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Questions tagged [shinydashboard]

shinydashboard is an R package which provides a framework for creating dashboards using R and shiny.

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R shiny - Unable to read input values when calling server via callModule

Main app.R header <- dashboardHeader(title = "R shiny Dashboard") source("projects/customers/ui.R", local = TRUE) customers_server <- source("projects/customers/...
secret.shadow's user avatar
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Reducing width when collapsing a box

I'm trying to collapse a box not only by reducing its height (default behavior) but also its width, so that the other box gets the extra space; a bit like a collapsible sidebar. How to achieve that? ...
Kamaloka's user avatar
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Open url in a new table with out domain in Shiny app

I have created this reactive dashboard: I want to open the url in a new windows and download the document. You can make this manually, but when I click on the ...
Juan's user avatar
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How put a element in middle of the header

I add a button in the header. How can i put this button in middle of header ? app_ui <- function(request) { tagList(dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(title = "Demo", tags$li(class = &...
dia05's user avatar
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Is there any way to get the current user of a session of your R Shiny app?

My organization currently uses the basic subscription to R Shiny. Right now, I'm trying to set up one of our dashboards so that it can perform one of the following functionalities: Enable login (We'...
liam6666's user avatar
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Expand shinydashboard box to keep aspect ratio of facet_grid plot using shiny

I have a select input that allows a user to select years to view a ggplot/facet grid plot. The plot will expand with each year. All that is fine but what I want is for the facetted plot to stay a ...
CatOB's user avatar
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Change size of value valuebox in dashboard Quarto

I'm creating a dashboard using Quarto. I would like to use valueboxes to show a value. The problem is that I don't know how to change the size of the value in a valuebox. In the example below you will ...
Quinten's user avatar
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How to read a logo and image files in www folder of an R Shiny app inside a docker container?

I have created a R shiny app, which has a few logos and images (favicon.ico, company logo etc.) stored in the www folder in the app. I am added COPY statements for all files and I am checked the ...
DonaldS's user avatar
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How to crop images circular in gt tables in Shiny Apps?

For one of the last week's TidyTuesday challenge, I am trying to make a Shiny app on NHL Player's data. Here is the code so far; library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(shinyWidgets) library(...
mzkrc's user avatar
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Rhino Framework for ShinyApps: MaxRequestSize not taking effect

I am getting started on using Rhino framework for ShinyApps in R. I am writing my code in VSCode, when I run the below, the app works fine in my browser. However, whenever a file is above 5MB it flags ...
Phil Lina's user avatar
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try to find the mistake in my code error in parse ,missing coma shiny?

This is the error: > Error in parse(file, keep.source = FALSE, srcfile = src, encoding = > enc) : C:\Users\zeine\OneDrive\Desktop\CAST > Lifeactuary\App-1\App2/app.R:39:1: unexpected ...
Chay's user avatar
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How to calculate a geometric mean based on cell values?

There are the table 1 and table 2 as shown in the script below. I have the following task: (1) The 1st row of the table 2 should represent a geometric mean of the 1st and 3rd rows of the table 1; (2) ...
firuz.safaev's user avatar
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Shiny Download Handler not working for plots

I am trying to save the plots created on my shiny app and it works perfectly fine for the CSV files. However, I am unable to save the plots for ggplot2. What can go wrong in this case? I get the ...
Ravua1992's user avatar
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How to use selectInput as a reactive across modules

I am currently building a shiny app using golem framework and attempting to use modules however I am struggling with connecting modules. My current paired-down app consists of 3 basic modules: 1) ...
CatOB's user avatar
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Use actionbutton to display box() and table initially hidden, but then use it only for the subseting of the table

I want to create a shinydashboard in which I have in the sidebar a selectinput() with all the column names of iris dataset, in the main body inside a box() we have a datatable of iris which is ...
firmo23's user avatar
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