Shine Night Walk event rules

Shine Night Walk Event Rules 2024

These rules (“the Rules”) apply to the following events: 

  • Shine Night Walk 10k 

  • Shine Night Walk Half Marathon 

  • Shine Night Walk Full Marathon  

(each an “Event” and together “the Events”) and by registering for an Event, you agree to comply with them.  Please check this page from time to time, as we may occasionally amend the Rules and any changes will be binding on all participants and supporters. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Shine Night Walk hotline on 0300 123 6624* and a member of our team will be happy to assist you. 

Shine Night Walk is organised by Cancer Research UK Trading Limited (a company registered in England and Wales, registered office: 2 Redman Place, London, E20 1JQ, registered company number: 4355631), a trading company which Gift Aids its taxable profits to Cancer Research UK (a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666), the Isle of Man (1103) and Jersey (247)). 

Where reference is made to “CRUK” in these Rules, it means both Cancer Research UK and Cancer Research UK Trading Limited. 

Participant Entry 

1. Entry fees for the London Full and Half Marathon, London 10k and Shine regional 10k Events are as set out on the Shine Night Walk website at the time of purchase. We may offers discounts or promotional offers from time to time. Promotional or corporate vouchers may also be used to cover all or some of the entry fee. Entry fees contribute towards the costs of staging the Events. 

2. Unfortunately given the limited number of spaces for the Event, the entry fee is non-refundable unless we change the Event venue and/or date (subject to paragraph 3 below), or if we cancel the Event altogether (subject to paragraph 4).  

3. In the event that we need to change the venue and/or date of your Event, we will notify you of this change as soon as possible. Your Event place will be automatically transferred to the re-scheduled Event unless you tell us you are no longer able to attend. In these circumstances you can either ask for a refund of your entry fee, or you can choose to donate this to Cancer Research UK.  

4. In the event that we need to cancel your Event, we will notify you of this cancellation as soon as possible, and you can either ask for a refund of your entry fee or you can choose to donate this to Cancer Research UK.   

5. Entry places in the Event are personal to participants and you may not transfer your place to anyone else, as it may cause problems of identification in the event that medical assistance is required during the Event, for example. 

6. Shine Night Walk entry packs will be issued to registered participants by post from - Summer 2024 onwards. If you register for the Event after this time and your Shine Night Walk welcome pack does not arrive within two months of registration, please call the Shine Night Walk hotline on 0300 123 6624 and we will advise you of the appropriate arrangements. If you have signed up less than  14 days before the Event it is unlikely your pack will arrive in time, please head to the enquiries tent on the night of the Event to collect your pack. 

7.  For the London Full and Half Marathon Event, only registered participants aged 13 or over on the night of the Event they have registered for and who have paid the entry fee (or had the fee paid for them) are eligible to take part.  For the Regional and London 10k Events, only registered participants aged 11 or over on the night of the Event they have registered for and who have paid the entry fee (or had the fee paid for them) are eligible to take part. Unfortunately, we do not accept entries under the ages specified (13 for the London half and full marathon and 11 for the regional and London 10k Events) 

8. Participants aged 11 to 17 (inclusive) on the night of a Regional or London 10k Event or aged 13 to 17 (inclusive) on the night of the London Full and Half Marathon Event must be registered in addition to, and accompanied by, another participant aged 18 or over. Participants aged 18 or over will be able to register an extra participant aged between 11 or 13 to 17 (as applicable) in the entry form on our website and will be required to enter parental or legal guardian contact details for extra participants aged 17 and under If you are registering an extra participant who is aged 17 and under and you are not the extra participant’s parent or legal guardian, you must have permission from someone who is. We recommend a ratio of 1 Adult to 4 Children maximum. 

9. Participants may be required to provide proof of age on the night of the Event. We reserve the right to refuse entry to the Event, with no refund, to any participant who is underage, or is unable to provide proof of age when requested to do so by an Event official. 

10. Event entry will close when maximum participant capacity is reached. 

11. We will only accept entries to an Event on the day where we are satisfied that it is safe to do so, given that each Event has an allocated capacity that each Event team must adhere to, and the contact details for all participants must be held in advance in the case of an emergency. The entry fees for entry on the night will be as set out on the Shine website at the time of purchase. 

Volunteer Entry 

  1. Shine Night Walk is open to volunteers aged 13 or over on the night of the Event. If you wish to volunteer and are aged 18 or over, you can do so here. If you are 17 or under and want to volunteer please email 


2. If you are aged between 13 and 17 (inclusive) on the night of the Event, you will need to be accompanied on the night by a parent or guardian who has also registered as a volunteer in advance. You will not be able to volunteer if your parent/guardian is not with you on the night. 

