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Arrow icon of menu Item does not rotate in shinydashboardPlus

The menu item arrow does not rotate when using shinydashboardPlus::dashboardPage() function while working in shinydashboard::dashboardPage() function. Please see the two codes below: library(shiny) ...
Rezious's user avatar
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How can I render a Carousel in R Shiny that has image and text with SlickR?

I'm working on a Shiny app to develop a test environment for a recommender system in the backend and I want to render some carousels to show the results of the recommender algorithms. I'm using a ...
sebastian fanchi's user avatar
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Update content of shinydashboardPlus accordion in observeEvent

I have a shinydashboardPlus accordion(AdminLTE2 accordion container) that is collapsed when the application starts ; after having clicked a button, I would like to open the accordion (with ...
mazu's user avatar
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Sidebar always minified

I know that shinydashboardPlus allows me to minified the sidebar like the example: siderbar <- dashboardSidebar(width = 50, collapsed = TRUE, sidebarMenu( id = 'sidebar', # Tab1 ...
Thiago Godoy's user avatar
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Hyperlink that switches to a "hidden" tab in shinydashboard

I want a hyperlink to work in practical terms just as a tab button would. This is my code so far (it has two normal tabs and a "hyperlink tab"): library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) ui &...
Ekapunk's user avatar
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Show SweetAlert warning message when validate() is not met

I'm encountering an issue when working with the validate() function of R in my shiny app. So this is a user form, I have an action button on the UI side called "go_to_booking_form_1" and I ...
Liam-Linhai Wu's user avatar
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Shinydashboard. How to unselect menuItem?

I have this code: library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(shinydashboardPlus) shinyApp( ui = dashboardPage( header = dashboardHeader(userOutput("user")), sidebar = ...
Lev's user avatar
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Fix the position of the shiny dashboard header toggle button

In the shiny app below I want the toggle button that shows and hides the sidebar to remain fixed in its position whether the sidebar is hidden or not. Now when the sidebar is hidden there is a blue ...
firmo23's user avatar
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R Shiny navbarPage; values not loading from server

Help! For the life of me, I can't get values to populate from the server to the infoBox in the UI. I've tried to define the infoboxes from the server section, but the infoboxes will only appear if I ...
T2029's user avatar
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R Shiny: how to use updateBox() within shinymodule, to update a box outside the module?

I'm currently rewriting a big shinyapp and I try to shift as much as possible into modules. At some point, the user can choose weather to use stuff that is inside box a) or inside box b). I know how ...
Jans's user avatar
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Remove the click trigger from flipbox

I use the function flipBox from shinydashboardPlus to create flip box and I add a button. The user have to clik on it to flip the box. But the box also flip when we click on it and I would like to ...
John john's user avatar
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Change text in boxSidebar tooltip

I am using boxSidebar for my non-english shiny app, and would really like to replace the 'More' text that appears on hovering over the icon. Can anyone help me with a solution for this? Alternatively,...
Chili's user avatar
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shinydashboardPlusGallery() example does not work

I have installed the R package shinydashboardPlus following the instructions on the official GitHub page in the Demo Section: As instructed I installed ...
Faizan Khalid Mohsin's user avatar
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Create a reactive variable depending on active Tab on R Shiny

I have this simple app and I would like to be able to "catch" the active tab. For example, if I'm on "tab1", my selectInput at the top would be c("a","b","...
K.Hua's user avatar
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Show only one notification in Shiny

I would like to control the phone number by showing a notification : If the user type a wrong number (like "aaaa") If the user type a long number (greater than 10 digits) I used the ...
John john's user avatar
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