Breaking News: Terrorism/Homeland Security

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Newswise:Video Embedded can-terrorism-end-humanity
Released: 1-Jul-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Can Terrorism End Humanity?

The latest episode of the Curious by Nature podcast, titled “Can Terrorism End Humanity?” featuring Zak Kallenborn and Dr. Gary Ackerman, is now available on Spotify and Apple Podcast. In this episode, Dr. Ackerman explains the concepts of Direct Attack and Indirect Attack, while Kallenborn elaborates on Spoiler Attacks.

Newswise: Climate change impacts terrorist activity
Released: 3-Apr-2024 9:05 PM EDT
Climate change impacts terrorist activity
University of Adelaide

Changing weather patterns induced by climate change are contributing to shifts in the location of terrorist activity, according to new research.

Newswise: New vaccine against a highly fatal tropical disease – and potential bioterror weapon – demonstrates efficacy in animal studies
Released: 21-Mar-2024 3:05 PM EDT
New vaccine against a highly fatal tropical disease – and potential bioterror weapon – demonstrates efficacy in animal studies
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences

A vaccine against the bacterium that causes melioidosis was highly protective against the disease, which is endemic in many tropical areas, causing approximately 165,000 cases with 89,000 fatalities around the world each year. It is so dangerous that it is categorized as a Tier 1 Select Agent of bioterrorism.

Released: 7-Mar-2024 3:05 PM EST
Haiti is close to becoming a failed state
University of Miami

Gangs have attacked the airport and jails while the de facto prime minister was out of the country. University of Miami experts discuss the nation’s future.

Newswise: Preventing tragedy: FSU expert examines suicidal motives in mass shootings, terrorism
Released: 21-Feb-2024 9:05 AM EST
Preventing tragedy: FSU expert examines suicidal motives in mass shootings, terrorism
Florida State University

By: Amy Walden | Published: February 21, 2024 | 9:21 am | SHARE: According to the Gun Violence Archive, the United States reported 656 mass shootings in 2023. When it comes to understanding and preventing tragedies such as murder-suicides, mass shootings and terrorism, some may question why assailants in these cases are motivated to kill.

Released: 17-Nov-2023 3:05 AM EST
Terrorism rather than pandemics more concerning for those with those with authoritarian views, analysis shows
University of Exeter

Those with authoritarian political views are more likely to be concerned about terrorism and border control than a future new health pandemic, new research shows.

Released: 6-Nov-2023 8:05 AM EST
Media Tip: How Argonne is working with banks around the world to prevent weapons proliferation
Argonne National Laboratory

Nonproliferation experts at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory are helping the financial sector in partner countries avoid inadvertent support of illegal weapons trades.

Released: 12-Oct-2023 7:05 AM EDT
Experts on the Israel-Gaza conflict from Bar-Ilan University
Bar-Ilan University

Experts on the Israel-Gaza conflict from Bar-Ilan University are available to speak to the media on matters such as the role of government during crisis, Hamas and terrorist organizations, military strategy, and Communications in times of crisis.

Released: 5-Oct-2023 4:05 PM EDT
New study looks at attitudes towards political violence
UC Davis Health

A new study from the UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program reveals a complex mix of attitudes, concerns and beliefs about the state of democracy and the potential for violence in the United States.

Newswise: UWF awarded $460,000 grant for development of military training program
Released: 10-Jul-2023 9:50 AM EDT
UWF awarded $460,000 grant for development of military training program
University of West Florida

UWF has been awarded a $460,000 grant by the Florida Defense Support Task Force to support the military training efforts in and around Florida.

Released: 30-Jun-2023 2:05 PM EDT
Find the latest expert commentary on the recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions here

Newswise offers a roundup of the latest expert commentary on the recent decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Released: 6-Jun-2023 8:30 AM EDT
New Report Highlights U.S. 2021 Gun-Related Deaths: For Second Straight Year, U.S. Firearm Fatalities Reached Record Highs
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

A new report from the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions analyzing 2021 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data reveals another record year for firearm fatalities.

Released: 1-Jun-2023 1:35 PM EDT
Fentanyl Can Be Weaponized. Preparation Could Minimize the Damage.
Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Rutgers experts have identified risks and created a basic strategy for protecting public health.

Released: 12-May-2023 3:30 PM EDT
Immigration Nation: Research and Experts

Title 42, the United States pandemic rule that had been used to immediately deport hundreds of thousands of migrants who crossed the border illegally over the last three years, has expired. Those migrants will have the opportunity to apply for asylum. President Biden's new rules to replace Title 42 are facing legal challenges. Border crossings have already risen sharply, as many migrants attempt to cross before the measure expires on Thursday night. Some have said they worry about tighter controls and uncertainty ahead. Immigration is once again a major focus of the media as we examine the humanitarian, political, and public health issues migrants must go through.