4.Parental/guardian consent forms will be required for any volunteer between 13 and 17 (inclusive), these shall be available to complete on the night or you can request the consent forms prior to the night by emailing us. 

5. If you would like to enter a team of volunteers, you can do so by putting a team name in the entry form for each volunteer. You are responsible for ensuring the same team name (spelt the same way) is entered on each form. We will do our best to place everyone with the same team name together, but please note this cannot be guaranteed. 

6. If you would like to buddy up with another volunteer, you can do so by adding their name into the comments box on the entry form.  Before you do, please make sure your proposed buddy is happy to be included on the entry form in this way. Please note each individual must have completed their own volunteering form ideally prior to the event, but can be done on the event night at the grey volunteer marquee.  


1. Unfortunately not all Events will be appropriate for everyone; individual Event pages will provide details about accessibility of each Event course.  

2. Wheelchair users are encouraged to enter Shine Night Walk, providing the Event is advertised as wheelchair accessible on the Event page and the wheelchair user has assistance at the Event.  All participants wishing to take part in Shine Night Walk using a wheelchair must call the Shine Night Walk hotline on 0300 123 6624* to make the appropriate arrangements (including any tickets required for assistance which will be provided free of charge).  

3. Unfortunately, no pets (except service dogs), baby strollers/prams or roller skates/blades, skateboards and/or scooters or any other item that we deem unsuitable or which could potentially inhibit or affect the safety of other participants and/or spectators are allowed on the Event course. 

4. At the beginning of the Event, certain areas will be restricted to participants only.  Spectators will be able to view from designated areas, subject to any further guidelines or restrictions we are required to implement for the health and safety of all our participants and spectators. 

Start times for the Events 

Shine Night Walk London: 

Please refer to your emails or pack to find out your confirmed start time. Start times are also as set out on the Shine Night Walk website.  

Participants are asked to arrive no more than 45 minutes prior to the start time they have signed up for. Please note: 
• It's crucial that you arrive within the correct time slot for your distance. You will not be able to begin your event late due to Health & Safety reasons. Therefore it is important that ample time is given for travel, considering any possible travel delays.  
• Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee your exact start time, and there may be some waiting on the night while we conduct final course safety checks. 

• Start times may be subject to change. We will give you as much notice of this as possible, though unfortunately sometimes it may not be possible to do this until your arrival at the Event. 

Other Shine Night Walk 10k events: 

The start time for the other Shine Night Walk 10k events varies depending on venue and sunset timings.  Please check the event pages and your emails to find out your confirmed arrival information. 

Changes and Last Minute Arrangements 

1. Once you have registered you are unable to switch to an alternative distance or start time without first notifying us. This is because we have strict capacity limits for each start time, and for health and safety reasons we need to make sure that neither Event distance nor start time exceeds its individual capacity.  If you do wish to switch to an alternative distance or start time please contact the Shine Night Walk hotline on 0300 123 6624* and we will endeavour to support your request 

2. We reserve the right to refuse entry to participants who try to take part in the wrong event distance  or start time without prior approval (see rule 1 above), and no refund will be provided. 

3. We reserve the right to alter or reduce any Shine Night Walk course. We will try to notify participants in advance of any significant changes where we are able to do so. Refunds will be considered on a case by case basis, taking into consideration distance reduction, notice given and reasons for the alteration/reduction.  


1. All participants and supporters must abide by these Rules and any rules, instructions or regulations displayed or given before or on the day of the Event by CRUK, police and/or Event officials. Participants must also refrain from drinking alcohol during the Event.  

2. We respectfully ask all participants along with their supporters not to use aggressive or abusive language towards our Event organisers, marshals, officials, volunteers and other participants. You should also avoid behaving in a way which may cause injury or harm to other participants and/or spectators, or which may cause offence or damage the reputation of CRUK. 

3. Spectators are not permitted to walk the route with participants. Everyone taking part in the Shine Night Walk must be a registered participant. 

4. We respectfully ask all participants and their supporters to be respectful of local residents whilst out on the route and not to make any excessive noise. 

5. We respectfully ask all participants and their supporters to use the litter and recycling facilities available within the venues and around the course. Please respect the communities you are walking through and do not drop litter but carry it with you until you can dispose of it responsibly. 

6. Cancer Research UK opposes the promotion and use of tobacco in all its forms. All participants and supporters are therefore required to refrain from smoking tobacco products or e-cigarettes at Shine Night Walk. 

7. We reserve the right to ask participants and supporters to leave the Event if they do not adhere to these Rules, and no refunds shall be given in these circumstances. 

