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Our Cat called Max...

Samsung digital camera

I was supposed to do a photo walk yesterday with the new camera, but my run in the morning and the heat wiped me out. Of course, I still want to play with the OM-D (it's so fun to shoot with!), so that means more cat shots. I think this weekend in our cat's lives will be very well documented.


This is Phoebe, as captured with the Olympus 45mm f/1.8 and available light. Even wide open, this lens is SO sharp.

I wanted to take some portraits of my cats. Now I need to pick two of each to get printed! Which do you think are the best? :)

Tabby Cat (Istanbul Cats)

our cat Hera :) and an angry birds plush toy in front of her!

I liked the way Kira's eyes were lit up in this shot, a very pretty cat she is.

Ralph, DMH grey and white male kitten cat


Our Maine Coon cat Monte

EOS 60D+Sigma 17-50mm F2.8 EX DC OS HSM


* If you have requests or comments, please describe these in photo comment space.


Well, everybody else seems to put up their pet, so I guess I should too. Julius is 14, and showed up one January morning when it was -0 and jumped from a woodpile around my nect purring words like, "It's damn cold out here, and I'm a kitten, and I was sent by your mother to take care of me. We had one exactly like him, when I was a child.

Our neighbours cat comes for a visit and makes himself at home!

It's unusual for me to take photo's of cats and dogs but this one is a nice portrait of Miep.


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Cat on a car roof, Bonifacio, Corsica

I was disk dumpster diving again today and came across of an image I made of torontofotobug's cat while I was in her studio. I think the image came out really well.


I don't normally do pets, but perhaps I've found a sideline :-)

A Photo Of A Street cat

A closeup portrait of a butterscotch colored cat with beautiful golden eyes.


Copyright 2008, Amy Strycula

Too long ago already I promised you to share more about Poppy, the ‘stray’ cat that lives in our garden. Since I wrote part two of her story, also in April, she has become very ill. As we speak I am nursing her inside our home hoping she will recover. I feel now it is time to share more of sweet Poppy.


Poppy has been living with us now for almost five years.


When I think back I remembered that we sometimes saw Poppy in the garden. As soon as she heard or saw us she ran away and hide. The first spring she was around Eric and I were devastated because she hunted and ate all the young birds in the garden. We used to have all kinds of birds around. So we decided to leave some cat kibble outside.

Maybe it would stop her from eating the birds. (How funny we were back then. That wouldn't work of course). It would also be healthy for her because she didn’t look too good.


Little by little Poppy melted. At first she was a ghost walking around. When we thought we saw a glimpse of her she vanished even more quickly. Gradually she got used to us and to the delicious food. She didn’t like touching though for a very long time. I have felt her claws more than I like. Our contact grew and changed. She started to like stroking on her back now and then.


Things changed suddenly when Blackie made his appearance. Blackie is our second stray cat. We caught Blackie in the act when he was sleeping in our hen house. At first we chased him away, there were enough cats in our life, and he was already the 13th stray cat that crossed our path, but in the end Blackie also found his way to our heart.


Poppy was doing really well, so discovering Blackie made us worry about what it would do to the situation. Poppy didn’t like him a bit. And also Eric thought we had enough cats around. In the end Blackie won.


One summer I couldn’t resist Blackie when he jumped on my lap. Seeing Blackie enjoying the sunshine on my lap Poppy got jealous. I wouldn’t believe animals could be jealous but seeing Poppy’s jealousy it surprised me. It took some time, but finally Poppy discovered the luxury of being on someone’s lap too.


The trust in each other has grown bigger and bigger over time and just last fall I could put my arms around Poppy and hold her. It made me feel so happy. One day she might get sick and I need to handle her to take her to a vet.


To make it comfortable for Poppy and Blackie we rebuilt the old henhouse as a sleeping place for them, with separate bedrooms. They live outdoors all year around and get a thick warm coat in winter. I love it when they play together in the snow, running around like mad cats.


Poppy keeps amazing me. She will always be on her guard around people, but I don’t think the progress has stopped. Cats do have an amazing capability to learn new things. From wild cat Poppy has turned into a purring sweetheart. From running away and hiding herself she has changed into my shadow. When she hears waking up sounds from the house in the morning she is at the kitchen door.


Poppy has chosen to be with us and our love for each other makes her change. It wouldn't be fair anymore to call poppy a 'stray' cat. She isn't, she is a member of our little family. I know there will be a day that there is more room in our house and Poppy and Blackie will be living inside if they like to.


Part 1 of Poppy's story is here:

Simba on tuttavapariskunnan kissa. Ikä kuvanottohetkellä noin 12 viikkoa.


Simba is our friends' cat. At the time this picture was taken he was about 12 weeks old.

I'm not fat. I'm just pregnant with ice cream's babies.

I see my cats in this pose...just ready to sprint if necessary

Portami alla pagina dei gattini!


Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission.


© .Fra.

My latest cat picture. Watercolour and pencil painting.

Still on the bed. At least she seems comfortable with the fact that I have a camera in my hand. Often that is a signal for her to come up to me just to see what I'm up to!

meowin. Something about this room makes her go on and on..

Tabea demanding attention.

Cat, Han Xiang River Expo Garden, Shanghai, China, September 2, 2012

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