EFTA Secretariat, Geneva

Rue de Varembé, 9-11
1211 Geneva 20 

Telephone: +41 22 332 26 00 
Fax: +41 22 332 26 77 
Email: mail.gva [at] efta.int (mail[dot]gva[at]efta[dot]int)

At its Headquarters in Geneva the EFTA Secretariat serves the EFTA Council and its substructure in implementing the EFTA Convention and free trade agreements worldwide.

EFTA Secretariat, Brussels

Avenue des Arts 19H
1000 Brussels 

Telephone: +32 2 286 17 11
Email: mail.bxl [at] efta.int (mail[dot]bxl[at]efta[dot]int)

In Brussels, the Secretariat serves the EFTA Standing Committee and its substructure, the EEA Joint Committee and the EEA Council in implementing the EEA Agreement, providing for the extension of the EU Internal Market to Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

EFTA Statistical Office, Luxembourg

European Commission, Eurostat (postal address)
Bech F2/908
2920 Luxembourg

Bâtiment  Bech (visiting address)
5, rue Alphonse Weicker
2721 Luxembourg

Telephone: +352 4301 37775
Fax: +352 4301 32145
Email: efta-lux [at] ec.europa.eu (efta-lux[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

In Luxembourg, the Secretariat administers statistical cooperation on the basis of the EEA Agreement, as well as technical assistance programmes.

To find specific EFTA staff member, please go to the EFTA Staff Directory