View allAll Photos Tagged cat

any number of captions come to mind, mostly along the line of "hell yeah I'm mad..."

I've been taken from my home and stuck with needles and ridden in the back of a truck and you want to WHAT to me? This is one of the cats out of a house of over 50. He does not look like this all the time.

cat,just that:-)

Portrait of my sister's cat.

D610/Ai-s Micro-NIKKOR 200mm F4

We feed two strays. This is Big Head Tom seen through my back door. He was courting Gidget last week, who was having her first estrus. He was camped out on our screen porch (along with every other tom cat in a three block radius) caterwauling for his lady love and challenging all other comers. Gidget is now uncourtable thanks to a trip to the vet. Poor Tom.

commission cat's's portrait painted from customer's photographs in water colour Schmincke Horadam on Hahnemühle Britannia 300g rough paper size A3 © wandklex Ingrid Heuser, Ratzeburg/Germany - available also from your own photograph via my shop on DaWanda:


- also feel free to visit and to like my fansite on facebook:

Ash, possibly the cuddliest cat in the world ...

Can you tell I had a favorite?

My cat, Big Spike, and the Lion within


My cat, Fraidy, in the weeds.

I guess we will never know her true name.

Un gatito que se dejó fotografiar....que le habrá pasado en la orejita

I was looking for something else and came across these photos of Xena from March. I probably sat on the pictures thinking they were average shots of her, with no idea of how precious they would be to me.


The title this picture suggested to me was “Angel” but it felt a bit cloying. If she had cancer in this picture you sure can’t see it, but it was only five months later (August) that she was gone.


Thanks again for all of the support during and after her illness. If you are one of her fans and just learning of her passing now, I am so sorry.


It’s been a sad year for followers of Flickr cats. (Bigode! Baobao! So many more.) If we do the math based on the number of cats we get to know through pictures, the losses are probably statistically predictable. That doesn’t make the specifics any easier.


I’m so glad Xena got to be such an internet kitty.

Don't feed them after midnight and don't get them wet.

Jaffa courtesy of Christopher

This cat lives outside an antique store up north. We think the shopowner gave this cat a haircut (an incredibly bad one, at that).

Latest picture of buster taken just days before his "alteration" as the vets like to put it


Strobist info: single flash shoot through umbrella upper camera left, WB set to daylight. Umbrella was aimed towards center of bed since my "model" does seem to understand "sit here"

Kirby and Sammy at rest.

With owner, the cat had come for a walk in the Kyoto Imperial Palace. So cute cow pattern.


pet portrait in ink and pencil on A4 by Karlina Bacchus 2017

Sessão de fotos em gatos persa


Gatil Yagouaroundi - SSA -BA Brasil


Persian cats in a photo studio by Bruno Pita

She's not my pet.. but everytime I visit this karaoke place to belt out my favorite songs and have some cold beer, she purrs and make "lambing" at me always.. I can't resist to take a photo of her charming face.. =)


Alex, a new friend was drawn to her orange nose.. =)


Grendel on his blanket

EOS 60D+Sigma 17-50mm F2.8 EX DC OS HSM


* If you have requests or comments, please describe these in photo comment space.


It's a chilly morning in New England, and Lily is just trying to keep warm!

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