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How to link to CSS with htmltools?

I understand htmltools can be used to link to a JavaScript file: htmltools::tags$script(src = "") But how would I link to a CSS file, ...
DiamondJoe12's user avatar
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How do I attach a CSS dependency to my Shiny app with htmlDependency() and tagList() from htmltools

I'm trying to attach a custom css stylesheet to style my shiny app. However I haven't had much success. I know that there is many ways to do it, but according to chapter 4 of Outstanding UI with Shiny ...
data_science_newbie's user avatar
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Shiny app as function, where to put www/ folder, CSS, JS

I am attempting to convert a relatively complex shiny app (3-4 modules, 8 CSS/JS files) into a package with one external function that builds an instance of an app for a given input (build_myApp(...
jatkins23's user avatar
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htmlwidgets::saveWidget produces html file with default style="padding: 40px"

By default, the html document created by the htmlwidgets::saveWidget which use htmltools (for example, htmlwidgets::saveWidget (reactable(iris))) has the following attributes in the body tag: <body ...
boris's user avatar
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DT Shiny different custom column header by column

my css skills are extremely limited but assuming the following example: sketch = htmltools::withTags(table( class = 'display', thead( tr( th(rowspan = 2, 'Species'), ...
J. Doe.'s user avatar
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