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3 answers

Prince Rupert' Drop Armor: How Expensive?

I recently saw this short which showed that, if you melted the tail off of a Prince Rupert's Drop, the head would retain its characteristic toughness without the vulnerability of the tail. This got my ...
RHF's user avatar
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What color would the sky be in a multi-star system?

In this scenario, an Earthlike planet is situated in a quaternary solar system clumped into two binaries--a Parent, in which the planet orbits, and a Grandparent, in which the Parent binary orbits. ...
JohnWDailey's user avatar
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Chemical Coin Flipping as Divination

Let me explain what the odd title means. In the I Ching, a book of ancient Chinese divination, there is a process of using 50 rods to produce what is essentially a binary outcome. The details aren't ...
A. Thomas Yerger's user avatar
-4 votes
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What conditions would allow this trojan horse be implemented on a universal scale?

A while ago, I posited this question "How to counteract a trojan horse when the horse is the anti-virus software?" It seems that real life has presented an answer. Major economic impact ...
Justin Thyme the Second's user avatar
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Would a species with 3 sexes be more adept at warfare and hard labor compared to humans? [closed]

For my fantasy story, I was trying to conceive of a three-gendered species for more uniqueness. I finally thought up an idea that might make biological sense. For mammals, the male sex has the sperm ...
Rhymehouse's user avatar
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What would sunsets look like around different star types? [migrated]

I have always wondered what a sunset would look like around different types of stars. I have tried to do some research into the types of light refraction, but I cannot find any answers anywhere, and ...
Rory 02's user avatar
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Reasons/excuses to evolve and retain handlike manipulatory appendages [closed]

As you may know, humans' arms and hands are a direct callback to the times when our ancestors lived in more arboreal settings (monkey swing on tree type stuff)... we needed to be able to grip branches ...
Max Bird's user avatar
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8 votes
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The Lost Continents of Atlantis and Mu reappear: Disruption to Transport

In a single event, the lost continents of Atlantis and Mu arise from the deeps over the course of about half an hour, accompanied by a low-magnitude earthquake felt worldwide. For the purpose of this ...
Monty Wild's user avatar
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Is it possible for plant life to evolve (and adapt) on a low CO2 planet?

C4 photosynthesis, which can operate in Carbon Dioxide levels as low as 10ppm A question related to these two questions: Habitable inner planet with large oceans, fast rotation and earth-like ...
casualworldbuilder's user avatar
3 votes
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Could a wingsuit using fans be made with our current technology?

Like the MCU's Vulture, could we create a wingsuit utilizing bladed fans for flight? Elsewhere I've looked says it's a problem with the power source, but if that were taken care of, could the rest of ...
Geoffrey Williams's user avatar
1 vote
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How would I calculate the damage someone suffered from various strikes? [closed]

So, I’ve been developing a TTRPG and am wanting to present a realistic fantasy world. This doesn’t mean fantastic things wouldn’t happen - demigods can swing swords at the speed of light. But when ...
Oogabooga's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Would human-shaped sperm cells work?

After looking at videos of sperm cells, they reminded me of someone swimming. I've decided this was a neat idea for me to integrate in my worldbuilding. For lore reasons, I have a group of people with ...
Dmyt's user avatar
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15 answers

What kind of pressures would make a culture force its members to always wear power armour

I'm writing a science-fantasy story where there is a culture that forces its members to constantly wear power armor in public. There are different types of armor depending on the specific job the ...
nadichamp's user avatar
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How can a respiratory/vocalization system support both ingressive and egressive speech?

In the background information for the default setting of the Traveller RPG, the Aslan are a vaguely leonine/humanoid species whose language is specifically called out as having ingressive sounds (...
Jeff Zeitlin's user avatar
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Can mammal hypothetically evolve their own version of unidirectional breathing?

As the title suggests, can mammal evolve unidirectional breathing? Not the same as in birds but still qualifies as a unidirectional breathing. (I was trying to make a future mammalian species ...
Ŧor Desaċ's user avatar

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