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This report presents a critique of established cultural heritage practices in Western Australia, focusing on the control of the process by corporate proponents and its effects on rock art and stone arrangements. The moderating roles of... more
Architectural practices constitute an appropriate field for the application of combined technological and social perspectives into the study of human action. Domestic buildings, rather than being examined as spatial and organisational... more
The Middle Mississippian component at Aztalan was a mixed, Late Woodland / Mississippian occupation sited within a heavily fortified habitation and mound center that is located on a tributary of the Rock River in Wisconsin. It represents... more
A brief paper about a Nazca Bowl with Bird Imagery on its sides. The meaning of the Imagery is explained through the use of the ancient depicted sign language system.
Cochiti Dam Salvage Project Excavations (Archaeology) Animal remains (Archaeology) Bird remains (Archaeology) Sandoval County (N.M.) Cochiti Dam Region (N.M.) Cochiti (N.M.) Pueblo del Encierro (N.M.) LA 70 LA 6455 LA 6461... more
The 85 sites located on this survey show occupation and use of the area by different Cultural groups in prehistoric and historic times. The Archaic sites are followed by agricultural / ceramic-making Pueblo cultures. Mobil Oil... more
A review of the distribution of certain material items ranging in chronocultural terms from the Neolithic to the Second Iron Age of Galicia, with a reflection on its cultural implications.
Tobacco use was widespread amongst the indigenous populations throughout North and South America prior to European contact; however, the geographical and temporal spread of the plant is poorly understood. Organic residue analysis is... more
New discoveries of rock art in Valcamonica, as well as some recent fundamental findings from archaeological sites (the Brandopferplatz of Spinéra near Breno), have unfolded unexpected data about the importance of birds inside the imagery... more
In this paper the settlement of the Záhorie region in western Slovakia during the Urnfield period is described and analyzed. Our main interest lies in the Final Bronze Age, for this is the period in which finds of Lusatian culture have... more
70 years after the discovery of the famous “Cave of Swimmers” in the heart of the Libyan Desert by the “English Patient” László Almásy, only 10 km further west along the edge of the Gilf Kebir plateau, Massimo and Jacopo Foggini... more
A partir del análisis de contextos arqueológicos con restos humanos y las manifestaciones rupestres del Paleolítico Superior europeo, se proponen dos principales formas de tratamiento mortuorio; uno dirigido a la dispersión y eventual... more
Vrbjanska Čuka is a tell site in the region of Pelagonia (Macedonia) established 8000 years ago by the Neolithic communities. Later it was used as an agricultural unit during the Roman era and the Middle Ages when it was also employed as... more
The Olson site (5BL147) is a multi-component rock walled game drive located in the James Peak wilderness area of Northern Colorado, USA. It is one part of a much larger game drive complex located at Rollins Pass, situated above modern... more
MER. 23.10.2019 | JEU. 24.10.2019

Elena Rossoni-Notter, Olivier Notter, Suzanne Simone, Patrick Simon Balzi Rossi (Ventimiglia, Imperia): researches of the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology of Monaco on the technical behaviour of the Acheulean... more
During the last few decades, archaeological investigations at 11 early Late Woodland Weaver sites in the LaMoine Valley of west-central Illinois have produced a wealth of data regarding Weaver chronology, lithic and ceramic manufacture,... more
The finds from Cerro Macareno served as the basis for a first classification of the Preroman amphorae of the Lower Guadalquivir. Thirty years on, the volume of the assemblages has grown considerably, but the study of these products... more
The area corresponding to the modern city of Rome is usually known for the magnificent remains of the Roman civilization and the myths of its foundation in 753 BC. Less known is evidence of the prehistoric occupation occurring until the... more
This chapter presents the important but not very well known archival material relating to James Stewart’s Vounous excavations kept in the archive of the Medelhavsmuseet, Stockholm. The Medelhavsmuseet was founded in 1954 as a direct... more
Bringing together American and Canadian scholars of Great Lakes prehistory to provide a holistic picture of caribou hunters, this volume covers such diverse topics as paleoenvironmental reconstruction, ethnographic surveys of hunting... more
The ERC-funded FRAGSUS Project (Fragility and sustainability in small island environments: adaptation, culture change and collapse in prehistory, 2013–18) led by Caroline Malone (Queen’s University Belfast) has focused on the unique... more
This article examines the productivity of agriculture at the Postclassic polity of Xaltocan, Mexico. Employing multiple lines of data (remote sensing, artifactual, ecofactual, chronological, demographic, historic, ethnographic, and... more
Abstract : Pottery is the result of several operations that translate specific choices made by the potter. The use of a vegetal temper is observed for the Neolithic period in the north of France and Belgium, although it is not always... more
Investigations at Dorstone Hill in the parish of Dorstone in the Dore Valley, Herefordshire, have taken place annually since 2011, with the aim of investigating Neolithic settlement in the area just to the south of the chambered tomb of... more
This volume covers the Prehistory of Ukraine from the Lower Palaeolithic through to the end of the Neolithic periods. This is the first comprehensive synthesis of Ukrainian Prehistory from earliest times through until the Neolithic Period... more
Clark, P and Rady, J 2008 ‘The Prehistoric Period’, in P Bennett, P Clark, A Hicks and I Riddler, At the Great Crossroads: Prehistoric, Roman, and medieval discoveries on the Isle of Thanet 1994–95, Canterbury Archaeological Trust... more
R. Schot, C. Newman and E. Bhreathnach (eds), Landscapes of Cult and Kingship. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2011.
M.A. Thesis -- Reconstructing a heavily looted site using test excavation, examining private collections, 3-D modeling, chemical analysis of pottery and other techniques. The site contained peculiar deposits of ochre that seem to have... more
REDACTED REPORT - NO MAPS. NO IMAGES. An archaeological survey of seven (7) sites and one (1) ceramic scatter (AD 1400-1550), three (3) lithic artifact scatters, two (2) masonry pueblos, and one (1) Pueblo shrine. Archaeological... more
As part of my doctoral studies I have been reviewing several journal titles and one of them has been the Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus (henceforth RDAC). The latter journal is not extensively catalogued, indexed or... more