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Transform with cloud

Accelerate digital transformation through cloud technology to become more agile and increase innovation across your organisation

Building in the cloud with arrows

As companies scale, customer needs grow, and the necessity to be competitive increases. The ability to be flexible, efficient, and agile is key to business success. Migrating applications and infrastructure to the cloud can bring many benefits including reduced costs, improved agility, elasticity, and flexibility. However, planning and implementing a move to the cloud isn't always a simple task. It's important to develop a cloud strategy that's right for your business and the needs of your users.

It's likely you are already using some forms of cloud technology—from storing files on Google Drive, to using Microsoft Teams or Zoom to connect with your colleagues. A defined cloud strategy can help you harness the power of your existing software and provide seamless integration between teams and tools.

Is cloud right for you?

One of the main benefits of cloud is that you don't require any equipment on site. This not only reduces the technical costs associated with running your own servers, but also lowers overhead as there is no equipment to maintain.

Often, if any issues occur with your infrastructure, these are resolved by your cloud provider which reduces the stress on your team. This also allows resources to be redeployed to other areas of the business where there is more impact on the bottom line, rather than just fighting fires. 

Another great benefit of cloud is the flexibility—you only pay for the number of users in your organisation, or even per gigabyte that you use.

Cloud with a building on a rocket
Lightbulbs above heads

Cloud technology is ideal for...

Most businesses actually—there are so many cloud options that almost all businesses can benefit from some form of cloud technology. The real question is which cloud computing service model is right for your business, as this can affect the amount of control you have over your software and data.

What are the main cloud service models?

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

IaaS is the removal of the physical layer of your server and infrastructure resources, whereby a provider hosts the computing infrastructure of a company—typically present in a data center where you own and operate the hardware. All your server hardware, network infrastructure, and storage devices become a virtual data centre entity that the provider is responsible for the provision and maintenance of.

An example of IaaS is hosting your Atlassian Data Center instance on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

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Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS is where a provider also hosts the applications for business to use. In a SaaS model everything is provided for the business and managed by the provider with no need to configure or install anything. This out-of-the-box software is ready to be used as soon as you sign up.

An example of SaaS is using Atlassian Cloud services such as Jira Cloud, where you buy your licenses based on the number of users and just sign on to access the software.

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Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PaaS is a cloud computing model where a provider provides a platform-based service so users can develop, run, manage, and scale applications without the expense and complexity of managing the underlying infrastructure. Resources can be purchased from the cloud provider, allowing you to manage the applications and services you develop efficiently. They will manage everything else including hardware, operating systems, and security.

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Benefits of cloud

Whether you are building business-critical applications or modern applications, there are several benefits of shifting to the cloud.

Costs savings - reduced total cost of ownership

Increased business agility and flexibility

Accelerated innovation

Improved operational efficiency

Enhanced security

Streamlined IT infrastructure

Improved global scalability and demand management

Capacity management through the provision and termination of resources as needed

Improved business value and performance through operational resilience

Access to cloud service models - SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS

Boosted staff productivity

Reduced carbon footprint

Our cloud services

We recognise our customers are at differing stages of their cloud journey. Some may be starting their initial cloud adoption and want to migrate low-risk workloads. Others might be all-in, wanting to embrace the cloud, and adopt a fully cloud-first strategy. Wherever you are on your cloud journey, we can help with our expertise and adoption of current best practices. 

As experts in digital transformation and cloud migrations, including being an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner and winner of Atlassian Partner of the Year 2021: Cloud Experience, we’re the ideal partner for helping you to transition to the cloud.

Cloud with arrows
Cloud consulting

Cloud consulting

We help customers achieve their business goals and maximise the benefits of cloud with our end-to-end consulting services. Our strategy and consulting experts and solution architects can be leveraged to help customers design cloud-native or cloud-agnostic applications, and build automated processes that ensure the fastest time to value with cloud services. We provide actionable business and technology roadmaps to enable our clients to have secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure for all applications and workloads.

Cloud hosting

Moving from on-premise hosting to a cloud provider has many benefits, from removing the burden of managing server equipment in-house to increasing flexibility and the ability to adapt quickly to changes in your business.

As an Advanced Consulting Partner, we’re perfectly positioned to deploy, run, and manage your workloads and applications in the AWS Cloud , including hosting. AWS delivers a resilient infrastructure and seamless cloud experience, powering the services your teams depend on. Customers can leverage our expertise and automated processes that ensure the fastest time to value with AWS cloud services.

Find out more about what we offer and why cloud hosting and AWS are the perfect pair.

AWS not for you? We can also support other cloud hosting options.

AWS Advanced Tier Consulting Services Partner

We work with clients around the world to help them migrate applications from on-prem to cloud, or from one cloud to another cloud, by charting a clear and comprehensive migration strategy.


For successful migration to take place you need to understand what you’re moving, why you’re moving it, and how you’re going to do it. We analyse your current technology stack and identify the application requirements, and then develop the scope and roadmap required for a successful migration. Our approach is about optimising and streamlining infrastructure. We also define and document performance, security, and compliance goals.

Three cogs

Managed services

For many organisations, one of the main benefits of moving to the cloud is being able to outsource some of the more time-draining operational tasks. With Adaptavist Managed Services you can go one step further and pass additional technology management to our expert engineers. Outsource back-end infrastructure management, support, and even administration of your cloud based services with our range of Managed Services. 


Cloud solutions and DevOps work perfectly together in an environment designed for agility and flexibility. The cloud provides tools for centralised deployment and can offer support for built-in DevOps. For example, if DevOps teams need to assemble components for a solution in a specific way, advanced cloud automation capabilities can streamline the process and make it more repeatable.

DevOps loop
Atlassian Cloud Migration Services award logo

Winners of Atlassian Partner of the Year 2022: Cloud Migration Services

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Atlassian Cloud licenses 

We offer tailored, co-termed licensing solutions that take the stress out of managing your Atlassian Cloud estate and ensure you get the best deal available for your business.

We are more than just a reseller—our team’s expertise as a leading Atlassian Platinum and Enterprise partner helps you get more value from your license portfolio while offering you a single point of contact from our team. 

Atlassian Cloud migrations

Our cloud migration service helps you to move your essential software, such as Atlassian Jira, to a cloud deployment. This could be from an on-premise set-up, or consolidating existing cloud instances. No matter the scope of your project, our engineers are experienced in cloud migrations of all sizes and understand that each business is different.

Our bespoke packages focus on the needs of your users, and we work closely with you to ensure your new set-up provides everything your business needs to benefit from cloud deployment. 

Atlassian Cloud Specialized badge

5 reasons to move to the cloud

Cloud technology has many benefits for businesses of all sizes. For growing organisations, the easy scalability and flexibility of the cloud provides peace of mind for the performance of your software. Larger businesses can see greater continuity as everything is stored locally, and can be accessed and edited simultaneously. Smaller businesses have the advantage of being able to access enterprise-grade technology and security, with ease. 

In our blog, we highlight some of the reasons cloud might be right for your business. 

Read the blog →
Cloud ladder

Contact us to find out how cloud technology can work for your business