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During repeated archaeological investigations of the Krogsgård area near the city Esbjerg in the period 2002-2010 a farm complex, consisting of at least three simultaneous farm units from the Roman Iron Age and a cemetery from the same... more
This article examines how 'safety case' experts working on Finland’s nuclear waste repository project at Olkiluoto summoned, conjured, or channeled memories of Seppo—a deceased colleague whose ‘specter,’ as some put it, still ‘haunts’... more
Data collected on Maryland’s aboriginal ossuaries since the 1999 publication of Feast of the Dead are presented. This includes new, and newly acquired, information from seven localities on the Eastern Shore.
This paper argues that the large cremation cemeteries of eastern England in the fifth and sixth century can be interpreted as central places where different households and communities congregated for mortuary rituals, ancestral ceremonies... more
A partir del análisis de contextos arqueológicos con restos humanos y las manifestaciones rupestres del Paleolítico Superior europeo, se proponen dos principales formas de tratamiento mortuorio; uno dirigido a la dispersión y eventual... more
It was a February afternoon in 2009, in the prehistoric antiquities room of the Archaeological Museum of Naxos, when I first talked with Colin Renfrew about the publication of all the Early Cycladic figurines found in excavations. Our... more
What would it mean to take zombies seriously? Cultural savants have noted the rise of the zombie in American popular culture in the twenty-first century. And many scholars have found the zombie useful as a lumbering, empty-headed metaphor... more
This paper will summarise the evidence for the development of ‘Christian’ burial places in Scotland from AD 400-1100. A body of radiocarbon dates now allows us to track developments in burial practice in unprecedented chronological... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
This thesis uses Continuing Bonds Theory to reinterpret kispum, an ancient Mesopotamian family funerary practice, in a new way. Traditional scholarship has portrayed the purpose of the ritual as apotropaic, and that the family dead are... more
Ölüm, öteki dünya ile birebir ilişkili olmasına rağmen, yaşamın da bir parçasıdır. Ölüme dair yapılan bütün ritüeller, yaşayanlar içindir. Yaşayanlar, bazı bilinmezlikleri ortadan kaldırmak ve iç huzurlarını sağlamak için çeşitli... more
As an incredibly diverse religious system, Buddhism is constantly changing. The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Buddhism offers a comprehensive collection of work by leading scholars in the field that tracks these changes up to the... more
This article is specifically situated on Mount Auburn Cemetery, Maryland’s first Black owned and operated cemetery, examining the numerous social and historical factors that shaped, transformed, and ultimately led to a small African... more
Objects in graves have been a traditional focus of burial archaeology. Conventional interpretations of their meanings revolved around religion (equipment for the hereafter, Charon’s Penny), legal concepts (inalienable possessions) and... more
The Phrygians, especially in the highlands of Phrygia, carved splendid monuments and chamber tombs. The tradition of carving rock-cut tombs in the area continued through Hellenistic, Roman Imperial and Late Antiquity periods. Especially... more
While the Norwegian material has rarely been taken into consideration when discussing chamber graves from the Roman and Migration periods in a European context, there are indeed a great number of ‘oversized’ graves in Norway which should... more
Late Iron Age boat rituals and ritual boats The most famous ship burials in Norway are found at Oseberg and Gokstad. Beside the magnificent ships, the rich grave goods of all kinds have made these burials important sources to increase... more
Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Britain is an era of prehistory permeated by notions of elaborate funerary rituals, exotic artefactual evidence, and immigrant invaders – at least to the untrained archaeological mind. However, such a... more
Regionality, in the specific archaeological sense of the spatial distribution of differences in material culture, has not been a central concern for Iron Age specialists in Norway for several decades. But with its varied topography, its... more
SUMMARY: Chapter 5, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers past social organizations, including hunter-gatherer groups (bands), segmentary societies (tribal societies), chiefdoms, and early... more
A detailed analysis of CIL XIV 2112 = ILS 7212, an inscription detailing the status and life of an association (collegium) of worshipers of Diana and Antinous in Lanuvium. A new edition of the text with English translation is also... more
The present paper deals with a minority of burials in Roman (B-C) and Migration period (D) Norway, namely the ones containing weapons. Its aim is two-folded: 1) to present an overview of this material to non-Norwegian colleagues, and 2)... more
Archaeology of Death E-learning Dear Colleagues, As the Covid-19 safety measures are limiting our communication, please use the following web link to download presentation of the Archaeology of Death course.... more
Schwester Tod, 29. August - 9. November 2014 / La mort, notre soeur, 24 août - 9 novembre 2014
The article describes the archaeological research at the cemetery near the village Dubrovka Gorodok district in 2014. The area of the prospect hole was 16 m2. 15 burials that contained the remains of at least 24 people, including 11... more
""Archaeologist, Teacher, Friend. Nicolai Telnov’s Anniversary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 MONOGRAPH INSIDE THE JOURNAL N. V. Zhilina (Moscow, Russia). Stamped Jewel Attire Reconstructed Based on Old Rus Hoards of 10th —... more
Obtaining high precision spatial documentation of archaeological sites in cramped places can be challenging. This poster outlines an ad hoc procedure for spatially documenting artifacts and structural elements of a 13th century burial in... more
A brief comment on Aleksandr Sokurov's SECOND CIRCLE (1990), relating its anti-naturalistic style to the spectator's longing for an aesthetic or ritual solution to the problem of death.
The article will focus on the military suite identified in the necropolis from Alba Iulia- Emperor’s Spring/Crăcuta (10th – 11th cent.) From the 223 inhumation graves investigated so far, a number of them present as funerary inventory:... more