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Questions tagged [venn-diagram]

For questions about Venn diagrams.

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eulerr venn diagram missing small intersection

I am trying to graph a proportional Venn diagram with eurlerr, however the final graph is missing the A&C intersection. A = 9, B = 2, C = 0, "A&B" = 28, "B&C" = 4, &...
user26384605's user avatar
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R Customize ggVennDigram legend based on internally defined categories of mapped colors - not counts nor individual intersections

First time posting here... I have a Venn diagram where I have coded certain regions of intersections based on internally defined categories. I want to produce a legend that reflects those categories. ...
dGroat's user avatar
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ggVennDiagram - Adding Own Dataset

I want to create a 3D Venn Diagram using the ggVennDiagram package using data that I have collected and is currently in a table/dataset relating to surgical techniques used in patients. Most of the ...
Dr Bear's user avatar
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How can I make this VennDiagram in R?

I am making a Venn-diagram in R. I have two methods and different taxa found in each method. I want to list the families found in a venn diagram to show: taxa found in method A, taxa found in method B ...
PostDoc's user avatar
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Is there a way to plot Venn diagram with dot densities for more than 3 sets in R?

I am trying to come up with a solution to plot a Venn diagram for 4 sets with density points inside the circles. The ideal example of what I am looking for is this:
prosopagnosia's user avatar
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How to plot multiple VennDiagrams in png file from within a function in R

I'm trying to print a series of Venn diagrams (using the VennDiagram package) to a single png file by opening the file, calling the function multiple times, then I can get the plots to ...
Kate's user avatar
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Plotting a Venn diagram given its structure

In R, I have a Venn diagram encoded as follows: [[1]] [[1]][[1]] [1] FALSE TRUE # B [[1]][[2]] [1] 1 [[2]] [[2]][[1]] [1] TRUE TRUE # A and B [[2]][[2]] [1] 1 [[3]] [[3]][[1]] [1] TRUE FALSE # A ...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
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Venn diagram with duplicated elements

I am trying to do a representation of some sets of data to show how many elements are common between the various groups. I was thinking of doing something similar to a Venn diagram, but for this ...
Fabrizio's user avatar
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How to do a Venn Diagramm with ggplot2?

I have the following dataframe: df <- data.frame( group_final = c("EUR", "MAT_EUR", "MAT_Top_EUR", "Top_EUR", "MAT", "MAT_Top", "...
Khaleesi95's user avatar
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How to remove the set size plot and add percentage with the numbers on the top of the bars

I am trying to move away from the Venn plots for anything more than 3 conditions/samples in my experiments. It just become more and more difficult to interpret. UpSet plots using UpSetR::upset() work ...
ktyagi's user avatar
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RNA Seq ggVennDiagram ERROR: `stat_sf()` requires the following missing aesthetics: geometry

I'm trying to create a 5 set Venn Diagram from a lists of lists of differentially expressed genes (after running DESeq2), and because the easy-to-use R packages allows up to 4 sets, I'm using a ...
sometimespetisometimesfeña's user avatar
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Incorrect color mapping to Venn diagram with ggvenn in R

I want to color each segment of a Venn diagram with four conditions according to color scale (see below). However, the colors do not map to the correct sections and are way off from what I want. How ...
nklskrmr's user avatar
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Draw multiple 2 by 2 Venn diagram, from a list with multiple gene sets in R

I have a list with multiple gene sets, let's say: genes <- paste("gene",1:1000,sep="") x <- list(A = sample(genes,300), B = sample(genes,525), C = ...
B_slash_'s user avatar
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How to add superscripts to each circle of a venn diagram using ggvenn?

I am trying to add superscripts to each circle of one venn diagram. I am using the R package ggvenn and these have been my attempts. #Normal situation set.seed(20190708) genes <- paste("gene&...
emr2's user avatar
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VennDiagram: How to show label = item (not count), and exclude character(0), 0 (0%), and related strings?

