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if-statement in Shiny UI: evaluate simple numeric condition calculated in server

In my way to learning Shiny rudiments, I do want to build a simple application that presents a ui with boxes with different background colours based on the value of a variable calculated in server. I'...
Ricardo Rodríguez's user avatar
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change my code from cereal to air quality

enter image description hereI copied the exercise code but it is for cereal, how do I change it to show air quality? I will attach a picture for reference from the book rstudio for dummies. I try ...
Zach Paiz's user avatar
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I can not put more menuItem() in shinydashboard

Here are my codes to build the user interface of my shiny dashboard: library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) ## app.R ## library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) ui <- dashboardPage( ...
Seydou GORO's user avatar
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R Shiny Dashboard - uiOutput not rendering inside tab items

I am building a shiny dashboard and want to include a slider bar with a dynamic range of values. To do this I am generating the sliderInput on the server and displaying it with renderUI/uiOuput. In ...
Nick's user avatar
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shinydashboardPlus flipBox - can see back content through front side

example photo link I am using flipBox from shinydashboardPlus, for my first flipBox everything works well, then since the second one I can see back content through front side. I don't understand why ...
Mapotofu's user avatar
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How to write conditionals(if, else) to display ui elements based on user input?

I'm trying to show different options in selectInput panel based on a condition(number of days given through dateRangeInput). Basically, what I'm trying to do is: the user selects dates in ...
Naveen Reddy Marthala's user avatar
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How to get correct file path after uploading using fileInput using R shiny?

I have a code that uploads a file. After uploading the file using a action button "Save to Database", I store the file name and file path in vectors. In the same app, I have another tab that ...
Arun Elangovan's user avatar
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How to update dropdown list based on the output of action button in shiny?

I have written a code that does the following 1) A simple dashboard page that has various tabs 2) One such tab is upload file, where we upload some file from local system and displays the output in ...
Arun Elangovan's user avatar
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How to resolve error " Error in file : invalid 'description' argument?

I have written a Shiny code that has a dashboard with the following elements 1) Side Bar Layout 2) On clicking Tab 'view', the main panel gets populated with tabset panel 3) On clicking 'table', two ...
Arun Elangovan's user avatar
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How Do I Bring in Google-sheets If Sidebar Menu Item is Selected

So I have a single Shiny application that I am building out. My goal is to try to bring in Google Sheets that have Connected to our Salesforce Database. I have abstracted it to Google Sheets and have ...
R. Barrett's user avatar
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Call an input object from selectInput in UI

I'm using shinydashboard package to create a shiny app. In UI function I have a selectInput, which I would like to use those input later on in the box title but I don't know how could I access them I ...
Haribo's user avatar
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Shiny dashboard page display defaults to plot first. How can I change it?

I have made a shiny app and I cant figure out how to add a front page to it. There are currently 2 side bar menu options, one is a link and other one has subitems in it that displays two different ...
Urb_Ink's user avatar
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Dashboard display issues / layout / plot / reactive / UI

I am trying to make a dashboard on shiny with 3 pages( dtable,sales,forecast), so far only the first - Data table shows. The sales tab displays all the buttons, but there is no graph being displayed....
9minus4's user avatar
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R Shiny Dashboard does not load rendered UI inside of sidebarMenu on initialization

I'm trying to generate a UI element that is dynamic based on how the user wishes to provide their input. I'm using the Shiny Dashboard for simplicity but I have encountered an issue with the ...
zach's user avatar
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R Shinydashboard Showing/Hiding UI Elements based on Tab selection

I am struggling with a requirement if someone can help. I have to show/hide some elements on the Dashboardsidebar based on the tabpanel selection by the user. Here is part of the UI code to give you ...
Manoj Agrawal's user avatar

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