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Tiffany Young Tries to Keep Up with a Professional Chef

K-pop star Tiffany Young visits the Bon Appétit Test Kitchen to make a French omelette with Carla. Can she follow along using verbal instructions only? Check out the recipe here:

Released on 03/27/2019


I'm having trouble folding because

there's nothing to fold.


I'm just making a burrito shape

with my spatula. Yes.

Okay. [laughs]

If you know what I mean. I don't.

[playful music]

Hey guys, it's Carla and I'm here

in the Bon Appetit test kitchen today with Tiffany Young.

Thank you so much for having me.

Thank you for coming. I'm so excited.

Oh my goodness. I need the support.

It's gonna be amazing.

It's no big deal.

We just have 20 minutes to make a classic french omelet.

No big deal for you.

And Tiffany's gonna follow along with me

through verbal instructions only.

So on the count of three. Okay.

We're gonna just turn around

and start making omelets.


One, two, three, tada.

So the first thing we're gonna do

is actually with the goat cheese,

this is for sense. Yes.

And there's a bowl of chives right next to it.

[Tiffany] Yes.

Dump the chives right into the cheese.

[Tiffany] Okay.

And then just grab the smaller of the spatulas.

So I just want you to like mash it together

until all the chives and the cheese are mixed together.

Okay, this looks really good.

Do you like goat cheese?

Not really. Okay.

But it looks amazing.

So now you've got like a pint glass with a plastic bag.


And it's folded over so you can just put

your hand underneath the folded over.

Oh okay.

Part, and then using the spatula,

to just scoop it right into that pastry bag.

Oh this is a pastry bag.

Yeah, it's a pastry bag.

My personality is kicking in

'cause I'm cleaning everything as we go.


So all of it in in the pastry bag.


Then pull your collar back up.


Grab the scissors from the equipment bin.


And then just snip off like the bottom half inch.

You can use your hands to kind of hold the bag closed

and smoosh the cheese down.

[Tiffany] To the bottom.


See, you're way ahead of me.

Once it's almost at the end, kind of twist the bag up

and put it back into the cup

'cause we'll grab it in a minute

but we don't need it right now.

How do you feel now?

You got like, that was one of the hardest parts.

If that was one of the hardest parts,

then I feel good right now.

Okay good.

So just set that aside and then

the next step is gonna be,

we need actually three of these eggs.

So the bowl that has the fork in it,

I want you to crack your three eggs into that bowl

and if the yolk breaks, it totally doesn't matter

because these are gonna get whipped up

for an omelet anyway.

And I like to, I usually smack my egg

right against the surface

but you can do it on the side of your bowl

or however you do it.

How's it going, Tiffany?

My technique is just make sure it gets done.

Execution is my style. Exactly.

Once you have all three eggs in the bowl,

you have two kinds of salt.

Take the more finer grain one

and I want you to take like a three finger pinch of salt,

a good amount of salt to season the egg.

I sort of did a three-finger and then another one.

Oh, oh.

And then using the fork,

just go ahead and start whipping the egg.

So what I do is--

Wait, so three pinches?

Three times?

[Carla] Just like a three-finger pinch.

But once.

Yeah, you do that once.

I am a little nervous

'cause I usually always have

little egg shells in the, oh no.

Did you get any? Yeah.

I have a little.

You fish 'em out with your fork maybe?

On it right now.

And just let me know when you're ready.

It's not that hard.

I don't know why I'm overthinking everything.

No it's okay.

[Tiffany] Are we using a fork to?

Yeah, yeah exactly.

So what I like to do is I kinda tilt the bowl

so that the eggs are nice and deep on one side.

[Tiffany] Mmhmm.

And then using a fork, kind of going from

under and over the egg. Yes, I am.

That's what I'm doing right now.


So what we want with these eggs

are for all of the yolk and the white

to be completely homogenized.


And the way that you can tell is just

pick your fork up out of the liquid

and kind of watch the way it runs off the fork.

[Tiffany] Okay.

