Working at the EFTA Secretariat means working in a diverse and multicultural environment, where each and every staff member brings a variety of perspectives and experiences to the table.

At EFTA there are 91 staff members of 14 nationalities, including 68 EFTA nationals. The average age is 39,9 years and average tenure is little over 3 years. 

Gender balance of all staff members: 52% female, 48% male, 0% other genders or non-binary. 
Gender balance in management roles: 50% female, 50% male, 0% other genders or non-binary.

Our Mission is to serve as a committed and trusted partner, providing high quality expertise and advice to our Member States in promoting free trade and economic integration. To achieve this, the EFTA Secretariat: 

  • Acts in the Member States’ best interests, facilitating cooperation and delivering high quality services
  • Is a respected partner that is credible, proactive and service-minded, adding value with relevant insights and deep expertise 
  • Enables highly skilled individuals to develop their potential and provide the calibre of services required

We pride ourselves on being a workplace of equality, diversity, inclusion and mutual respect among employees, who shall be treated fairly and enjoy equal conditions and opportunities. 

We do regular workplace surveys to see what staff members like about the workplace, and we then do our best to maintain – and what staff members think could be better, and we then do our best to improve those matters.