Closure of Course and Finish Venue 

1. We reserve the right to shut down the Event course and close access to all our finish venues at each Event, including our Shine 10K venues, after an appropriate amount of time has passed from the start of the Event. 

The London finish venue will close at 10am the day after the Event starts to ensure de-rig of the Event can commence safely.  

Shine Night Walk 10k venues will close approximately 3.5 hours after each stated start time. 

2. Any participant who has not finished the Event by this time but chooses to continue does so at their own risk with the understanding that they are no longer considered a participant of the Event, and as such are not eligible for any Event resources (including but not limited to pit stops, suppliers, venues, refreshments, course direction/support, personnel etc), and that they absolve us of any and all responsibility and progress entirely at their own risk. 

Health and Safety and Medical 

1. Participants are responsible for ensuring that they are sufficiently fit and healthy to take part in Shine Night Walk. Any participant unsure of their physical ability to take part in the Event must seek medical advice from their General Practitioner prior to the Event. 

2. Notwithstanding rule 1 above, we reserve the right to refuse entry to the Event in our absolute discretion, with no refund provided, if for whatever reason we consider a person unfit to take part. 

3. Shine Night Walk is a non-competitive walk, and participants are reminded that running is not allowed.  For the safety of other participants and to be able to manage the event effectively, all personnel have been instructed not to permit runners to take part in the Event. If you do run on the night then you will not be considered an official participant of the Event, and as such you will not be eligible to use any Event resources we may provide (including but not limited to pit stops, suppliers, access to the finish venue, refreshments, course direction/support, personnel etc.).  You understand that if you choose to run, you absolve us of any and all responsibility (as far as permitted by law), and that you progress entirely at your own risk. 

4. As Shine Night Walk is a non-competitive walk, participants are requested to wear suitable walking shoes and dress appropriately for the weather conditions and have access to a torch. Participants are responsible for ensuring that they are wearing appropriate attire (including footwear) when taking part in an Event, taking into account the nature of the Event, the weather forecast and the terrain involved.    


5. All participants must write the following on the reverse of their walking number, which must be worn on the front of shirts during the Event: 

  • your name 

  • details of any health problems or current medication 

  • the name and number of a person to contact in case of an emergency 

  • any other information you consider could be relevant in the event of a medical emergency 

To help us save money, please also remember to bring your own safety pins! 

6. We take all reasonable steps to minimise the risk of injury to participants during fundraising events. There is a stringent risk assessment process in place for the Event, which aims to minimise or eliminate the risk to everyone taking part. By taking part in this Event, all participants acknowledge that there may be conditions or circumstances beyond our control that can lead to unforeseen risks. If you have any concerns or queries, please contact us on 0300 123 6624* before agreeing to take part in this Event. 


Sponsorship Monies and Donations 

1. To help us beat cancer sooner, we ask each Shine Night Walk participant to try and raise at least £260 for Cancer Research UK if taking part in a full or half marathon £150 if taking part in the London 10k or £100 if taking part in a regional 10k. 

2. All participants have a legal responsibility to ensure that all sponsorship monies/donations received in connection with the Event are paid to Cancer Research UK. We ask that you do this as soon as possible after the Event. You can: 

  •  Log in and utilise the Cancer Research UK Giving Page automatically set up when registering for the Event to raise money online or set up a new account. Pay in your sponsorship money online with your credit or debit card or call us on 0300 123 6624* with your credit or debit card details. 

  • Send cheques made payable to "Cancer Research UK" to: 

Cancer Research UK 
PO Box 1561 
OX4 9GZ 

stating “Shine Night Walk 2024” the location of the Event, the distance, and your walking number or reference number provided in your confirmation email evt-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxon the reverse of the cheque. 

3. Please note that we are unable to accept your sponsorship money on the night of the Event as Cancer Research UK does not have the suitable cash handling facilities to fulfil this process. 

4. Please ensure that all donations and/or sponsorship forms are returned to Cancer Research UK at the above address to enable us to claim Gift Aid where possible. 

5. Where funds are raised for a specific area of research the funds are treated as ‘restricted income’ and are reported as such in Cancer Research UK’s annual report and accounts. Funds will only be restricted if they are raised via the online fundraising page that CRUK issues to every participant upon registering. Any amounts raised via another third party site (e.g. Just Giving) will still be donated to Cancer Research UK but will not be restricted to a particular area of research.  

6. Cancer Research UK will do its best to facilitate any request to change to the specific area of research which you choose to raise funds for. To request a change please call the Shine Night Walk hotline on 0300 123 6624*.  

7. In the unlikely event that surplus funds are raised for a specific cancer type any excess will be applied for Cancer Research UK’s general purposes. 

