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Questions tagged [htmltools]

htmltools is an R package that contains tools for generating HTML output directly from R.

29 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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change size of plots in htmltools::taglist R markdown

I am trying to use a loop in Rmarkdown that prints a leaflet map and plotly graph side by side (the loop iterates through vegetation types). I am having trouble getting the side-by-side to have the ...
kingmidaz's user avatar
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Add or update attribute to an element and all sub-elements

I'm working on a full page layout using fillPage(). For a box to be able to stretch vertically, all elements that define this box need to have a style = "height: 100%" attribute (or so I'm told). Is ...
krlmlr's user avatar
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Add new line spaces between elements of an htmltools::tagList in an Rmarkdown html page

I using htmltools::tagList to display a list of plots in an Rmarkdown html page. Let's say my list of plots is: set.seed(1) plot.list <- lapply(1:3, function(i) plotly::...
dan's user avatar
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Add an interactive Check Box to a Flexdashboard in R

I'm building a flexdashboard out in an RMarkdown document, but I've run into issues with interactivity. So I've gotten a solution in shiny up and running, but the issue is that at my place of work we ...
obewanjacobi's user avatar
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Package ‘htmltools’ version 0.5.0 cannot be unloaded

I am trying to launch a RShiny App but each time i get this message error: Package ‘htmltools’ version 0.5.0 cannot be unloaded: Error in unloadNamespace(package) : l'espace de noms ‘htmltools’ est ...
Sophie Cvl's user avatar
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The shiny package will not load after installation

I tried: install.packages('shiny') library(shiny) Got the following message: Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘shiny’ in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]): ...
BHope's user avatar
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Apply a recursive function to a nested list while preserving the classes of sublists

I have a nested list called inputs: library(htmltools) library(shiny) inputs = tagList( selectInput('first', 'FIRST', letters), checkboxInput('second', 'SECOND') ) str(inputs, max.level = 1) ...
user51462's user avatar
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How can I correctly resize all plotly plots encapsulated in a javascript tab?

I am new to handling html objects from R and I am having an issue while trying to create html tabs from named lists (the target document is html pages obtained from RMarkdown). Long story short, while ...
MiddleC's user avatar
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Add dependencies of shinydashboardplus in shiny

Below is the code for shiny app that I am using. shiny::shinyApp(fluidPage( # Give the page a title titlePanel("Telephones by region"), # Generate a row with a sidebar ...
Williams86's user avatar
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RMarkdown: Access objects made in html in later r chunk

If I have the following code to create a checkbox in an RMarkdown flex_dashboard, how do I access the variables created by the checkbox for later use in the code? --- title: "Temp Dashboard" ...
obewanjacobi's user avatar
1 vote
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Installing htmltools in R gives me unable to load shared object

When I try to install htmltools using this command: install.packages("htmltools") I get this error: Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : unable to load shared object '/gscratch/...
kjrgreen's user avatar
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HTML code generation for generated graphs in R

How to generate HTML code and assign it to a variable in R without saving it in an HTML file? (i.e) the function must be like p <- pairs(data) res <- htmlcodefunction(p) res output must be ...
Darani Shanmugam's user avatar
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solution similar to include_graphics that works inside div

I'm trying to determine the best way to include png images inside multiple nested divs within R markdown. I would love to use knitr::include_graphics() but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work ...
Zac Garland's user avatar
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How to have a ReactShinyInput inside a ReactShinyWidget?

I have just started playing with the reactR package in the hope of having React elements usable with Shiny R. I have got project with the scaffoldReactWidget function setup and working quite nicely so ...
Pavel Khokhlov's user avatar
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appendContent can't be used in a Shiny render call

The funciton addSearchGoogle from leaflet.extras is throwing this error in a Shiny-app: Warning in renderWidget(instance) : Ignoring appended content; appendContent can't be used in a Shiny render ...
SeGa's user avatar
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