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Embrace change with agile transformation

Are you looking to improve your speed to market, company culture, collaboration, product quality, ability to innovate—or all of the above and more? You're in the right place.

Embrace agile ways of working with The Adaptavist Group—global experts in agile transformation

Agile transformation services

We're The Adaptavist Group, a trusted agile transformation partner.

Our mission is to enable you to achieve organisational agility by aligning your people, processes, and technology so you can adapt quickly to changing market conditions.

Truly global expertise

The Adaptavist Group's experienced team of agile experts also includes consultants from Aligned Agility, Gravity Works and VenITure. We work with organisations of all shapes and sizes, helping them put flexibility, collaboration, and change at the heart of their business.

You can trust us to support you through the different stages of your agile transformation journey, so your business achieves accelerated delivery, improved team collaboration, increased ROI and more.

Aligned Agility logo
Gravity Works logo
venITure GmbH logo
Scaled Agile Gold Partner logo
Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner logo
Atlassian Agile at Scale Specialized logo

Benefits of agile

Faster time to market

Faster time to market

Improved product quality

Improved product quality

Ability to innovate

Ability to innovate

Engaged employees

Engaged employees

Happier customers

Happier customers

Increased ROI

Increased ROI

There are many benefits of adopting agile practices including faster time to market, happier customers, and more engaged employees. That said, implementing agile is tough. And as your business scales, the need to break down silos and improve company-wide collaboration becomes more important and difficult.

Working with experienced consultants like ours is one of the best ways to achieve business agility because we will guide you through complex change, and we’ve helped many organisations like yours reach their agile goals.

From choosing the right process framework and tools to go with it, to changing your mindset to one that embraces innovation and autonomy—there are many layers to getting agile transformation right. We’ll be right by your side to make sure it happens.

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Head to our menu of OKR content for more insights and information about OKRs and how they can transform your approach to goal-setting.

Agile consulting

Adopting agile ways of working allows you to react and respond to change positively while ensuring the customer remains at the heart of everything you do.

With agile transformation, there's no one-size-fits-all. We tailor our consultancy services to your specific organisation’s challenges and goals to align your people, processes, and technology.

Once seen as relevant for only software development teams, agile practices are now adopted across entire organisations from marketing and sales to HR and finance, helping your whole company break down silos and work towards common, visible goals.

Illustration of agile ways of working

Align your people, processes, and technology

Here’s a summary of our agile consulting services:

Illustration of an agile team


- Agile Mentoring

- Agile and SAFe® training

- Leadership and role-based coaching

- Organisational analysis and development

- Social Insight and trend analytics

Illustration of agile processes


- Agile and DevOps

- Agile at scale and SAFe®

- Agile process review

- Agile process optimisation 

- Business agility assessment

Illustration of agile tools


- Agile tool assessment

- Agile tool selection

- Custom development

- Tool implementation

- Training and support

Leading-edge agile tooling

Your choice of agile tooling depends on a whole host of factors, from your organisation’s size to the maturity of your agile practices. We have partnerships with leading agile technology providers so we can help you choose an application that's best suited to your business while making sure you put your people and customers first.

Illustration of agile strategic partners
Aha! logo
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Agile culture

Social Insight by Adaptavist

Shine a light on how your business is really operating with Social Insight by Adaptavist

As organisations grow and team members reach out to their colleagues to help solve their problems, informal social networks begin to form. While often hidden, these networks can be mission-critical for successful transformation.

Social Insight by Adaptavist uncovers these hidden networks and reveals crucial information about how your business works, informing your digital transformation strategy so you can be sure it's based on an accurate view of how things get done.

In short, we give you the foundations to optimise your teams and shift from focusing on skills and competencies to delivering value to customers.

With Social Insight by Adaptavist you can:

  • Baseline your organisation's readiness for transformation.
  • Uncover collaborative networks and deliver meaningful transformation.
  • Explore how networks are forming across your business.
  • Understand how work is delivered and successfully reorient teams.
  • Make the most of collaboration between teams.

Drive transformation from the inside, out with Agile Mentoring by Adaptavist

When it comes to successful agile transformation, your people must come first. Breaking away from outdated, hierarchical ways of working requires an agile mindset across your organisation.

Agile Mentoring by Adaptavist does just that. By shifting mindset from the ground up, we unlock untapped innovation in your organisation, which will improve business processes, solve challenges your teams are facing, and begin the journey to organisation-wide change.

Our workshops kick-start your organisation's transformation by uncovering opportunities for change that can immediately improve how your teams work.

Agile Mentoring by Adaptavist enables you to:

  • Create value through increased agility.
  • Empower teams to work better together.
  • Shift mindset from tasks to a focus on customer value.
  • Drive continuous improvement in the flow of real work.
  • Centre the team on a common goal.
  • Increase collaboration between different parts of the business.
  • Bridge gaps between customer-focused teams and strategic decision-makers.
Illustration of agile mentoring loop

Customer story

Discover how Solutionpath adopted an agile mindset to deliver greater value to their customers.

Developing an agile mindset

Discover what an agile mindset is and how it works to enable collaboration and innovation; plus some practical ways you and your team can adopt this powerful framework for thinking.

Developing an agile mindset

The four facets of agility: a foundation for successful transformation

Agile is more than a box-ticking exercise to keep up with the competition— it’s a state of mind. This in-depth eBook shows you how changing your state of mind can begin to transform your organisation.

Image of eBook The four facets of agility

Agile at scale

Agile at scale refers to the process of translating established agile methods to larger groups of people.

Lean-agile practices enable complex organisations to work more dynamically and SAFe® (Scaled Agile Framework for Enterprise) is the leading methodology to help large enterprises apply them.

SAFe® helps 70% of the Fortune 100 connect strategy with execution.

Our SPC-certified consulting team leverage both training and deep real-world experience to deliver outcomes for your business.

Illustration of scaling agile

Our agile at scale services include:

  • Agile at scale evaluation and alignment
  • Tool implementation and support
  • SAFe® quick start platform
  • SAFe® PI Planning support
  • SAFe® training
Dig deeper into our agile at scale services →
Scaled Agile Gold Partner logo
Atlassian Agile at Scale Specialized logo

Agile resources

Created by our agile experts, our resources are designed to help support you on your agile journey and cover how to:

- Create an agile culture

- Improve your agile processes and tools

- Scale agile in your organisation

- Goal setting and measuring success

Expand your knowledge with our agile resources.
"It is never too early (or late) to start sowing the seeds of an agile mindset in your organisation. Agile is a continuous journey, not a fixed destination."
Jon Kern
Agile Transformation Consultant and co-author of the Agile Manifesto

Let's talk about your transformation.

Excited about agile? We are too. Get in touch and one of our experts will contact you to discuss your particular situation and recommend the next steps.