Opportunities for PhD students and postdoc researchers

We're committed to supporting the next generation of cancer researchers, and our community includes around 550 PhD students and 750 postdoctoral researchers. Our researchers benefit from support including networking groups and events, training, travel grants, and opportunities to begin developing their independent research careers.


Find a PhD or postdoc

magnifying glass

Recruitment for PhD studentships and postdoc positions is usually managed independently by the institutes, centres and investigators that we fund around the UK. If you are interested in studying or working with us, we advise you to:

Browse our institutes and centres, and search for positions on their websites

Browse our recently funded awards to find potential supervisors

Search for projects on FindAPhD.com or  FindAPostdoc.com

If you already have postdoc experience, you may also be eligible to begin developing your independent research group with our career development fellowships and awards:

Browse our research career development opportunities

Benefits of studying and working with us

As a CRUK-funded student or researcher you will have access to our networking, training and other career development opportunities and benefits, including:

  • Networking meeting for new PhD students

  • "Communicating your research" training workshops

  • Careers day for students nearing the end of their PhD

  • Annual postdoctoral researchers networking meeting

  • Annual clinical researchers meeting

  • Flexible working policies

Disability and accessibility support

We want our research funding to be accessible for everyone. So we’ve developed guidance covering the support we offer grant applicants and grant holders who are disabled or have a long-term health condition.

We welcome researchers from all backgrounds and offer support for anyone needing adjustments in grant applications, interviews and award reporting. 

Pre-doctoral Research Bursary

Our Research Bursary provides short-term funding to allow clinicians and other health professionals to get involved in research projects early in their career.

Clinical research training fellowship PhDs

We fund Clinical Research Training Fellowships at each of our translational research Centres. Clinical trainees seeking PhD opportunities should contact Centres directly.

Postdoctoral Research Bursary for Clinical Trainees

This award offers funding for clinical trainees to remain active in research after completion of a PhD.


More career development opportunities

Research Careers

We offer a range of fellowships, bursaries and other support to help outstanding scientists and clinicians develop their independent research careers.


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