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Adaptavist Apps for Confluence

Take teamwork to the next level with our tried and trusted Confluence tools

hero collaboration

Apps to help you capitalise on Confluence 

ScriptRunner for Confluence: your content clean-up best friend

Want Confluence to work harder for your organisation? This powerful plugin helps automate work and makes content management a breeze. Define content best practices for your teams and keep things consistent and tidy, no matter how sprawling your Confluence.

Stay on the right track with ScriptRunner

  • Keep Confluence looking its best with smart content management – from advanced searches to deleting trash, attachments, and comments in bulk.
  • With access to powerful macros and permissions management ScriptRunner helps improve user engagement and content navigation.
  • Eliminate arduous admin with scheduled scripts and on-demand actions. And take the hassle out of troubleshooting by accessing log info with just one click.
"ScriptRunner has really given us an opportunity to customise our environment. The built-in tools are very useful, and if one doesn't exist it’s pretty simple to write your own."
Atlassian Marketplace User

Content Formatting Macros for Confluence: content creation that can’t be beaten

Want well-structured pages with fluid navigation? Ready to maximise your content’s appeal and keep readers interested? Content Formatting Macros for Confluence personalises and enhances your content to really make it stand out. It’s the go-to app for Confluence customisation, helping to improve UI and UX with just a few clicks. Go beyond standard functionality with buttons, tabs and progress bars, and even embed external content to give users access to everything they need in one spot.

hero transform confluence

ThemeBuilder for Confluence: customisation at your fingertips

Transform look, feel, and functionality with Themebuilder – Adaptavist’s Confluence app designed with your needs in mind.

  • Make it your own

    Building-block code modules let you customise your Confluence theme, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • Look smart

    With macro scripting and carousels, you can create custom page layouts worth looking at.

  • Captivate your users

    Choose which page and UI elements you have on display so that your content works best for your company.

  • Set the standard

    Your standardised layouts can be built to match the Confluence codebase, so they’ll always look the way you intended even with new releases.

Community Forums for Confluence: many users, one community

Community Forums is the must-have Confluence app to boost collaboration and engage your users.

With the Forum blueprint template, you can create custom forums for topics that matter most to you – then add them directly to your Confluence pages in an instant.

Get discussions going across the company about important projects, pin must-read content to the top of a forum, track engagement metrics, and more. 

community forums in action

Create custom forms and surveys straight from your Confluence with Forms for Confluence.

Actionable insight right where you want it 

Don’t waste time creating surveys elsewhere and importing and exporting data – Forms lets you gather and integrate insights inside Confluence, saving time and speeding up decision-making.

And with the Conditional Fields macro, you can customise form behaviour based on user input – making data-gathering even more intuitive. 

Form in Confluence with annotation