Relay For Life Event rules


Relay For Life Event rules

These Rules (the "Rules") apply to all Relay For Life events (each an "Event") and by registering for the Event, you agree to comply with them.

The Event is organised by Relay For Life ("we", "us", "our" and the "Committee") on behalf of Cancer Research UK Trading Limited (a company registered in England and Wales, registered office: 2 Redman Place, London, E20 1JQ, registered company number: 4355631), a trading company which Gift Aids its taxable profits to Cancer Research UK (a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666) and the Isle of Man (1103)). Where reference is made to "CRUK" in these Rules, it means both Cancer Research UK and Cancer Research UK Trading Limited.

Participant Entry

  1. Entrants under the age of 18 must have the permission of their parent or legal guardian before registering to take part in the Event.
  2. Participants under the age of 16 must be accompanied at the Event by their parent or legal guardian (or by an over 18-year-old who has the permission of that participant's parent or legal guardian).
  3. We reserve the right to refuse entry to any participant who is under age, not accompanied as required or is unable to provide satisfactory proof of age when requested to do so by an Event official.

What we recommend you to bring on the day

  • Water and food as required
  • Suitable clothing and footwear (taking into account the weather forecast)
  • A mobile phone with full battery
  • The emergency procedure and emergency contact details (provided at the start)
  • If the event is overnight, camping equipment e.g. tent and sleeping bag

Changes and Last Minute Arrangements

  1. We reserve the right to postpone and/or cancel the Event in our absolute discretion due to factors such as (but not limited to) adverse weather conditions.


  1. Relay For Life is a family event and alcohol, where permitted at a venue, should be consumed only in moderation. Anyone behaving inappropriately or in a manner such as to cause disturbance or annoyance to other guests or participants will be asked to leave. Should a relay venue not allow alcohol consumption then all participants must abide by their rules.

Health and Safety and Medical

  1. Participants are responsible for ensuring that they are sufficiently fit and healthy to take part in the Event. Anyone unsure of their physical ability to take part in the Event must therefore seek medical advice from a general practitioner prior to the Event.
  2. Notwithstanding rule 1 above, we reserve the right to refuse entry to the Event in our absolute discretion if for whatever reason we consider a person unfit to take part. We may also ask you to withdraw during the Event if we have concerns about your ability to complete it due to fitness, injury or otherwise. If you continue, you do so with the understanding that you absolve us and CRUK of all and any responsibility and progress entirely at your own risk.
  3. Participants must call the Event organiser or report to an Event marshal, should they decide not to finish the route before the close of the Event.
  4. Participants are responsible for ensuring they are wearing appropriate attire (including footwear) when taking part in the Event, taking into account the nature of the Event, the weather forecast and the terrain involved. We reserve the right to refuse entry to the Event to anyone with inappropriate or missing equipment or clothing.
  5. All participants must walk with care and attention and abide by any other rules stipulated by the Event organiser, Event marshals, police and officials.
  6. We take all reasonable steps to minimise the risk of injury to participants during fundraising events. Stringent risk assessment processes are in place for the Event which aim to minimise or eliminate the risk to everyone taking part. However, by taking part in the Event, you acknowledge that it is potentially hazardous and that there may be conditions or circumstances beyond our control that can lead to unforeseen risks.
  7. By taking part in the Event, you consent to receiving medical treatment administered by medically qualified personnel during the Event if required in any circumstances where you are unconscious or otherwise incapable of making a decision regarding medical treatment.

Sponsorship Money and Donations

  1. Any monies raised in connection with the Event are held on trust for Cancer Research UK, and therefore you have a legal responsibility to ensure that all sponsorship monies/donations received by you for the Event are paid to CRUK. We ask that you do this through you Relay organising committee before and/or on the day of the Event.

Use of Personal Data

  1. The personal data you provide to the Committee and/or CRUK when you register for the Event, will be used for the purposes of organising, staging and administering the Event, including sending you your fundraising pack. The Committee and/or CRUK may also contact you to discuss your fundraising activity and follow up on your progress.
  2. Your personal information may also be used for the purposes of sending communications to you where you have confirmed when registering for the Event that you would like to receive further information about the work of the Committee and/or CRUK.
  3. If you provide personal data on behalf of additional entrants, please only provide this if they have confirmed that they are happy for you to do so as we will use this information for the same purposes.
  4. In the case of an emergency, the Committee and CRUK may pass any personal details provided by you (either when registering for the Event or otherwise) to the emergency services or health care professionals, and also use them for the purposes of contacting your emergency contacts.
  5. First aid facilities will be provided at each Event. If you are treated by medical providers, your details may be passed to the Committee and to CRUK. We shall only use these details for health and safety purposes and to fulfil our legal obligations (including those under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013.) All medical details will be held on the CRUK Accident Database.
  6. All personal data held by CRUK will be handled in accordance with applicable privacy laws and CRUK's Privacy Statement which can be found at

Filming and Photography at the Event

  1. By taking part or attending, all participants, volunteers and spectators confirm that they are happy for their names and any video footage, stills or photographs taken during their participation by the Committee or CRUK (or by their service providers or agents) to be used by the Committee and CRUK to publicise the Event and for commercial and/or fundraising purposes including, but not limited to, television broadcasts, advertising, publications, marketing material, merchandise, social media, personalised direct mail, social media and other documents that may be made available to the public.
  2. The Committee and/or CRUK may appoint third party photographers to take photographs at the Event. All participants agree that photographs featuring them may be sent to them, to other people also featured in those photographs and to children's parents/legal guardians where children are featured in those photos. Whilst photographers will try to obtain parental/legal guardian's consent before taking images where children are more than just incidentally included, this cannot be guaranteed.


  1. All participants, volunteers and spectators enter and attend the Event entirely at their own risk. The Committee and CRUK shall not be liable for any injury or loss to persons or their property that might occur as a result of their participation in or attendance at the Event, other than in respect of any death or personal injury arising out of the Committee's or CRUK's negligence. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this clause shall exclude or limit the Committee's or CRUK's liability for any liability that cannot be excluded or limited by law.