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Questions tagged [shinyapps]

Questions regarding by RStudio. This tag should NOT be used for general questions concerning Shiny: those belong to the tag `shiny`.

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R shiny app - rendering is much slower when run on remote server compared to local server

I made an R shiny app which runs perfectly in my local browser on my local server, however the rendering is noticeably slower when I run the same app from my local browser on a remote server. A quick ...
Þórhildur Júlíusdóttir's user avatar
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Why is my Shiny app not generating a plot?

I am attempting to generate a plot using variables in my server code that can be changed- I'm not sure if I am formatting this wrong and that is why a plot is not generating. My goal is to generate a ...
DN98024's user avatar
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how can I set up my shiny app on to work with my googledrive?

Updated post: I'm having issues with my shiny app and its connection with google drive. My app aims to get responses from my team through a visual analogic scale. And I want to connect these responses ...
Baptiste Gusciglio's user avatar
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Call to rsconnect::deployApp failing

In "App.R", all I'm trying to do (in vain) is load config.yml. ConfigFileName <- paste0(RSourceFolder, "config.yml") if (file.exists(ConfigFileName)) { Config <- config::...
Richard Rogers's user avatar
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How to use rclipboard (or another tool to copy from an app) in shinyapps?

I have an app with a "copy to clipboard" button made using writeClipboard function from rclipboard package. I works fine in my computer but when I deploy my app in Shinyapps clicking the ...
Pere's user avatar
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What do to when I get Error when library and lockfile are out of sync?

I am trying to deploy my golem shiny app on shiny io. I am getting the following errors when I am attempting to publish the app: ℹ Capturing R dependencies from renv.lock Error in `...
GaB's user avatar
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App works locally, but listening on forever when deployed to

I have a shiny application running in docker that works locally without issues. However, when I deploy to , the app just hangs until timeout is reached. This is the log I get,...
manuel mourato's user avatar
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Can't run this app by multiple users concurrently in and problem with chromote package

I have created a shiny app to scrape the "google title" from the google page ("") using the chromote package. The app works fine on the desktop. However, once it ...
Sale Forecast's user avatar
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Can two Shiny Application work on same port?

I have deployed two shiny application on cloud via linux machine and on the port XX via IP address of my machine but when i load it only App 1 loads not the App 2, and also the shiny application is ...
none's user avatar
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Allow for Google user authentication in an R shiny app

I am working on building a Shiny web app in R that uses Google APIs. I rely heavily on {googledrive}, {googlesheets4}, and {gargle}. I've also done some experimentation with {googleAuthR} but have not ...
icurtis's user avatar
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Getting libarchive not found error while trying to publish to shinyapp

I have an rmd file with plots and I am trying to publish the .rmd file into my dedicated server. The process starts but then fails all of a sudden. I tried to google a solution but I cant seem to ...
Murtaza Mohsin's user avatar
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341 views gives quartoinspect() when trying to publish Shiny App

Trying to publish my Shiny App through The app works fine locally. When trying to run deploy it I get the following error: I don't have a Quarto document, nor do I know what they are. ...
ColinM's user avatar
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Shinyapp published cant make connect to googlesheets

I made a Shiny app that takes user data and stores it in a googlesheet file. It works perfectly on my local machine, but I can't get it to work once published on I suspect it's a ...
Diego Halac's user avatar
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Error in R electricShine::electrify() Error: ! Failed to evaluate glue component {arch} Caused by error: ! object 'arch' not found

I created a package file using golem. The package build completes without error. However, I am attempting to create an exe file using electricShine::electrify but I get the error: Finshed: Installing ...
bookerbn's user avatar
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Deploying a shiny app on with a bitbucket repo dependency

Problem Definition I have a shiny app that relies on a number of packages mainly from CRAN. Some of the packages have been installed from publicly available bitbucket repos eg: devtools::...
TheDza's user avatar
  • 273

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