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MER. 23.10.2019 | JEU. 24.10.2019

It was a February afternoon in 2009, in the prehistoric antiquities room of the Archaeological Museum of Naxos, when I first talked with Colin Renfrew about the publication of all the Early Cycladic figurines found in excavations. Our... more
This chapter presents the important but not very well known archival material relating to James Stewart’s Vounous excavations kept in the archive of the Medelhavsmuseet, Stockholm. The Medelhavsmuseet was founded in 1954 as a direct... more
The ERC-funded FRAGSUS Project (Fragility and sustainability in small island environments: adaptation, culture change and collapse in prehistory, 2013–18) led by Caroline Malone (Queen’s University Belfast) has focused on the unique... more
A synthesis or recent finds and perpective at the opening of the 36th season of excavation of Sapienza University and the Superintendence of Trapani
Archaeological investigations carried out at Case Bastione (Enna, central Sicily) provide a key insight into the cultural and environmental changes that occurred during the transition from the Copper Age to the Bronze Age. Preliminary... more
ROSSONI-NOTTER E., NOTTER O., SIMONP. et SIMONE S. The assemblages of the Observatory (Monaco) and Prince (Balzi Rossi, Liguria, Italy) Caves.New studies and regional issues”. International conference National Museum of Natural History,... more
Though Odysseus’ tales to Eumaios and Aninoos in Odyssey 14.199–359 and 17.417–44, respectively, are presented as fictional tales within Homer’s larger myth, some elements have striking analogs in Late Bronze–Early Iron Age reality.... more
In molti contesti preistorici e protostorici italiani sono largamente rinvenuti resti strutturali in terra e conglomerati architettonici combusti o parzialmente cementati. La loro caratterizzazione tecnologica è un passo importante per... more
This paper discusses the Neolithic beginnings of metal-using and metal-working in the central Mediterranean region. In particular, a basic yet surprisingly long-standing question is addressed: when did metallurgy appear in this region? In... more
The article’s aim is to foster an interdisciplinary debate regarding the direction that archaeometallurgical studies in the central Mediterranean region, from the late Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (c4500-1650 BC), ought to take in... more
Forthcoming April 2017 Chapters by: Simon Jusseret (The University of Texas at Austin, Université catholique de Louvain) Manuel Sintubin (KU Leuven) Jan Driessen (Université catholique de... more
This paper investigates the stable isotopic composition from late Pleistocene–Holocene (~ 13 to ~ 10.5 cal ka BP) shells of the land snail Helix figulina, from Franchthi Cave (Greece). It explores the palaeoclimatic and... more
The results of three archaeological seasons carried out in a settlement discovered in the Congreso lsland (Chafarinas lslands, North Africa, Spain) are presented, where different habitat structures (hearths, silos), which yielded an... more
"The district of Cugno Case Vecchie is located about 3 km in the north-west of the modern town of Canicattini Bagni, in the province of Siracusa. This territory has been occupied from Prehistory to the present day because of the abundant... more
This paper presents the results of a recent systematic review of the zoomorphic figures of the Romito shelter, a key site for Upper Palaeolithic rock art and one of the best‐preserved in Europe. The research led to the discovery of two... more
Late Pleistocene and Holocene archaeological deposits from the central Mediterranean regions contain abundant terrestrial gastropod shell remains. Stable isotope studies of their shell carbonate are valuable proxies for various aspects of... more
"""Content AD GLORIAM N. A. Răileanu (Kishinev, Moldova)N. A. Chetraru: The Beginnings9 S. I. Covalenco (Kishinev, Moldova)The Leading Stone Age Researcher of Moldova11 N. K. Anisyutkin, G. V. Grigorieva (St. - Petersburg,... more
Bodies make space speak. This graduate seminar investigates the relationship between bodily practice, social performance, and the production of architectural space. Critical literature on the human body, its gender and sexuality, its... more
During the II millennium BC (Castelluccio culture, 2200 / 2100-1440-1420 BC), the area where the Greek colony of Megara Hyblaea will be founded, was characterized by several indigenous settlements. Among these, the most important sites... more
Riassunto Dopo una breve introduzione sull'importanza delle grotte per lo studio della Preistoria, si parla delle grotte vulcaniche dell'Etna. Si accenna alla storia delle loro scoperte e delle interpretazioni che le accompagnarono e si... more
The island of Sardinia has been of particular interest to geneticists for decades. The current model for Sardinia’s genetic history describes the island as harboring a founder population that was established largely from the Neolithic... more
The discovery of prehistoric cave paintings in the nineteenth century led to the shocking realisation that humans have been creating art for over 30,000 years. Episode two reveals how the very first pictures were created, and how images... more
In this paper we approach the study of a ceramic recipe based on the addition of crushed spathic calcite as temper. We first briefly discuss the anthropological significance underlying the identification of technological paste recipes, as... more
This paper attempts a general assessment of the contributions included in this volume. We examine three main kinds of problems related to the research on social inequality in Iberian Late Prehistory. These are theoretical, empirical and... more