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I'm creating a dashboard using shiny. The select bar of one of my graphics limts the number of choices

With the function pickerInput from shiny widgets I created the select bar. There are twelve options in the in-choice argument but only the eight first show up. In the options, I set 'action-box' to ...
bea-stats's user avatar
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How to use Tooltip with virtualSelectInput in R Shiny to show filter values if text is long and hidden by ellipsis

I've a R shiny application in which I am using virtualSelectInput to show list of values for my filter. But some of my text values are long and the dropbox hides them by ellipsis(...). I see that the ...
Shubham's user avatar
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JavaScript to update active sidebar menuSubItems linked to TabPanel in dashboard

I am trying to build a Shiny dashboard with menuSubItems that should correspond to TabPanels. I need also a button on the Home page that move to these TabPanels. This part is not working too bad. The ...
mazu's user avatar
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R shiny dashboard, show conditionalPanel only when a specific tabPanel within a specific sidebar menuItem is selected

Below I have provided the skeleton of a Shiny Dashboard that I am trying to create. I've fought with this for quite a while and cannot figure out how to make it work. App Current Behavior: Right now ...
Tuo's user avatar
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how to Use updateActionButton twice in observeEvent

I am coding a Shiny App, which generates some plots upon pressing a button. The calculation starts when the user presses the butten, and I want to update the label of the button once it is pressed to ...
nhaus's user avatar
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Rendering image via Java Script in highchart

I am trying to render an image to display it on my highchart graph in shiny app but am unable to do so. I tried this: dataLabels = list( enabled = T, allowOverlap = T, style = list( ...
Navneet's user avatar
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Is it possible to show Google Adsense on Shiny Apps?

I am trying to include Google Adense ads in a Shiny app on On Google Adsense it is possible to create ads without specifying a website, since an URL is not supported. ...
Fabio Veronesi's user avatar
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How can I capture an iframe variable value from Shiny server?

I intend to make a Javascript variable from an iframe available to be readable in Shiny. Following these answers: -Display HTML file in Shiny App -How do I print an input from the R shiny UI to the ...
Lucas Almeida Carotta's user avatar
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How to keep the position of each scroll of each page independent of the scroll modification of other pages in shinydashboard?

I have a shinydashboard app with multiple pages. However, whenever I leave page A and enter page B and then come back to A, the scroll position of A affects the scroll position B. I would like to ...
neves's user avatar
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In shinydashboard how to maintain on the same tabItem panel after click on refresh button

This is my shinydashboard code: library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) ui <- dashboardPage(dashboardHeader(title = p("Title")), dashboardSidebar(...
Laura's user avatar
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Use JQuery/JS to change colour of shiny infobox depending on its value

I want to be able to use JS or JQuery to change the css of an infoboxOutput based on the value contained within it. I am looking for something native (so in tags$script or an external js file) that ...
zimia's user avatar
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ShinyJS toggle applied to shinydashboard box

I'm having issues using shinyjs::toggle. I have a box displaying selected inputs which I want to show when the user has selected an input and hide when they haven't selected an input. shinyUI <- ...
Nathaniel Wigdahl's user avatar
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How to place InputButtons in the Header of R shinydashboard (using may be CSS,JS,html)

I have the below proto-type of my shiny app with two pages and two selectInput buttons in each page. ui <- dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(title = "Header", ...
chas's user avatar
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How to enable toggling between 3 menu items in shiny dashboard sidebar

I would like to make menu items in my shiny dashboard collapsible. I found the post with similar question that had been answered some time ago: solution to the problem with 2 div-s However, the ...
Mark Perez's user avatar
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How to apply JS/ jQuery after element is visible in a shinyApp?

First, as mentioned in that answer: $(document).ready approach won't work because server will not render it outputs until the DOM is ready. Use session$onFlushed instead, with once parameter set to ...
neves's user avatar
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