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How to write/share an html document created in R using crosstalk and leaflet

I've created a filterable map using crosstalk and leaflet in R, and I'd like to share this with coworkers as a standalone document: library(leaflet) library(htmltools) library(htmlwidgets) #example ...
Eric's user avatar
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Grandchildren elements are not rendered, using R htmltools::tagList to generate HTML for paged pdf

I am trying to create a paged pdf report in R, using pagedown together with htmltools::tagList. Each page in the report is supposed to bring together field survey results, mainly images ande tables, ...
v.eriksson's user avatar
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Insert image (file or R object) into existing html file from R script

I include two ggplotly() graphics in a html file, eg. library(ggplot2) library(plotly) library(htmltools) g1 <- ggplot(data=data.frame(x=1:10, y=1:10)) + geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y)) g2 <- ...
user2955884's user avatar
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How can I correctly resize all plotly plots encapsulated in a javascript tab?

I am new to handling html objects from R and I am having an issue while trying to create html tabs from named lists (the target document is html pages obtained from RMarkdown). Long story short, while ...
MiddleC's user avatar
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How to load a local HTML file in R with htmltools?

I'm having a hard time loading a local HTML file. I tried with xml2 and it gives an empty file. With htmltools and its function includeHTML I get an error message. library(htmltools) rawHTML<-...
laurent_grouet's user avatar
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RMarkdown: Access objects made in html in later r chunk

If I have the following code to create a checkbox in an RMarkdown flex_dashboard, how do I access the variables created by the checkbox for later use in the code? --- title: "Temp Dashboard" ...
obewanjacobi's user avatar
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R Obtaining a self-contained html file for tag list

I hope somebody can help me with this. I have a package that uses htmltools and reactable to produce html reports for some operations, for example: columns_def <- list( ProjectID = reactable::...
IfLoveWasBornToDie92's user avatar
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How to perform looping and iteration of a script in R?

I am running an R script to analyze some biological data. Example of the snippet data and script is provided below. This data file has many columns (but I would like to focus on 5th column- Gene). I ...
Mohammed Toufiq's user avatar
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solution similar to include_graphics that works inside div

I'm trying to determine the best way to include png images inside multiple nested divs within R markdown. I would love to use knitr::include_graphics() but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work ...
Zac Garland's user avatar
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Add new line spaces between elements of an htmltools::tagList in an Rmarkdown html page

I using htmltools::tagList to display a list of plots in an Rmarkdown html page. Let's say my list of plots is: set.seed(1) plot.list <- lapply(1:3, function(i) plotly::...
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