7 foods that the world's longest-living people swear by, from wine to nuts

costa rica blue zone gallo pinto
Gallo Pinto ("spotted rooster") is a traditional breakfast meal in Costa Rica, made from leftover rice cooked with beans. Beans and rice are a complete protein. Kevin Schafer / Getty Images
  • In 5 Blue Zones — global longevity hotspots — diets are often rich in whole, plant-based foods.
  • Beans, leafy greens, olive oil, crunchy veggies, and whole grains are all key parts of the equation.
  • Blue Zone diets tend to have much less sugar, meat, and dairy than typical American fare. 

Beans, veggies, herbs, and wine are diet staples in the world's five Blue Zones — where residents tend to consistently live longer, healthier lives than other people, despite their totally average genetics.  

Author and longevity expert Dan Buettner, who has spent the past 20 years investigating what people eat and drink in Blue Zoned corners of Italy, California, Greece, Costa Rica, and Japan, has developed a cannon of favorite recipes and staple ingredients over the years which he suspects play an important role in Blue Zone longevity. 

He's out with a new how-to book called "The Blue Zones secrets for living longer." In it, he picks out some of the key foods he's enjoyed learning about, eating, and cooking, ever since he started his grand investigation. Here are seven of his most revered picks:


Beans "reign supreme" in Blue Zone diets.

Black beans
Beans may indeed be a magical fruit. iStock

Blue Zones are found across the world, from Costa Rica to Japan, Greece, and California. One thing they all have in common is a love of beans, from garbanzos to tofu and black beans. 

Beans are high in fiber, a nutrient that is crucial for good health and a long life, supporting healthy gut bacteria. They also contain a lot of protein. A combo of beans plus a whole grain like rice or corn forms a complete protein, meaning it contains all the amino acids needed for health, no meat required.

According to Buettner, Blue Zone diets contain four times as many beans as the average American eats in a day. He recommends trying to incorporate at least half a cup a day into your routine. 


Nuts are a nutrient-dense staple.

Rex Roof on Flickr

Another common denominator among people who live to 100 is a habit of snacking on nutrient-rich nuts. Whether it's almonds or pistachios, nuts are packed with healthy fats, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and protein.  

"If you're eating a couple ounces of nuts a day, it's probably adding a couple of years of life expectancy to your own life," Buettner previously told Insider. 

Buettner suggests two handfuls of nuts a day as a good goal if you're looking to live a long, healthy life. Researchers studying people living in the American Blue Zone of Loma Linda found that their habit of snacking on nuts was associated with better heart health.


Olive oil, full of healthy fats, is used in many Blue Zone recipes.

olive oil

Olive oil is eaten with bread, salads, and veggies, in addition to being used to cook nearly everything in Blue Zones.

It is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which have been found to lower "bad" LDL cholesterol and in turn reduce the risk of heart disease.  

It's also anti-inflammatory and packed with antioxidants. This can help reduce the risk of many types of chronic illnesses, like cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, metabolic syndrome, and even arthritis. 

Even though olive oil high in fat and calories, it's also been linked to weight loss.



Cruciferous veggies may add years to your life.

bowl of broccoli brocoli

Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage may be most shunned in typical American diets, but they could hold the key to a longer life. 

Buettner found that in Sardinia, Italy, a diet high in cruciferous vegetables appeared to benefit thyroid function, potentially slowing down the aging process. 

These veggies are high in fiber, folate, and vitamins C, E and K, which are important for everything from your brain and nervous system health to strong bones and a vigorous immune system. 


Drink plenty of water ...

water glass

Drinks are important for longevity too, Buettner said. The Blue Zone beverage of choice is just water, and plenty of it. 

American diets can be soda-rich. As much as half of our daily sugar intake, on average, comes from soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages like iced coffees. 

Sugar-free diet sodas are also full of artificial sweeteners that can have detrimental effects on your health.


...but also coffee...


Coffee is beloved worldwide. There's a huge amount of research that shows it's good for us, reducing risks of heart and liver disease as well as supporting brain health.

If coffee isn't your cup, try tea: people in Okinawa, Japan, a highly-studied Blue Zone, drink lots of green tea, which is linked to health benefits like protecting against cancer and lowering the risk of diabetes

Whichever you choose, be wary of loading it up with too many syrupy sweeteners. Again, a key principle of all Blue Zone diets is they tend to be very low sugar.


... and enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, if that's your thing.

red wine
Georges Gobet/ AFP/ Getty Images

Another shared trait of Blue Zones is that they tend to enjoy some alcohol in moderation, particularly wine.

Wine is rich in polyphenols, antioxidant-rich healthy plant compounds abundant in grape skins that can help stave off disease. Sardinian red wine, in particular, is very rich in antioxidants.

But alcohol is still a neurotoxin, so if you don't drink, there's no reason to start to get health benefits. Still, a little wine, combined with a healthy plant-based diet, can confer a wide array of beneficial micronutrients crucial for living a long, healthy life.

Cheers to that. 


Health Nutrition Diet
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