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Questions tagged [shinydashboard]

shinydashboard is an R package which provides a framework for creating dashboards using R and shiny.

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How to assign remove events to dynamically created buttons?

I'm building an R Shiny app where I can dynamically add UI, and each UI has its own button to delete the UI. Each button has its own name with the pattern of "delete[number]", such as ...
LinguiniThePasta's user avatar
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How to deploy my shiny application (with multiple files) via Docker

I want to deploy a shiny application composed of files ui , server and global via Docker. All the files are in the folder deploy_test I simulated this dataset set.seed(123) dir.create("...
Seydou GORO's user avatar
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Object not found when building a random forest regression

I am working on my first shiny app, trying to build a random forest regression to predict the arrest charge for a Crime Dataset. I got an error said object offense_category not found when running the ...
Chivosner's user avatar
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Main .rmd file to fetch data from multiple rmd files

I have three dashboards - dashboard-dec-23.rmd, dashboard-jan-24.rmd, dashboard-feb-24.rmd. All three dashboards has huge number of charts under multiple tabs and columns. Now, I want to have all ...
Priya's user avatar
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Display shiny widget only for specific tabPanel in shiny dashboard

I want to display a ashiny widget only when specific tab is selected. Now I cannot display it all. ## app.R ## library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(shinyWidgets) ui <- dashboardPage( ...
firmo23's user avatar
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How to use Tooltip with virtualSelectInput in R Shiny to show filter values if text is long and hidden by ellipsis

I've a R shiny application in which I am using virtualSelectInput to show list of values for my filter. But some of my text values are long and the dropbox hides them by ellipsis(...). I see that the ...
Shubham's user avatar
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Arrow icon of menu Item does not rotate in shinydashboardPlus

The menu item arrow does not rotate when using shinydashboardPlus::dashboardPage() function while working in shinydashboard::dashboardPage() function. Please see the two codes below: library(shiny) ...
Rezious's user avatar
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How can I filter rows based on a delimited string in R?

I have a field in my dataframe that is a delimited string. I have a checkbox input with possible values. I have a radio button with two choices: "Any" and "All." I compare the ...
Eddie Rowe's user avatar
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R Shiny GGPlotly labels moving to incorrect locations

I am trying to put labels just above the bars in the GGplotly horizontal bar plot. Initially the labels seem to embed in the very top of the plot. I want them to move just to the right of the bar. I ...
dlarson's user avatar
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Shiny Dashboard dynamic content issues

I have a working version of my dashboard without any dynamic content, but when trying to improve upon it and add some dynamic content, I am running into issues. This is my first real attempt to add ...
G Adams's user avatar
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Adding states labels to plotly map created using plot_geo

I'm working on an R shiny app and I have a dataframe with States and Population data that I'm trying to plot with plotly. This is my code: # create a vector of state abbreviations abbreviations <- ...
Angelo's user avatar
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Download formatted flextables off of shiny app

Is there a way to download flextables outputed in a shiny app? I know that this code is used to download tables from shiny into csv format but I would like to be able to download a flextable to word ...
confusedindividual's user avatar
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Compact shiny dashboard

I am trying to generate a compact shiny dashboard. I have tried different options like renderTable, themes to make the output compact but still the output is very sparse. The tabs are also not looking ...
VSR's user avatar
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I am using the R Package shinydashboard, now the dashboardSidebar is NOT showing in black background

Here is my code: dashboardPage(skin="purple", dashboardHeader(disable =T), dashboardSidebar( dateInput("ProjectStartDate", "Start ...
guna's user avatar
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How can I render a Carousel in R Shiny that has image and text with SlickR?

I'm working on a Shiny app to develop a test environment for a recommender system in the backend and I want to render some carousels to show the results of the recommender algorithms. I'm using a ...
sebastian fanchi's user avatar

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