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Questions tagged [warfare]

For questions related to the effects of certain circumstances, conditions, or locality changes on war. Related tags: [civil-war], [nuclear-war], [cold-war]

1 vote
3 answers

Would a species with 3 sexes be more adept at warfare and hard labor compared to humans? [closed]

For my fantasy story, I was trying to conceive of a three-gendered species for more uniqueness. I finally thought up an idea that might make biological sense. For mammals, the male sex has the sperm ...
Rhymehouse's user avatar
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16 answers

How could warfare be kept using pike and shot like tactics for 700 years?

In real life the pike and shot tactics were only dominant for 150-200 years or so before the pike largely disappeared and it become mostly just musket. However, could the era of pike and shot warfare ...
OT-64 SKOT's user avatar
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4 answers

Hostage extraction within a time limit, 30 seconds too short or too long?

Have a story where 4 soldiers have to cut through simple rope where 8 children are bound by their feet and hands. they then have to escape a room with a bomb in it that's about to detonate. I was ...
GMHLee's user avatar
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13 votes
15 answers

Why bother with planetary battlefields?

Context In a lot of sci-fi, you see planets marred with battlegrounds, where species fight for dominance over x or y. This question kind of addresses those kinds of battlefields, but for a different ...
controlgroup's user avatar
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6 answers

Plausible reasons for the usage of Flying Ships [closed]

Inspired by this question, I would like to try a similar question, but for flying ships. So, assuming that the technology is readily available and that we could build these flying ships as easily as ...
Fulano's user avatar
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3 answers

"Infantry" main weapons for the setting described below? (NOT a duplicate for reasons explained in the post)

(before anybody decide to flag this post as a duplicate, there's an explanation of why it looks identical at the bottom of this post) what would be a suitable choice for "infantries"(the ...
General_Ripper's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

What would large scale war with tactical nukes look like? [closed]

In this world set in a near future setting, nuclear weapons are somewhat widespread by both sides. The thing is, due to dimensional shenanigans, both sides are mostly unable to strike the strategic ...
Rhomaioi's user avatar
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4 answers

"Infantry" main weapons for the setting described below?

What would be a suitable choice for "infantries" (the quote unquote is because it is not necessarily a real person, possibly just a rover with a gun doing the job of a footsoldier) for this ...
General_Ripper's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

Can anyone win a "game" of Rocket Tag on an interstellar level against a prepared opponent?

Relativistic Kinetic Kill Vehicles (RKKVs) are all but undetectable until it's far too late to do anything about them; they have a very low radiation profile once at cruising velocity, their exhaust ...
Ash's user avatar
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2 votes
10 answers

High atmosphere combat - designing the optimal bomber

I've done a bit of research about high atmosphere bombers, but none of my searches really address my issue. What features would allow a combat bomber craft to excel at high atmosphere (thermosphere-...
alkahest's user avatar
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14 votes
7 answers

designing an elven magic system that blends with a WW1-esque world [closed]

I'm having issues designing a balanced magic system. let me elaborate. a handful of nations have allied against a big empire, and the fighting has regressed into trench warfare. Tech level is early ...
alkahest's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

Negative pressure projectile propellants (Alternatives to gunpowder)

While I was looking into alternatives to gunpowder I stumbled onto a comment talking about an ignited chemical propellant that could be placed in front of a bullet and effectively suck it forwards out ...
Wey Newman's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What information should be displayed on realistic & intuitive tactical sensor screens for space warfare?

I've thought about space warfare and seen how sensor information has been displayed in various Science Fiction franchises and been left disappointed. For our future space forces we need screens which (...
Jim2B's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Technological Progress and Regress among interlunar Societies

All the species mentioned here use hands in order to manipulate their environment. They are all very human-like in their abilities and capabilities (except for the statements below), they are ...
Ben's user avatar
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1 answer

Maximizing the destructive potential of an acoustic weapon

Acoustic weapons are directed energy weapons used by the government to incapacitate and end crowds and protests. They use loud sounds to disturb the ears of those affected and some people even think ...
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