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Print single charts via loop with highcharter in rmarkdown

I would like to print single charts created in a for loop as tabbed content using the packages rmarkdown and highcharter. So far i have only succeeded in displaying all the graphics in one tab. The ...
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Grandchildren elements are not rendered, using R htmltools::tagList to generate HTML for paged pdf

I am trying to create a paged pdf report in R, using pagedown together with htmltools::tagList. Each page in the report is supposed to bring together field survey results, mainly images ande tables, ...
v.eriksson's user avatar
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ggVennDiagram in lagList in R MarkDown

I am trying to embed Venn Diagrams to my report made in R MarkDown. I have dinamic number of graphs so I generate them by for loop. I know that R MarkDown has "problem" with loops but I find ...
tomsu's user avatar
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R - markdown how to print list of dataframes to "Tabbed sections"

According bookdown documentation in 3.3, there is functionality to hide chunks in to the tabs. I occasionally use it, but I can't figure out how ...
prdel99's user avatar
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How to link to CSS with htmltools?

I understand htmltools can be used to link to a JavaScript file: htmltools::tags$script(src = "") But how would I link to a CSS file, ...
DiamondJoe12's user avatar
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How do I put a GLSL script into an `htmlDependency()`?

The htmltools::htmlDependency function allows me to set Javascript and CSS files as a dependency of a tag. This means I can have tags on a page that use the code without including multiple copies of ...
user2554330's user avatar
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Boostrap Buttons Wrapping when they shouldn't be

I can't see why the Search and Clear Buttons wrap onto the following line after Postcode. I've used the last example from the Button Addons code from here.
Chris's user avatar
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how to direct to the link via .tabsetpill

I would like to direct to the relevant link when I click on the .tabsetpill is there any way to get around this? Many thanks in advance. --- title: "" output: html_document --- # ...
Seyma Kalay's user avatar
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RMarkdown: Access objects made in html in later r chunk

If I have the following code to create a checkbox in an RMarkdown flex_dashboard, how do I access the variables created by the checkbox for later use in the code? --- title: "Temp Dashboard" ...
obewanjacobi's user avatar
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Changing table line borders to something similar to kable LaTeX

I have the following table and I would like to know if there is any way to change the table format in a way that the separator lines can not only be displayed horizontally, but as a cell grid just as ...
JK Lambert's user avatar
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Including external markdown file covering inline code through includeMarkdown

I would like to include external markdown file covering inline code as well. Once I hit the Knit on RStudio, it does show only code text rather than the actual value of sys.time. If I place the ...
ozturkib's user avatar
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solution similar to include_graphics that works inside div

I'm trying to determine the best way to include png images inside multiple nested divs within R markdown. I would love to use knitr::include_graphics() but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work ...
Zac Garland's user avatar
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Add new line spaces between elements of an htmltools::tagList in an Rmarkdown html page

I using htmltools::tagList to display a list of plots in an Rmarkdown html page. Let's say my list of plots is: set.seed(1) plot.list <- lapply(1:3, function(i) plotly::...
dan's user avatar
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Rmarkdown - printing a list of objects without showing those pesky [[indices]]

This will be a little wordy, as without proper context I cannot see how I can ask my question. Without going too much into details, in my summarytools package, I have dealt with by() objects by ...
Dominic Comtois's user avatar
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How to use tags with special characters in htmltools inside rmarkdown document?

In a rmarkdown document, how may I use HTML special characters inside a tag with htmltools package? If we write in a r chunk of a rmarkdown document something like this htmltools::tags$th("&mu;")...
Leonardo Motta's user avatar