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Questions tagged [telecommunications]

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4 votes
3 answers

How would time dilate for pioneers travelling to Alpha Centauri Cb?

Re: Relative Velocity Time Dilation: Pioneers have travelled 4.2 light years to Alpha Centauri Cb in 9 months. Handwavium tech can transport mass in this timeframe. Upon their arrival to Cb, they are ...
reiterwriter's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is it viable to broadcast a signal and be detected within starsystem distance?

Is it viable to broadcast a radio/EM distress signal from a space vessel that can be detected within a star system? Think of an unexpected distress signal i.e. the receiving apparatus shouldn't ...
Fernando D'Andrea's user avatar
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1 answer

Effect of molecular clouds on space travel and civilization

To What Extent are Molecular Clouds Geographic Barriers in Space? In a sci-fi universe I've been working on for quite a while, I have different civilizations that are initially unaware of each other's ...
EldritchEntity's user avatar
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6 answers

Why might a repressive order allow for flamboyant newscasters?

Thanks in advance and sorry if this isn't within the scope of the forum, I'm new but I've lurked so I totally get it if this doesn't really fit. Anyway, let's get into it. Setting is a far-future ...
BZawhi's user avatar
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How much would an alien species, given radio technology on par with ours, know about our world purely from overheard TV broadcasts/radio?

Let us play with the Aliens Steal Our Cable TV trope and assume that... aliens living about 15 lightyears away can listen in on human radio and TV-broadcasts their technological advancement is such ...
Katy's user avatar
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Near-instantaneous inter-star communication utilising wormholes

This is my first question on the worldbuilding stack exchange, I discovered this place last night when double-checking that my world's river-carving-through-a-mountain-range is possible (it was, which ...
Katy's user avatar
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5 answers

How does my military communicate if satellite communications is impossible and sky wave is unreliable

On a planet that resembles Earth, long wave radio communications face some challenges. Satellite communications (SATCOM) is impossible as it is impossible for the inhabitants to send anything up into ...
FIRES_ICE's user avatar
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What design flaw would allow a computer virus to significantly damage or destroy computers on a hardware level?

Normally computer viruses are designed to steal information and affect things largely on the software level. Rarely do we see actors trying to outright destroy computers using a virus. However, that ...
FIRES_ICE's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

What type of environmental phenomenon would impact computers but not low-level electrical applications?

An environmental phenomenon, cloud or mist of sorts, rolls into an area that greatly affects "thinking machines". Basically, any types of computers or logic instrument based on electrical ...
FIRES_ICE's user avatar
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How to produce infrasound without electrical technology?

So in my story there is this huge development whereby a technology is figured out to provide telecommunications via infrasound, like elephants. I was told that elephants can communicate long distances ...
urquiza's user avatar
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How would the world's superpowers overcome the fog of war without any satellite left in orbit?

A bit of context : I want to come up with a cascade of events involving a breakdown, even temporary, of international powers' ability to keep tabs on each other's armies. The situation is, due to a ...
Kubler's user avatar
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In a parallel reality, what is stopping a contemporanean nation from jamming its enemies to hell and back? [closed]

In a parallel reality, what is stopping a contemporanean (from 1940 to 2020 alike tech) nation from jamming its enemies to hell and back? A nation finds itself at war with another nation, what is ...'s user avatar