# # reproducible example library(ggVennDiagram) set.seed(0) small_list <- lapply(sample(0:10, size = 4), function(x){ sample(letters,x) }) names(small_list) <- c("...
Krantz's user avatar
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Issue with shading in Venn Diagram

I am using the matplotlib_venn library for creating the Venn diagram, and the shading issue seems to appear whenever I try to evaluate a complement of a set or expression. My code: import matplotlib....
mbmocls's user avatar
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Remove intersections with size 0 from VennDiagram produced by "Eulerr" in R

Was trying to draw a proportional VennDiagram in R using package "Eulerr". However, this package produces intersections with size "0" which I want to remove. Code to reproduce the ...
ZhuYi Wang's user avatar
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How to smooth Venn diagram edges

I have a Venn diagram created in Python but I don't know how to smooth all (also the internal ones) the edges. My code: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib_venn import venn3 from ...
maciejwww's user avatar
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Is it possible to modify hover text for ggplotly after creating the plot?

Let's imagine I have data on three farms that have different assortments of fruits, veggies and berries they produce. I want to compare all of those between all of them and make a cool Venn diagram. ...
Poiu Rewq's user avatar
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How to dynamically get the combinations from venn diagrams in python

I can plot the venn diagrams (using pyvenn), choosing how many to compare with musiciansdf.iloc[:, 0:3] or like musiciansdf = musiciansdf.loc[:, ["Played at Woodstock", "Members of The ...
user14094230's user avatar
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Venn diagram with item labels and 4 groups of data

I would like to generate a venn diagram with either R or Python for 4 groups of data that contains item labels. I would like the size (or position) of the ellipses to change depending on the content ...
Ruser's user avatar
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R - plot a Venn diagramm with proportions of overlap

I am trying to plot a Venn diagramm and I have the following specifications: # size of g g <- 97.22 # size of m m <- 63.89 # overlaps # i.e. the proportion of size m covered by g g_covering_m &...
Laas's user avatar
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Are there options other than color and opacity for fill in Venn diagrams in R?

When I create a legend in R-leaflet, I can hijack the color attribute to add extra flair besides just actual fill color. It seems that the color attribute is mostly a css declaration and I can ...
Eddie Rowe's user avatar
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How do I install pyvenn package in Jupyter Notebook?

I've been trying to do venn diagram with Jupyter Notebook, but I don't know how to install the Pyvenn Package. I tried using this line !pip install pyvenn but this error shows -------------------------...
Danniel's user avatar
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Venn Diagram Analysis

I'm using RStudio. I have a directory with files in xlsx format. The filename of each file is separated by a dot (e.g. 218-8263.freebayes.vcf.gz.hg19_multianno.txt_exonic.xlsx), the first part ...
WindSur's user avatar
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Highcharts : Venn Diagram to show the total of union numbers?

I am using highchart.js to generate reports. I need to generate venn diagram like the below. The above Venn Diagram shows the sets with their values and the intersection of sets. I wanted to get the ...
Ramesh's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a Venn Diagram in R with one to more relationship?

Element-ID Matched-Element-ID 000002F:1277533-1278695 000002F:1277851-1278156;000002F:1278168-1278701 000002F:4883369-4883920 000002F:4883369-4883920 000003F:3696884-3697967 000003F:3697075-3697398;...
Yago Dias's user avatar
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Venn diagram either using R or matlab?

I am a newbie in coding and want a venn diagram that shows the relation of the sum of two columns (Score1 and Score 2 vs nasanov 1 and nasanov 2) that only contains 0 and 1. Also I'm interested in ...
Daniela Ramírez's user avatar
2 votes
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eulerr plot does not work when executed inside a function

I want to create an euler plot inside a function with the eulerr package: library(eulerr) test <- function(listA,listB,file,labels,title){ euler <- euler(list("A"=listA, "B&...
justinian482's user avatar
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Euler diagram margin and font size using eulerr package

Question I made a Euler diagram using the eulerr package. However, sometimes the boundary is out of the canvas margin. Therefore, I want to adjust the margin. Besides, I tried to adjust the font size ...
Kang's user avatar
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ggvenn::ggvenn() Venn diagram out of margin

Question I made a Venn plot using ggvenn::ggvenn(), but the label of a group is out of the canvas margin. Code and Results That is a simple example showing what the problem is. pacman::p_load(dplyr, ...
Kang's user avatar
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Pandas Visual Representation Joining DataFrames

Given these 3 dataframes and the venn diagramm below, one must determine which types of joins are used to get a joined dataframe that represents the venn diagram. The following image shows the ...
freen's user avatar
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How to put/overlay values from 2 Venn diagram in R

