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Magnetic survey data presented as filled contour maps with a non-linear scale reveals the characteristic dipolar signal from iron smelting furnaces. High resolution data, from 10cm spaced surveys, can be modelled mathematically to recover... more
The Middle Mississippian component at Aztalan was a mixed, Late Woodland / Mississippian occupation sited within a heavily fortified habitation and mound center that is located on a tributary of the Rock River in Wisconsin. It represents... more
Mit 21 lokalen, regionalen und überregionalen Studien bietet der Sammelband einen Querschnitt durch die Erforschung frühmittelalterlicher Zentren und Siedlungsstrukturen vornehmlich des bayerisch-ostfränkischen Raumes und benachbarter... more
MER. 23.10.2019 | JEU. 24.10.2019

Historical Archaeology in Central Europe contains 25 articles that present archaeological analyses and interpretations on a variety of subjects from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary and... more
Historical Archaeology in Central Europe contains 25 articles that present archaeological analyses and interpretations on a variety of subjects from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary and... more
Draft final completed section of the South Yorkshire Archaeological Research Framework on behalf of Historic England and the South Yorkshire Archaeology Service. The final published version will be in the form of an interactive website... more
This article examines the productivity of agriculture at the Postclassic polity of Xaltocan, Mexico. Employing multiple lines of data (remote sensing, artifactual, ecofactual, chronological, demographic, historic, ethnographic, and... more
For the past decade, several archaeologists have advocated the development of middle-range theory as a way to give objective meaning to the archaeological record (e.g., Bettinger 1987; Binford 1977, 1983b; Thomas 1983, 1989; Torrence... more
Although it is now commonplace for archaeologists to study use-alteration patterns on ceramics, the same cannot be said of one of the most ubiquitous classes of hunter-gatherer artifacts, fire-cracked rocks (FCR). It can be shown,... more
This book investigates what has constituted notions of "archaeological heritage" from colonial times to the present. It includes case studies of sites in South and Southeast Asia with a special focus on Angkor, Cambodia. The... more
Objects in graves have been a traditional focus of burial archaeology. Conventional interpretations of their meanings revolved around religion (equipment for the hereafter, Charon’s Penny), legal concepts (inalienable possessions) and... more
Este libro plantea una síntesis de uno de los temas metodológicos que más desarrollo ha conocido en la Arqueología de los últimos treinta años. Desde que en la década de los 1960 la disciplina arqueológica superase definitivamente el... more
This paper aims at highlighting a methodological flaw in current biblical archaeology, which became apparent as a result of recent research in the Aravah's Iron Age copper production centers. In essence, this flaw, which cuts across all... more
This paper reviews the earliest empirical evidence for seafaring, leading to the exploits of Homo erectus in two world regions. This leads to the explanation of the rationale of replication experiments intended to establish the minimum... more
The 'Past Sense' Project (PSP) brings together contemporary and historical archaeology, and psychotherapy, to consider the significance of material culture within contexts of domestic and sexual abuse, past and present. PSP will pilot a... more
We present a new statistical approach to analysing an extremely common archaeological data type—potsherds—that infers the structure of cultural relationships across a set of excavation units (EUs). This method, applied to data from a set... more
This paper discusses territorial markers in the Late Mesolithic based on ethnoarchaeological data as well as findings from modern social psychology. On the basis of the archaeological evidence from Southern Scandinavia, it is suggested... more
Celem tekstu jest podkreślenie biograficznego charakteru kultury materialnej. To znaczy, rzeczy i krajobrazy również mają swoje biografie, historie życia, które łączą się z historiami konkretnych jednostek. Za studium przypadku posłuży... more
The Bremer Site lies along the shores of Spring Lake in southeastern Minnesota, and excavations in the 1950s uncovered evidence of Woodland and Mississippian occupation phases. In 2011, a new program of systematic survey and excavation... more
The past few decades have witnessed a growing realisation that market based measures of human well-being—measures that centre on income and consumption distributions—miss some other perhaps even more essential elements of human... more
The nineteenth century was a time in which the Mashantucket and Eastern Pequots committed to their identity a new centrality of reservation lands. The period also saw their autonomy and sovereignty curtailed by a colonially imposed... more
This is a very accessible introduction to understanding the function of the Minoan palaces aimed at students and interested lay persons, based on my book, Minoan Architecture: A Contextual Analysis.
"Earlier provisional title was "Archaeology, Tourism, Museum...." "This chapter is divided into two distinct sections that are positioned in a point-counterpoint structure of dialogue. These two position statements invoke the... more
Eine kontrovers diskutierte, sehr junge Theorie-Strömung ist die "Symmetrische Archäologie". Unter diesem Begriff wird eine fundamentale Kritik von Grundannahmen archäologischer Forschung zusammengefasst. Anstatt wie üblich von der... more