And if it's like totally combined,

it's gonna run right off the fork,

almost like just water.

Do you feel like you're mixed all the way?


Okay, great.

So next, I'm gonna turn on my induction.


[Carla] You should do the same

and we're gonna just set our heat at 275.

275? 275.

The pan has to be hot enough

to actually set the egg,

but we don't want it so hot that it browns it.

I still hear, you're still whipping your eggs.

Yours are gonna be like super smooth.

I'm trying to be an A+ student right now.

That's good and the things that you need near you,

there's a stick of butter. Mmhmm.

I love butter.

Oh good.

I used to butter the pans before we bake.

[Carla] Okay.

It might just be my lame excuse to eat raw butter.

Great. When I was a child.

I also love butter. Yes.

So I want you to kinda eyeball it

and take off about a tablespoon and get that going

into your pan and it should start to foam up right away.

Is your butter in the pan?


Do we evenly spread it or leave it?

[Carla] I'm using my knife to kind of scoot it around.


[Carla] So that the whole bottom of the pan is coated.

[Tiffany] I guess I have some instincts while cooking.

Yeah, and then I'm just gonna.

With this one move.

Making sure the whole bottom is coated with butter

and it's foaming.

Uh huh, it is foaming. Okay, great.

Alright so now the next part is gonna go really fast.

[Tiffany] Okay.

So grab the other spatula that was in that equipment bin.


And when the eggs hit the pan,

we're gonna start stirring the eggs

and actually start moving the pan back and forth

at the same time.

So it's a little bit like patting your head

and rubbing your stomach at the same time.

I am not good at that.

Wait, hold on.

[Carla] Alright, well, we just gotta do it.

So eggs into pan. Okay.

And then grab the, are you left handed or right handed?

[Tiffany] Right handed.

Okay so grab the handle with your left hand,

pushing the pan back and forth like straight ahead

and back towards you, right,

and then with your other hand,

I just want you to stir it

constantly in a circular direction.

Oh stir?

Yeah, stir around and around and around and around

and with your other hand, you're kinda moving the pan

back and forth and your eggs

should start to set up almost immediately.

[Tiffany] Yeah.

Mine are set.

[Tiffany] Mine are setting?

Okay and once they're kind of spread out evenly

on the bottom of the pan and the bottom,

the underside is set.

Wait, oh no. What happened?

[Tiffany] Mine look like scrambled eggs.

That's okay, but the bottom is set, right?

The parts against the pan should be set.

No. No?

Alright, we're gonna go through it

and then we'll do another one.

[Tiffany] Okay.

Alright so grab your pastry bag with your goat cheese

and just going like you're

going from 12 o'clock to three o'clock.

[Tiffany] Uh huh.

Just make a nice squiggle

or a nice line of goat cheese.

Right down the middle.

[Tiffany] Wait I'm going 12 to three o'clock.

You should have like a highway of goat cheese

from one side of the omelet to the other.

A highway, I thought you said 12 to three o'clock.

Yeah, just like imagine a clock.

One end of the goat cheese is at 12

and the other end is at six o'clock.

Oh, then there is no three o'clock.

No, did I say three o'clock?

Yeah. Oh I'm sorry.

Oh my god, I'm sorry.

12 o'clock to six o'clock.

Didn't mean to.

[Tiffany] Oh no.

It's cool, this is the practice one.

Okay. Okay.

So now using your spatula again,

I want you to just lift up one side

and so the goal here is just to roll this up, right,

like we're gonna make a little burrito out of it

or a rolled omelet.

My eggs got brown so like we're both,

we're in the same boat.

And kind of just using the spatula to help you,

start to roll it onto itself

and just go all the way across.

Wait, can I get the last direction?

Just using the spatula to get the first edge up,

you wanna start to roll the omelet over itself

and roll it up across the pan.


Mine doesn't roll.

[Carla] Oh okay.

Mine doesn't roll like yours.

Okay are you folding it onto itself?

You could say I'm folding it.

Okay, so just like fold it until

if you're over, just fold it over onto itself

until it's kind of like into a little bundle.