I am trying to show 2 values on Venn diagram in R. Let's say we have a list of X and Y: X = list(cond1 = c(...), cond2 = c(...), cond3 = c(...), cond4 = c(...)) Y = list(cond1 = c(...), cond2 = c(...)...
m.i.cosacak's user avatar
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Create a Venn Diagram in R while creating a sum of numbers

I'm trying to create a Venn Diagram in R to show whether certain tests on different machines are performed for all participants. In other words, I'm interested to see if certain tests for participants ...
Edifier8888's user avatar
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How to create triple Venn diagram with proportional size

I am trying to plot a triple Venn diagram but it's not size proportional. Below is the code. Is it possible to make it size proportional? library(VennDiagram) grid.newpage() draw.triple.venn(area1=...
Zaman Muhammad Asad's user avatar
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Create a diagram venn

I would like to know if you can help me. I want to make a venn diagram with the presence and absence data (.Rtab) of roary (example fragment, the real list is about 8000 genes): Gene StrainA ...
bio_BATMAN's user avatar
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ggVennDiagram in lagList in R MarkDown

I am trying to embed Venn Diagrams to my report made in R MarkDown. I have dinamic number of graphs so I generate them by for loop. I know that R MarkDown has "problem" with loops but I find ...
tomsu's user avatar
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Produce 3 way Venn with a larger circle representing the rest of the sample size

I would like to create a 3 way venn diagram with and a larger circle behind it representing the sample size. Example of a two way venn diagram with a larger circle indicating the sample size: library(&...
mhfren's user avatar
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Extract values from each region of a venn diagram

I have 6 lists. Each contains genes of interest from a given condition. These six lists were then used to make a venn diagram in r using the venn package. The venn diagram is precisely what I want, ...
406phage's user avatar
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How to turn on the scaling in a triple Venn diagram?

I am trying to build the following diagram but while it must be possible (see the picture), I have an error about the negative area. I also need my diagram scaled. grid.newpage() ...
Lara's user avatar
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Multiple Venn diagrams one plot using R ggarrange - unwanted formatting changes [duplicate]

I want to create one plot containing 4 Venn diagrams. Each with proportional circles and a heading. Blue and red in each plot need to stay in the same position for each Venn for consistency - ideally ...
user19890826's user avatar
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How to create a Venn diagram in R with the universal set represented in the background?

I'm trying to create a Venn diagram in R where the complement set is also indicated along with the sets of interest. By "complement set" I am referring to the set of elements not included in ...
Dunois's user avatar
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How can I write set name in the circle in upset.js

How can I write set name in the circle in upset.js I have 2 problem. how to write set name in venndiagram circle? how to select full areas when i click outside? Currently when I run my code it looks ...
Eunjeong Choi's user avatar
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Venn diagram notation for all other sets except one

I'm trying to find a Venn diagram notation that can illustrate data that is only in a single set. If I can select data from all the other sets, without knowing how many there are, then I can find the ...
FanManPro's user avatar
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How to change the label position when plotting venn diagram from eulerr package in R?

I am trying to create a scaled venn diagram using the eulerr package in R. My Code is below: plot(euler(c( "LUTS"=98, "Symptoms of UTI"=46, "Positive urine culture"=39, ...
Kathleen M's user avatar
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Venn diagrame from contingency table in R

I have a data like contingency table, which display abundance of data, but I want to draw venn diagram from this data fram. Structure of my data: species_abundance<-data.frame(Genus = c("...
Umar's user avatar
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Edge_size not working with ggVennDiagram on only one computer

We are attempting to use ggVennDiagram to plot a few Venn diagrams for a research project, and the simple code I wrote works on my MacBook laptop and my Acer PC, but not on my ASUS laptop (using ...
Stephen Temesy's user avatar
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Create venn diagrams in R with circles one inside another

I want to create venn diagrams to emphasize that groups (circles) are completely located inside one another, i.e., there are no elements in the inner circles that are not simutanously in outer circles....
luccas_loki's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to return venn diagram in .html using flask?

I want to return venn diagram in my html page using return render in flask I have tried so many attempts but nothing works, each plot is possible to return using matplotlib but i did not find a way ...
Saksham Shrivastava's user avatar
-1 votes
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Adding percentages to Venn-diagram using matplotlib_venn

I have a data frame that looks like this: customerid brand 0 A2222242BG84 A 1 A2222255LD3L B 2 A2222255LD3L A 3 A2222263537U A 4 A2222265CE34 C ... ...
Parseval's user avatar
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