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R Customize ggVennDigram legend based on internally defined categories of mapped colors - not counts nor individual intersections

First time posting here... I have a Venn diagram where I have coded certain regions of intersections based on internally defined categories. I want to produce a legend that reflects those categories. ...
dGroat's user avatar
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How to do a Venn Diagramm with ggplot2?

I have the following dataframe: df <- data.frame( group_final = c("EUR", "MAT_EUR", "MAT_Top_EUR", "Top_EUR", "MAT", "MAT_Top", "...
Khaleesi95's user avatar
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How to remove the set size plot and add percentage with the numbers on the top of the bars

I am trying to move away from the Venn plots for anything more than 3 conditions/samples in my experiments. It just become more and more difficult to interpret. UpSet plots using UpSetR::upset() work ...
ktyagi's user avatar
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RNA Seq ggVennDiagram ERROR: `stat_sf()` requires the following missing aesthetics: geometry

I'm trying to create a 5 set Venn Diagram from a lists of lists of differentially expressed genes (after running DESeq2), and because the easy-to-use R packages allows up to 4 sets, I'm using a ...
sometimespetisometimesfeña's user avatar
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How to add superscripts to each circle of a venn diagram using ggvenn?

I am trying to add superscripts to each circle of one venn diagram. I am using the R package ggvenn and these have been my attempts. #Normal situation set.seed(20190708) genes <- paste("gene&...
emr2's user avatar
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VennDiagram: How to show label = item (not count), and exclude character(0), 0 (0%), and related strings?

# # reproducible example library(ggVennDiagram) set.seed(0) small_list <- lapply(sample(0:10, size = 4), function(x){ sample(letters,x) }) names(small_list) <- c("...
Krantz's user avatar
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Is it possible to modify hover text for ggplotly after creating the plot?

Let's imagine I have data on three farms that have different assortments of fruits, veggies and berries they produce. I want to compare all of those between all of them and make a cool Venn diagram. ...
Poiu Rewq's user avatar
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How to create a Venn diagram in R with the universal set represented in the background?

I'm trying to create a Venn diagram in R where the complement set is also indicated along with the sets of interest. By "complement set" I am referring to the set of elements not included in ...
Dunois's user avatar
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Create a Venn Diagram in R to represent rows with the same value from a dataframe

I want to create a Venn Diagram in R that represent the interesection between three columns of a dataframe, i.e. that represent how many observations are "1" for each pairwise comparison and ...
userq8957289475's user avatar
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ggVennDiagram: counting binary items and displaying three sets

The clinical experiment has 10 people give blood samples at three defined time points (t1,t2,t3). Not everyone was able to come to their appointment, so some people missed one or more of the samples, ...
lionelhutz85's user avatar
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R: venn.diagram font size equivalent to ggplot2

Is there any way to choose same font size in venn_diagram diagram than in ggplot2 charts? In venn_diagram the font size is determined by the percents. Thanks a lot! For example, I have venn diagram ...
arto's user avatar
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R: geom_venn how to change font

Is there way to change font style when drawing a venn diagram using geom_venn function? I have tried theme(text=element_text(size=16, family="Comic Sans MS")) but for some reason it doesn't ...
arto's user avatar
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How to edit ggVennDiagram intersection fill region

I'm not using the global ggVennDiagram to edit individually each part of the plot. I'm using a custom named vector to color the group variable, but I get a gray color for intersection region. I'm ...
Archymedes's user avatar
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GGVENN: how to fix the warning message - guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated

I was using the ggvenn function without any problems before, but I recently got this error messsage with the same code. Please find an example that give me the same wrning message. A=c("blue&...
Aurelia Kurtis's user avatar
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Venn Diagram in R to show character labels

I'm very new to R and trying to create a 4-dimensional Venn diagram with a data which contains all categorical variables. For instance, if i have the data below and I want to create a Venn Diagram in ...
Afia A's user avatar
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