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Enterprise Cloud

Adaptavist Enterprise Cloud

A seamless cloud experience, without the compromise.


Complex, global organisations that rely on Atlassian tools to deliver value at scale place unique demands on their technology.

With Adaptavist Enterprise Cloud, we remove the strain of meeting these demands by delivering, managing, and supporting feature-rich, scalable Atlassian Data Center technology.

No on-site equipment, no infrastructure management, and no support or admin burden — we deliver a holistic, fully optimised Atlassian experience for all your users.

Modern office building encircled by jira apps

Say hello to next-generation Atlassian tool management

  • Tailored, co-termed Atlassian licensing
  • Leading cloud infrastructure platform
  • Back-end platform management
  • Front-end administration
  • 24/7 premium support
  • Support for your essential add-on apps
Puzzle of a cloud

All the benefits of Data Center technology, delivered as a seamless cloud experience

With decades of experience deploying and running Atlassian applications in the cloud for complex enterprises, you're in trusted hands.

  • Minimal business interruption
  • 99.9% uptime, globally
  • No back-end burden
  • Simple add-on app integration
  • Upskill your users with ease
  • Scale your platform to infinity
  • Free-up internal teams
  • Ensure long-term platform optimisation

Feature-rich, friction-free collaboration

Built to support complex organisations, Adaptavist Enterprise Cloud combines renowned cloud hosting providers, administration expertise, around-the-clock infrastructure support and best-in-class apps for a seamless, fully optimised cloud experience for your global teams.

Agile flows around an office building
Office building jumps out of box

Going beyond out-of-the-box

Utilising Amazon Web Services and leading cloud infrastructure platforms, Enterprise Cloud delivers the stability your teams need to innovate at scale, coupled with the flexibility to customise and optimise your platform.

  • Hassle-free lift and shift to our cloud infrastructure
  • Expert infrastructure management
  • SLA-backed premium global support
  • Support for your add-on apps
  • Nominated account manager
  • Robust security and compliance provision
  • Data stored where you want it
  • No product or licensing constraints
Office building on a cloud with rocket below

A seamless cloud experience for your Atlassian tools

Find out how Adaptavist Enterprise Cloud can help your business scale faster, and collaborate better

Crowd logoBitbucket logoConfluence logoJira Software logoJira Service Management logo

AWS cloud services

Get the most out of Enterprise Cloud and your Atlassian tools with AWS. As an Advanced Consulting Partner, we're perfectly positioned to deploy, run, and manage every aspect of your AWS experience, including hosting. From increased speed and agility to greater flexibility, scalability, security, and continuity, AWS is designed to power the tools you depend on.

Find out more about what we offer and why Enterprise Cloud and AWS are the perfect pair.

AWS cloud services from Adaptavist

AWS not for you? We can also support other cloud hosting options.

AWS Advanced Tier Consulting Services partner

Case Study - Unlocking the power of the platform Atlassian Managed Services for John Lewis Partnership

Woman outside Waitrose

When John Lewis Partnership sought to overhaul and optimise its Atlassian tools, the team turned to Adaptavist to build and deliver a managed service that would empower teams to innovate at scale.

The two have now worked together for over seven years to deliver a fully managed Atlassian platform that currently supports 2,000 Jira users with almost 100% uptime, empowers users to ship great products, faster, and drives collaboration across teams.

How to create a seamless cloud experience without compromising on app functionality

Apps transmitted from cloud

Cloud technology has been around for years and many organisations rely on cloud software to store their files and data. Yet, the idea of moving the software that’s central to your business from on-premise servers into the cloud can be nerve-wracking.

Although it’s easy to see the benefits of cloud—increased efficiency, productivity and lower operating expenses—you’ve probably heard there are downsides too, especially for larger businesses.

When deciding whether to migrate critical company-wide tools such as Jira and Confluence, it’s not just the cloud instances of these products themselves that you need to worry about.

A key additional consideration is your apps—will they still work and offer the same functionality you’re currently experiencing if you move to the cloud? Plus, you’ve got to think about your security requirements, performance needs, and whether customisation is important for your tools.

For enterprise companies, it’s no wonder the idea of moving to cloud can be so complicated and worrying. When you’ve got so many moving parts, and thousands of users relying on your Atlassian tools to do their jobs, it’s important to consider every option.

The benefits of moving your Atlassian tools to the cloud

When your tools are in the cloud you no longer need bulky, on-premise servers, or large, experienced teams to manage them—eliminating the technical costs associated with infrastructure and implementation.

Your team can get on with day-to-day tasks and bigger-picture projects without the burden of managing servers, updating instances, or fixing outages. This just happens in the background.

In fact, if there are problems, your cloud provider or trusted vendor often spots the issues and fixes them before your teams even notice it. These bigger teams of experts are working behind the scenes to keep everything running smoothly.

Moving from an in-house managed server to the cloud also makes it easier to scale by instantly adding additional nodes when needed. You’ll be able to respond immediately to dynamic spikes in demand, and team growth—allowing you to become more fluid based on your business needs. 

Overall, moving to the cloud brings many advantages–it lets your team move faster, deliver more value, and grow with confidence.

But the big decision is whether Atlassian’s out-of-the-box cloud offering provides everything you need, or whether the disadvantages become a deal-breaker for your organisation.

Here’s why…

The main challenges of moving to Atlassian Cloud

Because Atlassian Cloud is quite rigid, it can limit both the customisation options and the features that you are used to with Atlassian Server or Data Center. 