Use of your information 

1. When you register for Shine Night Walk, we collect personal data relating to you and anyone else that you register.  We will use this information for the purposes of organising, staging and administering the Event, including in order to send you your fundraising pack and additional information about fundraising. If you provide personal information on behalf of additional entrants, please only provide this if they have confirmed that they are happy for you to do so as we will use this information for the same purposes.  

2. Following your registration we will contact you with information about your Event, including to discuss ways to improve your fundraising and hints and tips to support your preparation for your event. This may include information about how you can get hold of Shine Night Walk merchandise and offers from our partner organisations.  

3. In the case of an emergency, we may also pass personal details provided by you (either the information you provided when registering for the Event or from the details on the reverse of your Event number) to the emergency services or health care professionals, and also use them for the purposes of contacting your emergency contact. W 

4. First aid facilities will be provided at Shine Night Walk. If you are treated by medical providers, your details may be passed on to us only for health and safety purposes and in order to fulfil our legal obligations (including under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013. All accident details will be securely held on the Cancer Research UK Accident Database. 

5. Subject to the marketing preferences we hold for you, your personal data may also be used for the purposes of sending you further information about how you can support the charity’s work and details of future Shine Night Walk events. 

6. All personal data held by us will be handled in accordance with applicable privacy laws and CRUK’s privacy statement which can be found here

Filming and Photography at Shine Night Walk 

1. Please note that CRUK (and our authorised service providers and agents) or our commercial partners may film or photograph participants, volunteers and spectators taking part or attending the Event and use such footage or photographs for the following reasons: 

  • for CRUK to publicise the Event for commercial and/or fundraising purposes including, but not limited to, social media, television broadcasts, advertising, publications, marketing material, merchandising, and other documents that may be made available to the public; 

  • for our commercial partners to publicise their involvement and/or association with the Event.  


2. No personal details (including names or photographs) of anyone under the age of 16 will be used in the manner described above without the written consent of that child’s parent or legal guardian, but we may use images where children are incidentally included, for example of mass participation in the warm-up exercises or on the starting line.  

3. Subject to rule 2 above, please only register a participant under the age of 16 if the participant’s parent/legal guardian (as applicable) are happy for their images to be used in the manner described in these Rules. 

Third Party Suppliers 

1. We may appoint independent third party photographers to take photos at Shine Night Walk.  Their service includes taking photos of participants at the Event and uploading them on their website, which is open to all members of the public, and upon payment, they can download photographs or receive prints.  We will pass on participants’ full names and walking numbers to the provider to enable participants to easily find their photos on the website. If you would prefer that we did not pass on your details, please call 0300 123 6624*. 

2. If you do not wish to have your photograph taken or for your photos to be made available as described above, please tell the photographer on the night. 

3. All third party photographers/videographers at Shine Night Walk have been instructed to ask for parental/guardian permission before taking any individual photographs of children at the Event.  Whilst photographers/videographers will try to obtain parental/legal guardian’s consent before taking images where children are more than just incidentally included, this cannot be guaranteed.  This does not include photography of crowd shots, when permission will not be sought. 

Chip Timing 

4. We may appoint an independent third party chipped timing company to record and track participants’ timings and locations around the course at Shine Night Walk.  Their service includes uploading the chipped timing results on to CRUK’s website and/or the chipped timing company’s website which is open to all members of the public.  We will pass on participants’ full names, phone numbers and walking numbers to the chipped timing company to enable participants to receive their overall completion time and possibly motivational and/or safety messaging during the event. If you would prefer that we did not pass on your details, please call 0300 123 6624*. 

5. If you do not wish to have your finish time (and/or the child’s finish time in the case of parents/guardians of under 16s) displayed on the CRUK website and/or chipped timing company website, please call CRUK on 0300 123 6624*. 



1. Use of the Shine Night Walk website is subject to our website terms and conditions

2. All participants, volunteers and spectators attend and enter this Event entirely at their own risk. CRUK shall not be liable for any injury or loss to persons or their property that might occur as a result of their participation in or attendance at Shine Night Walk other than in respect of any injury or loss arising as a result of our negligence. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this clause shall limit or exclude our liability for any liability that cannot be limited or excluded by law. 


1. Stocks of our blue participant t-shirts are limited. In the event that the size requested is not available we will send an alternative size based on availability. 

2. All participants understand that any products distributed at the Event are subject to availability and may be withdrawn or substituted if necessary. We cannot be held responsible for any third party supplier supplying merchandise or other items on the night of the Event. 

* Our lines are open Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 8.00pm (except bank holidays when lines are open from 9.00am to 5.00pm) and Saturday & Sunday from 9.00am to 5.00pm. Please note that calls to our hotline may be monitored or recorded to allow us to maintain our standards of customer service.