View allAll Photos Tagged blue

a new visit to the "amazing circle" technique, this makes use of the windy rains stirring up the lake, last week, as a setting for the "orb".


I followed the procedure, first, as outlined here: ,


and in the flickr Amazing Circles group:


I Am using the basic wondrous polar coordinates transformations as beautiful in and of themselves, but also as starting points for grounding them in their origins and/or creating new relationships for them.


The double icing on the cake is that I discover new Photoshop tools, and, by posting the results here, gain new friends.

Had a banner bunting day. Indigo buntings were joined by a painted bunting feeding in the grasses along a woodland path. Taken April '13 in Amelia Island, FL.

Trying my new monitor (: hopefully this looks colorful but not too much.

Tiny blue flowers in a big pot. (Copenhagen)

Garden visitors - Tuesday 10th March

Shimabara- Nagasaki, Japan


A purple flower, I turned blue. Taken with the Canon T2i with an OM 28mm Olympus lens.


If you like my art works, please support me on #Patreon

Blue Grosbeak, "Guiraca caerulea", male, May 2015, Tennessee saw me standing alone...


An unusually clear afternoon sky shows the half moon off beautifully.

Took this photo sitting on Nic's back balcony. Tinted it blue, as you can see

Sacramento, CA

some small blue flower with a interesting blossom

Or is it a propeller - you decide!

Blue Firefly in the woods...Although I say Firefly, I mean the color is a blue flame in my eyes...but it is a (Male) Damselfly.

Nature's burst of colors!




f 6.3


ISO 800

Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS

400 mm

Le National Museum of Naval Aviation (musée national de l'aéronavale) est un musée aéronautique militaire situé dans la Base aéronavale de Pensacola (Pensacola Naval Air Station) en Floride. Le musée a ouvert en 1962.

Le musée est consacré à l'histoire navale de l'aviation navale, principalement celles de l'US Navy, du Corps des Marines et de US Coast Guard.


Plus de 150 aéronefs et engins spatiaux sont exposés dont 4 A-4 Skyhawks des Blue Angels (les Blue Angels sont basés à la NAS Pensacola), le Curtis NC-4 (le premier avion à traverser l'Atlantique), des hélicoptères de l'US Coast Guard, des biplans, une gondole de contrôle d'un K-47, un avion dans lequel l'ancien président George H. W. Bush s'entraina pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et le S-3 Viking avec lequel le président George W. Bush apponta sur l'USS Abraham Lincoln en 2003 (voir Navy One).

digital photograph


January 2010

Thought I'd do a week of updates from the tit family, have five species to upload.

Thought I'd start with the most common ( but no less lovely ) Blue Tit.

Playing with assorted brushes in Manga Studio5

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