If like many organisations you rely on Marketplace apps to optimise your Atlassian stack, these will be significantly different on Atlassian Cloud. For many of them, you’ll even have to start from scratch as your current version cannot be migrated over.

Atlassian Cloud uses the REST API, instead of Java, meaning many apps become incompatible. 

Due to limitations with this API, many app creators have not been able to replicate the same functionality of current Server and Data Center apps in Cloud versions.

Another big issue is security. Marketplace apps can be hosted anywhere in the world as each vendor is responsible for hosting the cloud version of their apps. This can cause major problems with regulations that require your data to only be held in certain regions. And because vendors are hosting apps directly, this can cause issues with performance. 

Let’s take a closer look at how cloud versions differ for some popular Marketplace apps:

Tempo Timesheets

There are significant differences in database structure for the Cloud version of the app. For Server and Data Center, Tempo data is stored in the same database as Jira. However with Cloud, Tempo data is stored in a separate system directly by Tempo.

Because of this, migration can be complicated and very time consuming. There are currently no migration tools built into Tempo Timesheets so everything has to be moved over manually—a huge task for larger businesses!


While ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud enables you to automate and extend Jira using Groovy Scripts, much like the Server and Data Center versions, there are also some key differences.

Due to limitations on Atlassian’s side, ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud relies solely on Jira’s public REST API (rather than the Java API in the Server and Data Center versions). This means some of the functionality is implemented differently and some of your scripts might need to be rewritten when transitioning the the Cloud.

This probably won’t be a big deal for smaller organisations, but for an enterprise that executes hundreds of scripts across different parts of the Jira platform, these challenges need to be considered before migrating to Jira Cloud.


eazyBI for Jira Cloud is hosted by eazyBI, not on your server, so all system administration tasks are performed by eazyBI support. Some functionality is not available and administrator control is limited.

If using data and analysing reports is key to making significant decisions in your business, then missing functionality in the cloud version of eazyBI could make visualising your essential data much harder. 


A variety of features are unavailable on the Cloud version of BigPicture, and some disparities exist in functionality and customisation compared with Server versions.

While BigPicture was created to help you be more efficient, these missing features and functionality on Cloud could actually do the opposite.  

These marketplace apps, and many of your other essential Atlassian apps, lose key functionality and features on Cloud.

If apps are crucial to helping your teams thrive using Atlassian tools and you can’t compromise. There’s another way.

When functionality matters, think Adaptavist Enterprise Cloud

Luckily, it’s still possible to give your teams the benefits of cloud with all the functionality you’re used to.

Adaptavist Enterprise Cloud gives you the flexibility of cloud without compromising on the functionality and customisation of your tools by delivering Data Center technology as a seamless, fully managed cloud experience. 

By using reliable cloud infrastructure from our partner Amazon Web Services (AWS) and other popular cloud platforms, combined with Data Center apps, Enterprise Cloud is designed for performance at scale.

Our back-end infrastructure management and unparalleled support gives you peace of mind that your instances will always be performing at their best. Plus, we also support all of you Marketplace apps, too.

But it’s not just about keeping the lights on.

Our team of experts manage your day-to-day front-end admin to ensure your users are making the most of everything your tools have to offer.

With robust security and compliance measures, disaster recovery, and data stored where you want it, there’s no need to compromise on data security.

Plus, your nominated Adaptavist account manager is on-hand to provide advice and insight for longer-term developments that will take your tools to the next level.

Make moving to cloud a reality and watch your organisation soar.

Expert on-demand front-end Atlassian admin

Get more from your technology with one of the world’s largest Atlassian certified workforces at your fingertips

Adaptavist assist heroes

For large and rapidly growing businesses, everyday Jira and Confluence admin can take up a lot of time. There are new users to be added, permissions to be granted and workflows to be optimised—and that’s just the day-to-day admin.

For organisations where Atlassian tools are critical to business success, the ability to scale easily is essential, and customisation is key for your users to get the most out of your instances. Yet, many enterprise businesses are still struggling to keep on top of everyday demands and missing out on implementing strategic longer-term developments that truly optimise the Atlassian experience.

From essential admin to effective issue management

While your list of daily admin tasks grows and continues to take up more time, dreams of tailored dashboards and custom scripts to optimise your technology are pushed aside, and it’s only when disaster strikes that all-important configuration changes are implemented.

During these times of crisis, admin teams are left trying to piece together quick solutions to tackle performance and keep Jira and Confluence operating effectively. These fast fixes often miss the underlying issues, leaving users with hurdles that prevent productivity—making their jobs harder and more stressful!

Wouldn’t it be better to identify these issues before they happen?

Finding and fixing issues without the back and forth

As part of our front-end management, we don’t just find issues, we fix them too. We provide ongoing configuration improvements to prevent problems occurring in the first place, alongside daily admin assistance that keeps your users happy and productive.

But that’s not all.

Your account manager and our team of experienced engineers provide bespoke advice and insights to help you make the most of everything Jira and Confluence can offer your business.

While our support SLAs and 15-minute priority issue response time is unparalleled, we provide so much more than that. We delve into what your business and users really need from your technology and help you make it a reality.

Streamlining how you operate

With properly managed instances, your users will experience a streamlined way of working that improves productivity.

When combined with expert back-end infrastructure management as part of our Enterprise Cloud offering, your Atlassian tools will receive the attention they deserve at every stage.

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