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Questions tagged [aliens]

For questions about a different and uncharacteristic species or object that has come to the world from another world. NOT for questions about extraterrestrials in their native environment.

0 votes
3 answers

How to Communicate Something Secret to Many People in an Urban Fantasy World? [closed]

(Hi, this is my 1st question on here, so feel free to LMK if you need more info to help answer...) In my story, the world is like ours, with the exception that there are some aliens who telepathically ...
BlueDragon6900's user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

Could alien species with blood based on different elements eat the same food?

In my Science Fantasy galaxy, I have several humanoid alien species with blood based on different elements, including iron (essentially human blood), copper (like Vulcans from Star Trek with green ...
TGA_1's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Could we have a humanoid life-form that requires CO₂?

How would an heterotroph alien life form exist if it purely needed to inhale CO₂? Would it be lazier and bulkier that carbon based life forms who require oxygen, like us humans? I am trying to ...
XRK's user avatar
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9 votes
12 answers

Why would aliens use Kaiju to cause an apocalypse instead of more effective weapons? [closed]

Kaiju in fiction are usually alien in nature or are created by aliens. However, in my story Kaiju seems to be less effective as an apocalypse compared to diseases, asteroids, black holes, and many ...
Coolcats112's user avatar
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4 answers

Legitimacy of an army of neotenous amphibians

In my world, there exists a race of amphibians we'll call "phrogs". Phrogs were a relatively peaceful race, who evolved a kind of telepathy to allow them to communicate underwater, which got ...
iolim5678's user avatar
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6 answers

Universal Graphical Representation of a specific moment in time

Similar to how the famous Voyager "Pulsar Map" image was an attempt to define a given location in space in a way an alien culture could decode and find Earth - How could you create an ...
Chromane's user avatar
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7 answers

How would humans on Earth detect a Shkadov thruster on other side of the Milky Way Galaxy?

Apologies if the title is confusing - I've been trying to figure out how to word it for a while now. Essentially I am writing a (relatively) hard science-fiction story set in the present/very near ...
jebbington's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

The "Face" in Cydonia, Mars

I want to write a story in which colonists on Mars form a religion around their belief that the so-called "Face" of Cydonia is artificial - and they're right. However, the establishment ...
ajderxsen's user avatar
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1 answer

What would be left after 150,000 years [closed]

In the story I'm writing a human is landing on a planet of a far advanced alien civilization that went extinct. The reason for that is "unknown" so there was no war or natural catastrophe. ...
Tobias Reich's user avatar
5 votes
9 answers

Aliens with an extra-set of ears- any possible benefits?

While doing some concept drawings of an alien species for a project of mine I somehow wound up drawing a head with two sets of ears, one pair on the top of the head and the other lower with one on ...
king of panes's user avatar
1 vote
7 answers

How do different species communicate casually in-person?

Setting: the same one as this question and this question; TL;DR, life is common throughout the Universe, it just tends to blow itself up before it figures out FTL travel and upgrades to Kardashev 2, ...
controlgroup's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Could a biological organism power itself with electricity like a smartphone (or something similar)?

Imagine an alien world where there are are shallow lakes where electricity generating beings (like electric eels or whatever) would power many of the land dwelling creatures, including the dominant ...
Mishima's user avatar
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14 answers

What kind of alien technology would make space colonization viable?

This isn't about what kind of technology would make spaceflight easier, this is about what kind of a discovery would incentivize world superpowers to aggressively invest in spaceflight. I'm asking ...
TerranGames's user avatar
18 votes
9 answers

How does an explorer civilization survive the Dark Forest Scenario?

The Dark Forest hypothesis is one put forth by author Liu Cixin in a novel named thus, which essentially revolves around three primary assumptions: There is life everywhere throughout the galaxy - ...
controlgroup's user avatar
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5 answers

How do you establish commonly understood terms for "yes" and "no" with beings/aliens who communicate via a single medium/form of energy?

Their medium of communication could be any form of energy; the important point is that they only use one of these to communicate (not, like humans, both sound, sight, touch, etc). If it's not possible,...
Life5ign's user avatar
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