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Questions tagged [htmltools]

htmltools is an R package that contains tools for generating HTML output directly from R.

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Changing table line borders to something similar to kable LaTeX

I have the following table and I would like to know if there is any way to change the table format in a way that the separator lines can not only be displayed horizontally, but as a cell grid just as ...
JK Lambert's user avatar
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header style not working when putting a button in the header of shinydashboard

I managed to put an action button in the shiny dashboard's header. However, when applying styling using tags$li, it only applies to the sidebar. When removing the tags$a portion, the styling gets ...
WannabeSmith's user avatar
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How to save diffObj as HTML that's readable by a browser?

The code below compares two vectors and creates the difference, diff_content, formatted as "HTML". Typing diff_content in RStudio's Console brings up this table in the Viewer: However, when ...
ixodid's user avatar
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R Shiny table how to format html code correctly in expandable rows

In my shiny app I display a table (reactable) with an expandable row. I would like to change the background color for certain words, therefor I use html spans. It works fine for the text in the ...
volfi's user avatar
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Package ‘htmltools’ version 0.5.0 cannot be unloaded

I am trying to launch a RShiny App but each time i get this message error: Package ‘htmltools’ version 0.5.0 cannot be unloaded: Error in unloadNamespace(package) : l'espace de noms ‘htmltools’ est ...
Sophie Cvl's user avatar
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The shiny package will not load after installation

I tried: install.packages('shiny') library(shiny) Got the following message: Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘shiny’ in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]): ...
BHope's user avatar
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R Obtaining a self-contained html file for tag list

I hope somebody can help me with this. I have a package that uses htmltools and reactable to produce html reports for some operations, for example: columns_def <- list( ProjectID = reactable::...
IfLoveWasBornToDie92's user avatar
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How to perform looping and iteration of a script in R?

I am running an R script to analyze some biological data. Example of the snippet data and script is provided below. This data file has many columns (but I would like to focus on 5th column- Gene). I ...
Mohammed Toufiq's user avatar
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render grouped list in HTML

I am trying to make an HTML detailed elements by group (grouped or nested). The function div_detail_each format one row and stored as shiny.tag class. After that, I nest by group and unify the tags ...
Captain Tyler's user avatar
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Using for loops to generate html content

I am trying to generate html content using a for loop, but I am having problems in how the content looks in the html. Lets say I have a Rhtml template and I want to generate paragraphs in a for loop: &...
Bruno Guarita's user avatar
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Generate html code using lapply() with multiple arguments

I am trying to generate several html paragraphs in a loop using lapply(). These paragraphs are in a data.frame and the data.frame have more columns with details for the paragraphs (class, id, etc). I ...
Bruno Guarita's user avatar
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Encode character to HTML in R, the CRAN way

Before voting for close as duplicate please ensure that it does actually answer my particular question here. Questions may look similar, but I haven't found an answer for mine. Thank you. I am ...
jangorecki's user avatar
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How to avoid Error in load Namespace using R

Am trying to launch a shiny app using the below command. Rscript -e "shiny::runApp('test-app', launch.browser=TRUE)" However, I get an error as shown below Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib....
The Great's user avatar
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Replacing the attribute value of an htmltools::tag

Say I have the following tag: library(htmltools) t = div(name = 'oldname') I can overwrite the 'name' attribute of this tag using t$attribs$name = 'newname' but prefer using htmltools getters/...
user51462's user avatar
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Set title of leaflet for R web page

I am using the R leaflet package to generate a map. When the web page is created, the <title> element of the web page is set to "leaflet": <title>leaflet</title> I would like to ...
David M. Kaplan's user avatar

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