I am making a Venn-diagram in R. I have two methods and different taxa found in each method. I want to list the families found in a venn diagram to show: taxa found in method A, taxa found in method B and the overlap between the two. Right now, my families are listed but not within the bounds of the venn diagram.

enter image description here

What I tried:

# mydata
MethodA <- list("Achiropsettidae",

MethodB <- list("Abyssocottidae",

# Generate plot
v <- venn.diagram(list(MethodA=MethodA, MethodB=MethodB),
              fill = c("transparent", "blue"),
              alpha = c(0.5, 0.5), cat.cex = 1.5, cex=0.5,
              filename=NULL, main = "Family", main.cex = 1.5, lty=c(1,2),
              col=c("lightblue","navy"), sub = "Year: 2000", ext.percent=0, euler.d=TRUE, scaled=TRUE)

# have a look at the default plot

# Assign labels for unique regions
v[[5]]$label <- paste(setdiff(MethodA, MethodB), collapse="\n")

v[[6]]$label <- paste(setdiff(MethodB, MethodA), collapse="\n")

# Assign labels for overlapping region
v[[7]]$label <- paste(intersect(MethodA, MethodB), collapse="\n")

# plot  

What I Want:

I mainly want the Phylum venn diagram (with my family names) but I would love the set of diagrams too if I have the option to view them all and view one at a time.

enter image description here


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