View allAll Photos Tagged cat

black and white of my personal model

5D Mark2, Canon, Canon EF 100 mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM 1/60 f4 ISO1600

Friendly stray cat in Southbank, Brisbane

A registered Persian, a great cat. He was named after a character in novels by Robert A. Heinlein. Taken with a Canon AE 1 film camera and a Vivitar 70-210 zoom lens in Klamath Falls Oregon sometime last century. Does anyone remember what a "slipstick" is?

Here are a few test shots from the Orbis Ring Flash I just got. I like the results. I like the highlights in the eyes and the light falloff give a natural vignetting.

we call him the black cat. he is our neighbors cat. he comes over every day to visit my cat and share his food. from this position he can survey my entire yard. funny how cats have always been attracted to my yard. to tell you the truth i'm getting a bit tired of this cat coming in my house.

is even less amused

They were unpleasant because everyone who have fed them went vacation for lunar new year.

Olympus digital camera

sitting in my sewing area. >.<

Not too impressed with the camera in her face

Hình ảnh mèo miễn phí chất lượng cao.

Thông tin cụ thể tại địa chỉ:

Nguồn hình: Nhiều nguồn, chủ yếu là

50% crop, scaled to 1024x768 for flick convenience ...


Experimental unsharp mask method with darkening and lightning of edges surroundings, on luminance only, looks a LOT better than the original in terms of detail...


It's also a bit desaturated since the cat it's mostly black...

"I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior." Hippolyte Taine

Canon EOS 50E

Tamron AF 70-300 mm 1:4-5.6

Kodak T-Max 400

Kodak T-Max developer 1+4


VLUU L100, M100 / Samsung L100, M100


This is my cat Diego doing what he does best - stare!

This young cat showed up at Dad's house. Someone had dumped him in the country.

Dad's other cat is MIA and feared dead. So Dad is keeping this guy indoors and plans on turning him into an indoor cat. And this young tom seems fine with that.

Gads, they're gorgeous. But what's with the tongue, Pixie?

Cute puss cat I met at Maha Raja Chalets here in Cherating, Malaysia, my new home away from home. She is utterly adorable, has super soft belly fur and is expecting kittens some time soon.

These aren't the droids you're looking for. And I could use some more tuna.

This stray cats live in the spa park in heating duct

Are very affectionate.

Nikon D90, 85mm f/3.5 Micro VR , 1/60, f/3.5, ISO 560


My Cats-set

Taken with my first digital camera. An Olympus Brio Camedia D-230. Still takes good photos.

My next door neighbours cats ‘Brothers in arms’.

One of them gets on the top of my Bird Table but have yet to catch him on Film..Ooops on ‘SD Card’ Film always sounds better.


The cat (Felis catus), also known as the domestic cat or house cat to distinguish it from other felines, is a small predatory carnivorous species of crepuscular mammal that is valued by humans for its companionship and its ability to hunt vermin, snakes and scorpions. It has been associated with humans for at least 9,500 years.[5]


A skilled predator, the cat is known to hunt over 1,000 species for food. It can be trained to obey simple commands. Individual cats have also been known to learn on their own to manipulate simple mechanisms, such as doorknobs. Cats use a variety of vocalizations and types of body language for communication, including meowing, purring, hissing, growling, squeaking, chirping, clicking, and grunting.[6] Cats may be the most popular pet in the world, with over 600 million in homes all over the world.[7] They are also bred and shown as registered pedigree pets. This hobby is known as the "cat fancy".


Until recently the cat was commonly believed to have been domesticated in ancient Egypt, where it was a cult animal.[8] However a 2007 study found that the lines of descent of all house cats probably run through as few as five self-domesticating African Wildcats (Felis silvestris lybica) circa 8000 BC, in the Near East.[4]


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