I think I got the wrong impression when you said stir.


At this point, all you need to do

is whatever shape your omelet is in right now,

just slide it out from the pan onto the plate

and we're gonna have, this is first pancake.

Mine is dry, overcooked, wrinkly and brown

so I did not make a perfect omelet either.

This is just our practice one.

There's a little bowl of chives.

I'm just gonna give myself a little sprinkle sprinkle.

Okay. Mm.

Tiffany, I think we just gotta check in.

So on the count of three,

you're just gonna turn around.



Three, two, one.


Oh, okay.

Beautiful, you made French scramble.

I tried. [Carla laughs]

This is the thing with French omelet.

You have to do them a bunch of times before you get good.

So we're gonna do it again.

Alright, omelet number two.

This is like, just got that one out of the way.

The first omelet is never pretty.

So just crack three more eggs. Thank you.

That makes me feel better.

Cooking is giving me life lessons.

And just going again.

Three, once you have your three eggs in there.

[Tiffany] Mmhmm.

Alright, you're whipping your eggs.

Did you salt your eggs?


Make sure you get that big pinch of salt in there

and then whipping them until same thing,

until they're like perfectly all the same texture.

One color, no blobby bits of egg white.

Alright and then if you lift

your fork up out of the mixture,

you can see if things are flowing.

Mine are about there.

How do you feel?

I still need a little more time.


Take your time.


Okay are you ready for butter?

Oh, yes.

Alright let's take off

another tablespoon size piece of butter.

[Tiffany] Mmhmm.

[Carla] And go into our preheated pan.

What if I want more butter?

Do more butter.

French people love butter.

I love butter.

I'm putting extra butter too.

So when the butter is melted and foamy,

the eggs go in.

As soon as they're all in,

just start stirring all around and all the way through.

The eggs are gonna kind of turn into like strands.

It should be pretty wet on top

and look like it's set at the bottom.

Do you feel like the part that's against the pan

has kind of solidified, but it's jiggly and wet on the top?

Yes, I mean it's getting there.

Okay, great.

So now while this is continuing to cook,

just take the goat cheese

and make a line with it from one edge of the egg

to the other.

[Tiffany] It can be more than just a thin line, right?


I sort of made like a squiggle

and then once the goat cheese is in there,

just pretend that you're rolling up a burrito.


And just roll it onto itself going across.

But what if it's still kind of runny?

That's okay.

It's okay if it's still runny in the middle.

That's like pretty perfect for a French omelet.

[Tiffany] Okay.

Did you roll it over onto itself?

I'm folding, oh my goodness.

Mine is browning a little bit.

I'm back in Spain.

Mine's really shiny.


It's all the butter.

Alright once you feel good.

Mine almost looks like a banana.

[Carla] Perfect, just slide it onto the plate.

[Tiffany] Okay.

And then I'm gonna give mine a little schmear of butter.

Mine's very shiny.

I do like shine though. Perfect.

And then a little bit of chives or a lot of chives.

However much chives you like

and then a little flake of salt.

How do you feel compared to last one?

Way better. Way better, right?

At least it's like not scrambled.

Amazing, alright.

Let's, tell me when you're ready.

We're gonna check it out.



One, two, three.

Oh my god, amazing.

Look at how that is.

You did amazing, oh my god.

I'm realizing.

That is a real. Is it better?

It's a real rags to riches story right there.

Alright let's switch.

I can't wait to try this.

So what I'm really impressed with

is how smooth the surface is

and how little browning you got.

Like mine got evenly brown on the outside

so it's a little bit overcooked.


And you got that beautiful pale yellow

like the perfect French omelet color.

Uh huh.

Alright ready? Yeah.

Mm. Mm.

It's perfect. Mm.

You really nailed it.

Thank you.

High five. Good job.

I would love to have you come back.

Oh I would love to.

We can make Korean food.

I'd love that.

Now you can do anything.

[Tiffany] I'm gonna take over the world

one omelet at a time.

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