1Annex IVeterinary and Phytosanitary MattersI. Veterinary Issues
II. Feedingstuffs
III. Phytosanitary Matters
2Annex IITechnical Regulations, Standards, Testing and Certification - Part II. Motor Vehicles
II. Agricultural and Forestry Tractors
III. Lifting and Mechanical Handling Appliances
IV. Household Appliances
V. Gas Appliances
VI. Construction Plant and Equipment
VII. Other Machines
VIII. Pressure Vessels
IX. Measuring Instruments
X. Electrical Material
XI. Textiles
XII. Foodstuffs
  Technical Regulations, Standards, Testing and Certification - Part IIXIII. Medicinal Products
XIV. Fertilizers
XV. Dangerous Substances
XVI. Cosmetics
XVII. Environment Protection
XVIII. Information Technology, Telecommunication and Data Processing
XIX. General Provisions in the Technical Barriers to Trade 
XX. Free Movement of Goods - General
XXI. Construction Products
XXII. Personal Protective Equipment
XXIV. Machinery
XXV. Tobacco
XXVI. Energy
XXVII. Spirit Drinks
XXVIII. Cultural Goods
XXIX. Explosives for Civil Use
XXX. Medical Devices
XXXI. Recreation Craft
XXXII. Marine Equipment
3Annex IIIProduct Liability 
4Annex IVEnergy 
5Annex VFree Movement of Workers 
6Annex VISocial Security 
7Annex VIIRecognition of Professional QualificationsA. General system, recognition of professional experience and automatic recognition
B. Legal professions
C. Commerce and intermediaries
Acts of which the Contracting Parties Shall Take Note
8Annex VIIIRight of Establishment 
9Annex IXFinancial ServicesI. Insurance
II. Banks and other credit institutions
III. Stock exchange and securities
IV. Occupational Retirement Provisions
V. Provisions applying to all kinds of financial services
Acts of which the Contracting Parties Shall Take Note
10Annex XServices in general 
11Annex XIElectronic Communication, Audiovisual Services and Information SocietyTelecommunication services
Postal services
Data Protection
Information Society Services
Audiovisual services
Acts of which the Contracting Parties Shall Take Note
12Annex XIIFree Movement of Capital 
13Annex XIIITransport - Part II. Inland Transport
II. Road Transport
III. Transport by Rail
IV. Transport by Inland Waterway
V. Maritime Transport
VI. Civil Aviation
  Transport - Part IIVII. Other
Acts of which the Contracting Parties Shall Take Note
Appendix 1
  Transport - Part IIIAppendices 2-8
14Annex XIVCompetitionA. Merger Control
B. Vertical Agreements and Concerted Practices
C. Technology Transfer Agreements
D. Specialization and Research Development Agreements
E. and F. (deleted)
G. Transport
H. Information and Communication Technologies
I. Coal and Steel
J. Insurance Sector
Acts of which the EC Commission and the EFTA Surveillance Authority Shall Take Due Account
15Annex XVState AidPublic Undertakings
Aid to the steel industry
Aid to shipbuilding
De minimis aid
Services of general economic interest
Aid to small and medium-sized enterprises, research, development, innovation, environmental protection, regional investments, female entrepreneurship, employment and training
Acts of which the EC Commission and the EFTA Surveillance Authority Shall Take Due Account
16Annex XVIProcurement 
17Annex XVIIIntellectual Property 
18Annex XVIIIHealth and Safety at Work, Labour Law and Equal Treatment for Men and WomenHealth and safety at work
Equal treatment for men and women
Labour law
19Annex XIXConsumer Protection 
20Annex XXEnvironmentI. General
II. Water
III. Air
IV. Chemicals, Industrial Risk and Biotechnology
V. Waste
VI. Noise
Acts of which the Contracting Parties Shall Take Note
21Annex XXIStatistics - Part IBusiness Statistics
Transport and Tourism Statistics
Foreign Trade Statistics
Statistical Principles and Confidentiality
Demographical and Social Statistics
Economic Statistics
Agricultural Statistics
Fishery Statistics
Energy Statistics
Environmental Statistics
Information Society Statistics
Statistics on Science and Technology
  Statistics - Part IIAppendix 1
  Statistics - Part IIIAppendix 2
22Annex XXIICompany Law