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Questions tagged [shinydashboard]

shinydashboard is an R package which provides a framework for creating dashboards using R and shiny.

47 votes
4 answers

How do you pass parameters to a shiny app via URL

In web browsers you pass parameters to a website like I have a shiny app and I would like to use the parameter passed in to the site in calculations as an input. So is ...
user3022875's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Show content for menuItem when menuSubItems exist in Shiny Dashboard

Is there a way of actually showing content in the content pane of a Shiny Dashboard for a menuItem with existing menuSubItems. In the example: I tried to add "tabName = "charts"" to the menuItem "...
Oliver's user avatar
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51 votes
2 answers

Adding a company Logo to ShinyDashboard header

So just curious, is there any way to add a company logo to the header of a ShinyDashboard? As I am looking at the documentation, it describes changing the "logo" in the CSS, this is just ...
decal's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Passing data within Shiny Modules from Module 1 to Module 2

I dont have a reproducible example as the question is more on how modules work. I am trying to understand how to pass some reactive function from one module to the next. I have received replies in the ...
shamary's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

Add text on right of shinydashboard header

How do I add text to the right of a dashboard header sidebar icon? It seems that previous similar solutions no longer work under updates to dashboardHeader(). This is what I am trying to do in a ...
mikeck's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Starting Shiny app after password input (with Shinydashboard)

In this topic is well explained how to start the shinyapp after some password input. I am trying to do the same, but instead of "navbarPage", I would like to have a "dashboardPage". I tried to change ...
Adelmo Filho's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

How to change color in shiny dashboard?

(cross post from shiny google groups) Could some one point me to the tag names that I have to modify the color of a shiny dashboard? Modified from
Iain's user avatar
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25 votes
6 answers

shinydashboard some Font Awesome Icons Not Working

When using shinydashboard I find that some icons seem to work while some don't. In the below example, the battery-full icon doesn't work while the clock-o icon works fine. I'm unable to figure out why ...
TheComeOnMan's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Shiny Dashboard - display a dedicated "loading.." page until initial loading of the data is done

I have initial loading of data from the DB in the server.R which takes a few seconds. Until this is done, the page displayed is distorted (wrong data in selection box, and weird placing of the boxes, ...
KeshetE's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Shiny Server session time out doesn't work

I have a shiny app deployed on a Linux server. I want the app to timeout if there is no activity for a minute. Based on what I read, I added the line app_idle_timeout to the shiny-server.conf file, ...
rookieJoe's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

Shiny app: nothing changes when clicking on action button

Building on multiple stackoverflow questions, I tried to build this app which contains two action buttons the first one shows a data table the second one should open another sourced app but actually, ...
John Smith's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

URI routing for shinydashboard using shiny.router

Suppose you have a simple shinydashboard which contains links created with menuItem and pages created with tabItems: library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) skin <- Sys.getenv("DASHBOARD_SKIN&...
Simon's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How to programmatically collapse a box in shiny dashboard

I'm trying to collapse a box programmatically when an input changes. It seems that I only need to add the class "collapsed-box" to the box, I tried to use the shinyjs function addClass, but ...
Geovany's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to make pdf download in shiny app response to user inputs?

I want to make the table and the barplot generated by my shiny app to be downloadable as a pdf report. I can generate the report with the selected inputs the first time I start the app on my local ...
Loy's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Usage of UIOutput in multiple menuItems in R shiny dashboard

The R shiny script below displays "output$brand_selector" output in subItem1. I wish to display the same output in subItem2 and subItem3. Please help, also when I open the dashboard, the output is ...
Adam Shaw's user avatar
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