy757, also known as thenikonguy, or thenikonguy_2016. Posting or re-posting pictures (this site or any other site) without my permission is not allowed, Neither is my work to be used edited or changed or cropped without permission. There are no exceptions, you must have written and authorized permission before any use. thanks.


All photos are copyrighted.

Re-posting of any of my photos without my written permission is a violation of my copyright.

Please respect the copyright

This is Precious. She's a Yorkshire Terrier.

Mitchell, Oregon area (IMG_0867.jpg)

“If you pick up a starving dog and treat him well he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man.”

― Mark Twain

My dog Vinnie exploring the great outdoors.

Bailey, enjoying his run around in the sun.

Eva lining up to catch a Shreddie. Runner-up photo for her 52 week photo session with the theme of "catch"


Also in keeping with the tell me a story assignment for Studio 26. I think the story is pretty self-explanatory here.

This is my dog "Bella". Bella spends most of her time trying to organize my Son, his two cats and my other dog Snoopy. Bella feels that everything would be much better if everyone would just listen to her directions.

Yer Saturday Morning #mikeyHatesRedRock, Now with more #MikeyHatesEverything Swag.


Mikey really enjoyed his adventure today, the first time I think he wasn't ready to go home at the end of the hike....

Shot with 5DIII + Sigma 50 Ex, two light set up

Liverpool homeless

It could be Anywhere

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