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this is a really old one, and one of my first good shots - there was loads of luck - I do not remember planning the lovely background. The sad thing was that the negative was ruined after I leant it to the cat's owner to get a print made! It was taken in Germany in about 1985.

She's not my pet.. but everytime I visit this karaoke place to belt out my favorite songs and have some cold beer, she purrs and make "lambing" at me always.. I can't resist to take a photo of her charming face.. =)


Alex, a new friend was drawn to her orange nose.. =)


Grendel on his blanket

cat resting and watching

white cat ragamuffin

When I'm on cat feeding duty for the Kranz family's cats I take the opportunity to get some photos! Fluff is an old lady now, but still as conversational as ever :)

If cats could talk...

pet portrait in ink and pencil on A4 by Karlina Bacchus 2017

Had a quite lunch outside...till Me and my Cam met...Stray Cat!!!

Ecco a voi quel mafioso del mio gatto....

Copyright © John G. Lidstone, all rights reserved.

It is an offence under law if you remove my copyright marking, or post this image anywhere else without my express written permission.

she's the female... a bit fat but very funny :)

This is my new kitten. Her name is Coffee. We've been looking for another cat because my sister wanted one for her and so we found Coffee and had to get her! She's adorable. She's so ornery and playful but it's great. ^.^

One can’t deny the appeal of the cat. Not only is the cat a loveable and treasured pet and member of the family, its appeal is also in its character—mysterious yet mischievous, independent yet affectionate, graceful and beautiful.


In ancient Egypt, the cat was a sacred and respected beast and was worshipped as a god. Cats were valued companions that the Egyptians domesticated and brought indoors; indeed, the punishment for killing or harming a cat was harsh. Cats were worshipped as gods yet they also had a practical function: they chased away snakes and kept mice and rats from stealing from the grain storehouses. The Sphinx is one of the earliest works of Egyptian art and is a representation of a lion with the head of the pharaoh, thus showing the pharaoh's power and importance.


The ancient Greeks and Romans also highly valued cats for their ability to control undesirable rodents. The cat was considered the guardian spirit of a household and the symbol of liberty.


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i have several feline visitors. these 2 guys are the bravest. the black and white cat is a stray. he has decided he lives here. he's the only one who will let me pet him and that's only when he's eating. he purrs even. the tabby is one of the kittens from the summer. he comes to the door if i'm sitting there holding a can of wet food. his sister is still around. but she's very afraid. all told there are about 7 or 8 cats now that show up for snacks.

Taken at my house


Watching for butterflies to catch , naughty Tasha.

Very wild, as you can see...

Felis silvestris lybica (which makes me think of Felix and Sylvester) - they are apparently the cats from which domestic cats originated. Very much like them, probably bigger and longer-limbed than most of them. They're this colour usually, but there were also three black ones there.


Our Cat called Max...

Another photo of one of my parents cats, this time Cobweb

stray cats have guts, they don't fear a photographers lens.

Rooster resting on the bed this afternoon.


His feet and tail were twitching... no doubt dreaming Cat dreams..

Konica Hexanon AR 57mm f1.4

Funny cat picture of a kitty cat hung over.

There is a superstition that we can tell time by a cat's eye. Their pupil fully open at night and close to slit shape around noon. This photo was taken at 16:50 out of doors in slight dark situation, but pupil remains slit shape...

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